The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Mar 1911, p. 1

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d 0 cfi t bitickin en ABeh s( 0 on w % sA dWR rnsali>% lt 7 anclichid P a I fln L Sagia sys ) Sestnaninh s . ) >\ 4 ied d . sohnggey edanrt ' SATURDAY, MARCH 18 1911.l : 4 + . ..v-'. L #.3.4 i P m j WILLING TO SPEND | aane Hxtans hed d | . In passing more of the supple-- mentary estimates the word "condi-' i tional" 'was added to the words "ta" " . provide _ increased _ accommodation'"' > opposite the item of $5,000 as a grant wl o rureh io roprotenne redn ncmnth 4 to the Board of the Winter Fair. « } The sum of $367,214.02 was voted j 3 « + : for colonization roads, distributed as| But Government's Immigration follows:--North "division. $144,397.27; | west, $27,22%0; east, $75,067.7 5;1 | | & Temiskaming, $91,750; general, 8$28,--| > P0l|cy IS NOt GOOd' l 774. A new vote of $146,915 was| made for public works and a rovote nf.' hy comiy comomnmmmnans u4 d $29,150,. | T y Townsite Management. SAYS ALLAN STUDHOLME. P Hon. Mr. MacKay asked whether anything were being done to ohbviate n efARecs the criticisms © that -- were made against the Government's policy nf; s nc 4 retaining one town . 186t in four in "Litile Nip."* People May Obtain Re-- |! northern Ontario in new townsites.| o egererits Lo: . l Hon. Mr. Cochrane replied that the] tief by special Legislation--Town-- Temiskaminx" & ' Northetn" Oniariol site _ Management -- Subjected . to Railway was doing much to build np'_ s the north country, and the Govern--| Criticism. ment thought the nlan followed was Clb cimn oi are lt a good one, to hold one lot in four for the people. 4 x9 Inquiring About Timber. -- JLCW AA \\ 6.,4& The Ontario Government's policy Mr. Stock has given notice that on of immigration and colonization \\':ls" Monday he will move for an order of subjectea a searchi1 'riticism by|' the House for a return of the con-- F l,'J":;, R t: ,,l,v;p]' (!l ;g |(T. lll;, ',,.l." tract between the Government of On.-- Mr. Allian Studholme, Labor member| tario and A. E. McKillop & Sons, for East Hamilton, in last evening's|, Limited, dated February 4. 1910, re-- session of the Legislature. -- Mr. Stncl-;f specting timber in the Rondeau Pro-- hoime declared that he would not ob--| I\»l(r:("izlnpftl}:}: ;:;1';1 félrlxln (:::re'sr:)\nn;'l:;r:c('c. lect to the expenditure if he thought| sentative thereof and the Government the Government was getting f-'"""i of Ontario or any member or official } value for it, but he could not see th';!tl' fFf('-'f":n:;'lt:'fiprii};fgg|12{1(22(};fi*"filn'f"z; 3 ara & $ ..' 0;' P has -- viC C € CC it was. when' it paid. §5: it Hread ["1! otherwise hbetween the 1st of July, farm laborers who did not stay on | 1909, and the nresent date. s s3 the farm. He also found fault with] im iaaannmamans the Salvation Army receiving money |} i for bringing out workers other than| sPECIAL COMMFITEE MAY HOLD farm laborers or domestic-- servants.| MEETTINGS DURING RECESS He thought the Government would do t' TO CONSIDER MATTER. ? better to emulate the Canadian Paci--| memecmumpmemmmmgs I fic Rai_l\\'u,\' in the policy of (-s:tuhli;«"n-l There will be no amendment to the ing men on ready--made farms. If | Ontario insurance act this session.f something better were offered to .thO' The -special committee which has been ( colonist in northern Ontario than Im' considering Col. Hugh Clark's bill de--| was offered in the west a great many| !cided. yesterday that there wasi more would be induced to seitle in | {not time to _ properly consider thei Ontario.. With all the resources of4 many clauses, and ador:ted the sug-- | the north there was surely no neced g'neissgi%rrll (17)2 gfz)t]ue{i f{'.onflog'}'n;hfi:girfif-l % -- R : 4 6 ~a 9 :z A & ~ for unemployment in any of -- ou: ture to hold meetings during the re-- | cities. Settling that land would hbe cess. ' the best thiag for the Empire. we':e no'ilmll;ear;md()lfagfiarii i\fn:;g&;g;:; T;gi Little Nip. Bill Read. presented a -- lengthy memorandaum | _ F oc m kA iinpe "Wirke embodying their objections to the bill. | o ps > & ver sus , Phs ruh.'\ o1 th" fioute Aor: 3 'IThey objected strongly to the clause» pended during the afternoon to permit 'requiring companies to attach to the the introduction of a bill by Hon. Mr. policy a copy of the application. They Hanna with regard to-- the Little '?ilgl?ngpr?ltigstte\gh:\lrllatthgheap(;)llai?:?iorrl'";; * nget + 51 U Taral suck ie % i % 7 'at s .\1p1>=mg (.Ul)d.t Silver Mining Com made :out by an agent of the com pany, Limited. It was, he explained, pony it shall be deemed that the act special legislation to meet a very ex> -- |of the company was unfair. At pre-- treme case, but he thought the cuml}- sent agents fill in the statements as liOI'lS \\'h'Ch \'xiStP(l \\"a!"!'nnle(l this !COH\'inOnC? to the assured' and the course. The "Little Nip.'"' people, he +i companies hold that they should not f said, had discovered irregularities in , '! suffer where the assured makes a § the issue of their stock; some six hun--| "t'alse statement, simply because the dred _ odd thousand dollars' worth of 'lagent has assisted in drawing up the it had been distributed, not only in application. o . Canada, but in markets elsewhere, in Col. Clark pointed out that in v such a way that it was impossible to ; J cases careless agents in appli-- distinguish authorized from unauthor-- ; l cations without regard to whether ized certificates. They asked -- legal| + the articles covered were correctly authority in this bill to assume the| described or not, and yet the assured outstanding dirregular issue of stock.} was held responsible in '.':asle of. dis-- The bill was given its first and second pute, and his policy voided. The s readings, and referred to Committee| companies thought that so long as of the Whole House on Monday. ' the gam(; r,;t thetall)'phcslmt 1\:1&?) sxg;)neg] 4 fak CPhandk NBX to the statemen re shou e heic Business Rushed Through. i responsible for its context, but it was Second reading was given to a num--| pointed out thf}t this 161:? him at the ber of. Government bills, and progress| mercy of the "hurry--up" agent, who in committee was made on several flashes a filled--in application before others as well as on several private thi:hastur('d(.i' am']t gets him to sign billsg. without reading it. The reports of the standing com-- $ A representative of a number of mittees on public accounts, printing Canadian vessel--owners asked that a;:d lugri«:ulturo were presented to pl'O\i'isIon betmalde to allow t:\ or-- the HMHouse and accepted. ganize a mutual company to insure The special committee ~on . ingur--, hulls. In Canada at present, he said, ance reported that the proposed hi_ll" it was difficult to secure adequate in-- would nct be praoceeded with thlé] s surance, both marine and fire. The act session, but that further time would governing farm mutual companies was be given to the public to becom& not wide enough to allow vesselmen acquainted 'with its uvrovisions. and , | to form a company among themselives, the committee asked to be author«-- and they wanted the matter taken ized to meet during the recess. 'l'.hzsi up. HMon. Mr. Foy informed him x"aslfi)!'r?ntfid. )jn lr;eply }t{n a ('e;xest]ltir'll tl'lattt hisbriequesti: was dforei(gln 1:;) .thg _ Mr. MacKay, Hon. Mr. Foy matter being scussed, and advise said the commiitee favored dividing him to seek special legislation. The fire insurance from other' insurance committee will meet again in a month. ; in the bill, and this would be con-- | + ! sidered when they met again mm es %

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