+ Pn 3 ' "Bxing the grant according to thf%ber Pprovided for this year was~ $50,000 ' _ _of patients, which was increasing. s but for 1912 the needs of the Commis-- | ,_ j3 1 [ Why Sataries Vary. d ow have been r:aced at $70,000. ] p tA ;"'\ Capt. Machin asked why the salary of ew Veterinary 'College. f * i If Le the Local Master of Titles at Kenora, in 'arg'tgofig::t{:c;m%iggdafge";) Veterin-- L4 } r an is 1 &*~" 'his constituency, $1,200, was so much lower propriation of $50,000 ; this iys in :g- than that of the Master at Sault Ste. dition to the $20,000 voted in the su L'ar'e, 32.0(". Was not the cost of llv'ng plementary (lstimates for the purcha.ls'e just as great at Kenora? he asked. Mr. of a site. The Ontario Agricultural Hearst (Sault Ste. Marie) explained that College is to purchase additional land; the salary was based, he thought, partly '55.000 will be voted for that purpose. f on the earnings of the office. Mr. Machin Two hundred thousand dollars is 3 / .also asked information why the Sheriff provided for the new Governmgnt * «-- / __jof Algoma was paid $1,200 while other House, and $190,000 for the Parlia-- f * | :Sherm's got $1,000. Mr. Hearst pointed ment buildings. Of this amount $50,-- YA CY l > I \ '; * * idat> 000 is for the reconstruction of the $/ * sout that the Sheriff of Algoma is also west wing, $100,000 for the north d described as District Treasurer. addition and $30,000 for library fit-- _ h. arar t' C Mr. J. McEwing (West Wellington) ask-- 'tings. These sums are to be voted B s MA ed why the appropriation for technical in addition to those spent d.urinx the | l education for 1912 is only $96,300, while ']ast'year. The new Provincial prison 4-.:'7'" that for 1911 was $103,700. The explana-- at Guelph will require $75,000. This \ will cover general expenses and--erec-- / tion was that this year there was the 'tion of buildings 3 } * a s __¢ iamount of $187,400 in some special appro-- | o s '~' 'priations not required for 1912. | Money for the North. a @ | Mr. Valentin Stock asked why the cost ! _ The needs of the north are being o of salaries and expenses at the Hospital met by several new votes. Fort Wil-- $ ' MV * _ 'for the Insane at London was only about Ham is to receive a new Industrial S twice that .of the Cobourg institution | Home (lttba cost Ofri$'~0.(§)00. while $5,-- l ) 60,800 and $30,110, respectively), wherea IOOO c ar Port Archur "In conmectnng fes." y ($Ot P ¥)« 8 House at Port Arthur, in connection the number of patients was six times as with which Mr. J. J. Carrick voiced large (1.078 as against 1603. Hon. Mr. a complaint in the House several days :' Hanna explained that the cost of admin. ago. Lockups at Hilton and at Mich-- Th 'Astration was lower per capita in the ipicoten will receive grants of $500 'larger institution. and $800 respectively, and $5,000 is e \, s m to be spent on) the Fort Frances mme-- s Court House. o An additional $8,000 is to be voted T¢: . ESTIMATES []VE for the maintenance of patients in ; is. municipal sanitaria for _ consump--| | tives. K ~d EIGHT MILLIONS iFor Industrial Education. . The vote for education is a little |smaller than this year. The appro--| mmmmnh mee shoane use ipriation of $20,000 voted in the sup-- plementary estimates for carrying on 2 f « Ievening industrial classes under the : !Heavy Expendl'(ure Needed on new technical education bill is con--| ' A ltlnucd in the main estimates for 1912. 1 Capital Account. \ --| A Little Tiff. t ' Sir James Whitney and the fighting «i { e t en ,| !member from Port Arthur had an-- ¢ I'FOR EL $¥\ 1 other little tiff lnh the House. Thefe' | i 4 ' _ | trouble arose in the consideration o ECTION EXPENSES. the bill respecting the municipality * of Shuniah. The bill provides for the' smntsaemmmmemirmimazusens mss § doing away of the special assessment . 4 of lands in Shuniah, where several 1 Important Gov , y . 3 men hold large blocks of land by pay-- : f | h f Crnment: (Dills Gifeh s ing nominal taxes. Mr. J. J. Carrick, ts Third Reading--Hon. J. S$. Dufft' x Y 'who introduced the bill, urged that, 4 Refuses k w '. \I the special assessment was holding B ' 'cfuses to Make Provincial Milk: \| back development, and it was report--| Standard--Mr. J. J. Cartick Rous--, '~% ed with a proviso that it was not to§ d._';'. § 3 | 3 \ come into force for two years. % ,'.'\; es Sir James. ; ~--__| * When--the 'bill was taker up in| T¥ : lcommittee Mr. Carrick tried to move| «/ Eve + y--m~mmmmnain | | an amendment to have it come into| \Pus 'force at nnce;. He referred to t'm':| Y An expenditure p ; o . meey original bill giving special assessments "M dight mill)lion dol;TaOf ;Onsldgrabl) over l as an '"iniquitous'" one, and declared | t th 4 ; rs is provided for in } that he was entitled to have anything' i e main estimates for 1911--1912, removed that was holding back the, : Itabled in the Legislature yesterday development of the north. } : afte': noon by Hon. A. J. Matheson. In \A Reflection on the Comumittee., | yR \l}'i:fi:;g' t}:hep est'imates before the | The Prime Minister took exception | 3 e rovincial 'Treasurer ex-- | to the word '"iniquitous" as a reflec--| J * imained that over five hundred thous-- jtion on the Private Bills Committee.| and dollars of the amount asked for 'The member had no right to move an| f Te was for expenditures on cabitai | amendment _ without having -- given $ count, for th § ac-- j , notice. When Mr. Carrick asked if f » e new Provincial prisor, he would be given another -- oppor-- j the Government House, Parliament tunity to move an amendment he was buildings additions and the new Pro Ee O"" hgime ulse Mof cMhe, ' i vine 1 i s . House. ] matlzl ""\rIuseum. Otherwise the esti-- '"You can move an amendment on ere substantially the same as the third reading," remarked Mr. W.; s las'lt'hyear. H. Hoyle.h who was acting as Chair--, 6 e total curren ; man of the committee. j % the year is estimat:de:':en?;t;l;;g :1011' **Don't suggest, let him find out for| ,332,411, s himself," said Sir James. i @ ' capital account expenditures will re-- § | quire $625,500, while for colonization | Milk Bill Goes Through. "é:; and mining roads $133,000 is needed | _The new Government milk bill was bringing the total estimated expendl-' given a third reading. A number of| | f + ture for the year ending October 3 inmendments were made in committee, C 1912,. to 1$8,0 & October 31, | but Hon. A. G. MacKay failed to con-- * ,090,911. | vince Hon. Mr. Duff, Minister of Agri-- o4 For the General Election , culture, that a ~Provincial standard & Tj * for milk was better than a multipli-- a 1e Senelfal election in 1912 is 'city of them, as the bill leaves room j a foreshadowed by the increase in the :for. The clause to which objection was | a 'amount required f F o | taken gives power to each municipal-- A | The Provi(xllcial T::a:lue:et:?n fxpenses' ity to fix the standards and regulate the : i tfor $125,000 1 s asking conditions surrounding the milk used -- | A or general expenses, and ; within its boundaries. -- The Liberal a an additional $3,500 for a revision of tleader again pointed out that a pro-- "d o voters' lists. _ The preparation of ducer who sent milk to several muni--| voters' lists in unorganized territory cipalities was likely to have several | will require $14,000. different standards to live up to, ac-- h Another important increase is one cording to the ideas of each city. The & s of $20,000 for the expenses of the Minister of Agriculture thought that ~ e |Hydro--electric Commission. The sum k 'general standard would have to be a .e C % . /A Omb --_' s se 3A