° W & C L L i a m - " wl +4 .»r,.:",. uy : Tlow one and that many municipalities| . would not be satisfied with it. "Let it stand that way for a year 4 ' and we'll see how it works," he add-- ed, and with that the bill went share. | through. is P \ "We r}fcognilze withd cordia!r?x:lpt;t;- | Chairman's Power N. ciation the zealous and unwearie = | 0t Extended. forts of your Excellency to promote The technical education bill was the great interests that concern us ' a'ls% ?nen its third reading, several all; to stimulate the confidence and yerbai amendments being made. The hope of the people in their own coun-- *ILiberal leader's objection to the clause iry; to lend cheerful aid in behailf giving the Chairman of school boards of 'every useful undertaking, and to the right to nominate members of | encourage the advancement of the advisory boards was recognized and | community in education, in science that portion of the clause struck out. and in art. } Several other measures, statute re-- y . visions and private bills were put Has Helped in Evolution. 'through the final stage. __"By arduous journeys your Excel-- Now For Standard Cars. ) lency ha§ been ?,'e{'(,segnéoa:,';itto t;:: 8 en Mr. McNaught's bill providing for ;(I)lurgt}:'aym;loemm courage and energy standard pay--as--you--enter cars, being which Canadians may well try _to an amenflment of the Ontario railway emulate. The éxertions of your Ex-- act. I?t(:b' wtas passed through _ the cellency in the successful creation 911' committee stage and given its third the National Park at Quebec wil x'()z'll'dhlxr-legé bills amending the voters' c(,mmemc;r;dte s a:l "tr)?:tu;xea\l'lénq:g' & ® & events | lists act were consolidated, those of figgpffi,s';ers>ed in the establishment Mr._ Norman, Mr.flEl]iott and _ Mr. --~6f British rule in this Dominion. The Hoyle. Also two bills amending the various elements in our population Surrogate Courts act, Mr. Brewster's have found in your Excellency a vig-- f "'3ir games Wihitne?'s Bili, "Fof the seEA aite ceummelioy in aftairthf ] a~ s j i counsello protection of persons employed in the gf:fee' : ':;ffil and helpful friend in construction of buildings," was passed (he r;fmral, material and social evolu-- through committee without amend-- tion so vital to the institutions of a ment. ngw country. It is our hope and be-- Te in ienanntamnaaatntinatan lief that in the generations yet to e come this historic figure in the de-- + velopment of Canada will be insepar-- FAREWELL MESSAGE ed name and services of your Excel-- lency. T0 HIS EXCELLENCY for "The Province of (.)ntario. C which we possess the high privilege l of speaking, wishes to record its deep sense of the ability and Fdevc;}ionv }: i i i M 1uty displayed by your Excellenc) Legislature in Resolution Re ons aine o4 covernor--Generantand i ; i i t e that a public career so con-- y grets HlS Leavmg' s?,i(};'lfgns as the source of honor and { of usefulness to the State may be * weo-- 2k ki zcce pro]onged very many years to come. ' In thus bidding farewell to )'lOl:il' %':' ma s se f ellency it is our desire to include the many LOYAL SENTIMENTS. ;racious lady, her Excellency _ the j c Countess Grey, and other members of hee. 2 hok x t al N the family, who, by many proofs of * kindly interest and hospxt%hty. halve 'Q deared themselves to the people. Appreciative References to His Excel-- * x 2\',39 would ask your Excellgnctsr ugo lency's Eff convey respectively to his Majesty the ency's Efforts to f Promote Best King--Emperor and to her Majesty the Interests of This Country, and to & Queen--Empress the assurance of ou(ll' 3 8 * joyal attachment to the throne an 4 and Social Evolution of Canada. vent belief that this, the Coronation ~ \ vear of their Majesties, is the be-- " R ginning of a long and illustrious \' reign, accompanied by the rich bless-- A resolution of regret at the ap-- ings of libeyt,v and_ cpntentmelntifor % ap all the nations \\flthll:\ the' %%r ou; proaching departure of the Govern-- Empire to which we owe devoted an or--General from Canada was moved willing allegiance. : eommnmmntemmemmemmmmmmmmmen mm en by Sir James Whitney and seconded e en by Hon. A. G. MacKay. Sir James simply said, in introducing the re-- solution, that when last year Earl . Grey was about to leave the country, but had been asked to remain over, and now his time of office was soon to expire, it had occurred to him that the honorable members of the House '\ would not like to let the occasion go ' by without expressing their endorsa-- tion of the sentiments conveyed in f the address which he begged to move. The motion was carried on a a;*and- I 4 ing vote. The address was couched | in the following words: . '"'We, his Majesty's loyal and faith-- ful subjects, the members of the Leg-- islature of the Province of Ontario, ' in session assembled, desire to express, on behalf of ourselves and of the peo-- ' ple whom we represent, our sincere ; regret at your Excellency's approach-- ing departure from this country. r A Period of Progress. ' '"'The years during which your Ex--| ' cellency has represented the King--; Emperor in Canada have been co--; incident with a marked progress and . prosperity in all that pertains to the life and well--being of the nation, with a deeper consciousness of the value of the great heritage left us by our * fathers, and with an enduring fidelity f _. to the Empire in whose traditions ; > and achievements we are proud to