"W. -ee _ _ WV , V.-. TY . L' _ . = _ , " l THURSDAY, MARt; 23, 1911. r"e' END OF 7 HE t SESSION ---------------------------------------+ --_.------ SOME MEASURES Formal l Prorogation Will OF IMPOR TANC'E Take P lace To. . ------ marrow '. During the session the Legisla- ture . Passed a measure taxing steels l transfers and race trucks. and in- LAST AFTERNOON ' l. ttreusing the tax on railways and i express companies. FULL OF BUSINESS Approved a tire per cent. tax on bar receipts. -------- Amended local option law. mak- ' ing residents alone entitled to . . - vote. Bilingual Debate Short Extended the jurisdiction of the Mr. Ferguson Submits Hydro-electric Commission. _ Defined P.A.Y.E. cars. an Amendment . Gore city power to purchase To- ronto Ju'leetrie. Light Company. Passed bill to provide for tech- nical education and industrial . training. .-' At 6.40 o'clock last evening the passed a new milk bill. Legislature cleared the last item of Set Provincial standards for swat- business from the order paper, and folds. adjourned to meet again bn Friday Corrie" 1tsolutions ttgains-t ttei- for the formal prorogation. The after.. procity and in favor of the use of noon session was a busy one. The bi- English only for instruction in the I lingual resolution of Mr G Howard schools Ferguson, of which notice had been ----------------e-_ -- on the order paper since early in - ==u-r.='T.C2.T.iaL"arcr' _c_.__ ----- February, was taken up, but the ex- pected tireworks failed to materialize. instead of moving his resolution in its original form the member for Gren- . ville introduced an amendment draft- ' ed hy the Government, which went ' 'little farther than to declare that the jEngiish language should be used ' (wherever practicable. This, as Sir tJames Whitney later explained, prac- itically embodies the principle now {running through the statutes dealing with the question. The Prime Minis- ter referred to the investigation Dr. Merchant, Chief Inspector of public and separate schools, was making, and . declared that it any of the abuses al- leged to have occurred were found the Government would take steps to abolish them. There was no debate upon the resolution. Wider Powers For Commission. Mr. w. K. McNaught's much-dis- cussed bill to enlarge the powers of _ the Hydro-electric Commission by giving it Jurisdiction over all private companies, as well as municipal sys- tems. was carried after Sir James _ ' Whitney and Hon. A. G. Meegcasr%ad icroslsed swords. The Liberal leader I vigorously objected to what he termed an operating and competing body ' l'having' Jurisdiction over a private . ;company. Hon. Mr. MacKay also at- .tacked Hon. Mr. Cochrane's bill de- :ciaring that the purchase of land . 'bordering on navigable waters gave ithe purchaser no right to the river bed. The Toronto bill was amended to give the city power to purchase the Toronto Electric Light Company's plant, to issue debentures for the amount, and to appoint a Board of Commissioners to manage the mum- (cipal light and power system. 'Bilingual Resolution. In introducing his resolution Mr; lFerguson said he had been credited Ywith almost every motive under the sun, and-he wanted to say that his sole object has been the interests of the country at large. "I want," he continued, "to secure better facilities for teaching the Eng- lish language throughout the country. I don't wish to say anything dero- gatory of any class pr creed or peo- ple who come to our shores or may _ be here to form a part of our citi- zenship. True, we have colnintr.over