([in the rest of the Province," he re--| j _ :A marked. ' , _ _ Bir James warmed up in speaking of the effect the bill would have on summed up the request of the depu-- the rolations of the Toronto Elzctric tation as amc;gntt'ing to this: th»,t,t asl Light Company and the city. re-- soon as it cou e done, some system presentative of the company had toid should be inaugurated of taklngl him that they rested their case upon care of these people who have be-- , the fact that under the provisions of |come a charge on the country and | the agreement with regard to the dan. were likely to a greater charge ger of poles and conduits they |through their children to come. _ He were given . a practical mon-- urged the need of almost immediate opoly of the str;ets ";)f .To action. i 4 j i8 h ronto. "And that," e said, "is an ; Hon. Mr. Hanna, in reply, sa e impossible _ condition." _ Sir James : felt like one constant apology since closed by declaring that he had come coming into the room. There was to the conclusion that the Hydro--elec-- this comforting fact, that the effec-- tric Commission being an expert body tiveness of a deputation might fairly was better qualified to dea{' wit(llx su'c{h be measured inversely by the length s than another oard. e of the speeches. 'waalt':'ry !'G'D\ldiated the Statement that Therep were s many present' '. the Commission was in any sense a he said, that the fact of their com--| competing and operating body. ing, and coming in such nufmbers. as % the outcome of a campaign for a year Only Common Sense Required. '| past in this Province, with Dr. Helen Hon. Mr. MacKay, in reply, said |, .| MacMurchy as one of its enthusiastic he could not understand why sucl; beads, whose 1wm;1k ha(}ll atttrahcteg at-- as the laying out of lines o tention not only throughout the Dom-- ;';ilzgsand lines was a matter only for ; | inion bu} beyon{jh it, tSh(f)utlg ,gean ®perts. "It is merely a| some action on e part 0 e Gov-- frlgag'c%'f gorl:lmon sense," he remark-- l ernment in the near future. | ed, "and if your'hM'u;\ti'giga:)g(t):l;dfi:'::; f Dr. MacMurchy's Report. ?t?'tnhi'z'ndlo t MTYs Dr. Helen MacMurchy's fifth an-- €-- a f nual report to the Provincial Gov-- Work at Prison Farm. f ernment on theri"Ca,;'e otfhthe I<eell;l{36 f t minded in Ontario'" for the year fllgn. ":k }é%f,gamgi\heé ivnaya(;)ctm:zg- has been issued. The report reviews | Y ti iiwothe Prison Farm at Guelph, what has been accomplished, and ' tablishing d the work contemplated goes into detail on the matters of the and out!ineem ear. His address was danger to the community and to pos-- ! oo reole to y ti. by Mr. Hugh terity from allowing the feeble--mind--| in reply '0.3) 'f':)'; ;': or'de'r tor a Te-- ed to be unguarded and unprotected, . Clark (Bruce ti the certain increase in their num--| turn giving this information,. fbts of berg, the possibilities for their greater The Minister told of the rec;: o s happiness and usefulness if properly the farm in produce. The dairy was cared for, and the work done by vari-- a good source of supplies. The pris-- ous organizations in this direction. oners had been 'emliloyfid "Otr?r::xig: The transactions of public bodies in the farm, but also in stone Europe and America, investigations and dimension work, and in buildlnng, into conditions of backward and de-- tioned. the concriete bridge\:):mt ct:)} % digesti OS public opinion, are also ; the prisoners. 1 J summarized. :'i\ree;g rr'l)()an nbta{)ned good pOSitionS at-- The report concludes with the ur-- ter being discharged. td of the 66 gent sugglestion ofi the tnctefid of (i;glwl- . Allan Studholme told o e ob-- ernmental prevention o e poss = vjec'\tiilc.)n': raised "by labor unions to ity of marriage between people who short--term prisoners being employed are mentally and physically.unfit. and | and taught trades, thus bringing them 'points out three steps which would | into competition with free labor. be a beginning in this much--needed ; anmmmmmmmmnmmesmmenprmmm mmmmsmenmesmememme umt reform: an enumeration of mentally | 2s n g, defective children in the schools, an || y oversight and control by the Provin-- i| URGE BETTER PRUVISIUN | cial Secretary's Department of all r feeble--minded persons who become a & public charge or break the laws, and FOR THE FEEBLE--MINDED omecantts dorent Sn en in accordance with enlightened public womnmmmemmmesteaesemmamemes mm s | opinion. t * DEPUTATION CALLS UPON PRO-- ' | y e VINCIAL sECRETARY AND AsSKSs PROMPT ACTION. A deputation of persons interested C in the care of the feeble--minded waited on the Provincial Secretary yesterday to urge upon the Gov-- ernment the need of prompt action in the interests of the people at large' with regard to this matter. | _ _ The delegation was introduced by| : his Worship Mayor Geary of Toronto, ; ! and the speakers included Mrs. Lyle of Hamilton, Mrs. Archibald M. Huestis, Toronto; Dr. Charteris, Chat-- ham; J. R. McNeillie, Lindsay; Sheriff Cameron, London; and Mr. J. M. Mac-- : donell, K.C., Kingston; while other prominent members of the deputation were: Mr. Torrington, Toronto; Mr. Alex. Lewis, Toronto; Mr. Carter, Rev, , Dr. Turnbuli, Mr. S$S. Arnold, Rev. Father Minehan, and others. _ _Among the institutions and bodies . represented _ were the Associated Charities, the Infants'® Home, the Na-- tional Council of Women, the Ham-- llton and West Algoma Local Coun-- lclls, the Salvation Army, the House-- + hold Economic -- Association, Travel lClubs, the Culture Club, and various 5( other interested organizations. The Municipal Committee room at the A Legislative buildings was crowded with those earnestly desirous of urg-- ing immediate action on the Govern-- ment. Besides Hon. Mr. Hanna, there were a few of the members of the House present, including Dr. Smellie of Fort William. and Mr. Allan Stud-- ¢ holme. y After the case had been ably pre-- '|sented by the speakers, Mayor Geary . las