ili, d "-,e ----; _ ' nicevéwmpliment the met-"tit: 'd Pub- , . I', an oncd its proposai? In it going [the" orks paid the Attorney-General. . " allow Mr Beck to continue? Sir ' It is essential in constitutional ". _ James in his appeal to the people practice under British institutions " _ stated that this was necessary. that that the Cabinet should be united," 4 I; "it" :lesirabie for several reasons. continued Mr. Rowen. " venture to '. "or apt, he will inform the House say that the people of this Province In at these several reasons were. and have. never witnessed in any period of Ithen perhaps he will take the House ourhistory the public scandal of three? (,ijii,ii his fe,1'idt,yt and MW? tho rea- Cabinet Ministers coming to the peo? .tns wht this change was abandoned. pit: regarding a matter for which they Horns wondering whether in that out. were responsible and each making a ton, apparently inspired. that the different SDN'Ch as to the policy of lmember for South. Grey gave. the Government." lWhethcr there was an indication as' Tho Liberal leader then took up the 'to Why the Prime Minister opposed boundary nuestion, and asked it the tthe change. Was the Commission absence of any reference to it in the getting out of hand? Had Mr. Beck sptioh from the Throne was due to 'tfufi'n the. bit m his: teeth. and the. n deslrotoavoid omharrassirurtoht [fume Minister, wishing to uppr the town Administration. He reaffirm i icurb, by tho indirect method. iis,iin the Liberal position on this teem, 2'(l., 'him to come in, whevr as, a member vt-laring that it the dr/v/rrGri-mTi"r'fi', ti] 1 lot the Council he could be kept in upon Ontario's full rights to aS rs/til l icheck ? on James nay the Opposition would' '; lProtet-t the Municipalities. ttIve its whole support. I [ " _ l "r trust that a definite announce- No Tax Reform. l 1""ent will he made that the Govern.. ' Mr. Rowell marveiled at the lack 1 iment has abandoned this proposal. of rMororwr, to tnh" reform in the} l ..'The interests of the municipalities spcrtwh. an" ttttrl the drtlrtrations of" F ;demand it, and their rights should thr, two Otlawa Slipporters of the {not be endangered. We can congrat- Administration who Irdodzed them; iulate, the municipalities that this pro.. ':selves to support any bill that aimed 330.8511 has passed on the. scam [to tax incomes and business; assess-l ii 'The whole blunder is character- ment, etc., at a lower rate than land] stic of the policy of this Govern- . ' 'ment that where they jump thev Hencomplimcntcd the Ministers Upon! ,jump without due. consideration, their good sense in following out the' 'jwithoutt proper care for the public {glitch} out" their tgedecessors in record. n ores. e ".' . . . o., but seVort-ly, ' Referring to the absence of any scored Sir James for bovine user] the} Intention of the Federal subsidy to announcement of the construction of; 'tlhe T. & N. o., Mr. Rowell won- the Elk Lake trxtottgion nf', a ltrilte. i 'dered whether it was omitted in or- t We ' r . lder not to embarrass the friends of, r eek Ettore Llcction Day. , the Government at Ottawa. I I'he people of, Elk Lake repeatedly: f The Government's pre-election) requested the Government and thc", gspread on the bilingual question was' 'if),t,',1.tysri11,or,1, .t? g1}:('.th("n that "mm". :shown up in a way that visibly wor- 21212.01] crass: hunk}; got no mus-l 'ried the men in the Trees x - . . W on "" contest was, lches. ury Ben , tom's;1 sore; with the (lovernnnntl _ c . . . t r'nttt f F irple, . (r "H 'The Prime Minister declared that 1"ann1'i"nas,t"a/nth7tJj,s/iriy/1n,i'ir; .ny.t sith-l . there was no such thing as a bilin- of the copre ."f tl ".llf mHWKm'": igual school," remarked Mr. Rowen.; (tho ('Celi'r,"n' (cfrrx?(nt1' d "Wk hem"! land forthwith began to read from the fthat this Elk (La: "t 1,nef'?,.nf.y,T',1 public accounts a few extracts such; {built e )ranch would be ins: T. C. Rochon, In.:p -r'tor of bilin-' I, "Th . .... Eguai schools, salary $1,700; V. H Ga-' 'iC02,esf/,et"tTt'i,tii.pig'g,pt,s,s took tele_ . Iboury. Inspector of bilingual schools them to the .19 ttl/yy! showed i salary, $1,700; A ' ' . ' F peop e, saying: Unless l .3. l ' . Belanger, Inspector :iou elect a supporter of the Gove of bilingual schools, salary $1,700. :rment the line will not he built or will i Are There Bilingual Schools? , e greatly delayed.'" l I _ "Pq i This Mr Row l i t ( "More," commented Mr. Howell, one of the trd,h"J,'"t1s)'sl,'rre,'",, as' . [amid Liberal applause, "is the Gov- pie. had witnessed in alone toi "SO-l ifTNmOfnlt lpaying three men as inspec-i many a year. i me-l ors o oi ingual schools and 'et the ' . l fare no bilingual schools! l? will th: The "Blind Pig" Industry. i iPrime Minister, now that elections' _Takinz up the t1ourish!rv.r Condi-.; Lare safely over and he has got free tion of the "blind pig" industry Mr L- from that portion of his supporters 'x Rowen explained the system tinder: who were pressing him so hard, ad- 's, I, which the Government escapes Home; mit that there are bilingual schools?" N, for selling liquor on its trains in in")! Sir James looked disturbed. Then north country by handinz that privil came the Attorney General's turn ege (we? to the Grand Trunk dining}, The Liberal leader lead his much; "is and Sharing in the protlts 1 quoted statement that if bilingual, ' b 7 n the closing portions of his ad- l"110013 existed it was against thei _ ggcsst he criticized the Government! aw. . l r is neglect of th . , What has Fo Bee D o I "we He srtirl tht. rVo/ostftt,nnTohu/iouJitttiivii, y n Ding, hold Judgment until the Government "1 can only say this," said Mr announcOd What the new policy Rowell; "that if bilingual schools can: 219"}? be, bubbe warned the Prime not exist according to law, what ha T ".11th that ff that polit'v was not the Attorney General, head of tn: " "39"""5'. Progressive one the Op- Department of Justice, been doing for: position would keep ul, its tight. years, when they exist and the pub- Stop Rural Decline lie accoiunts show payments made in "Th Die . connect on with them? l c 'ASUH prvrcsing and urgent This.tyurerep Hon. Mr. Foy, and he ?1::\3t-1(I'f .9?" l'rovincc," deciistid Mr. rose with a challenge. "What would rtdo tit) in" measures would in: you have done?" he asked Emil: (Lu. (ninth would arrest the dc- "Entor " . b . rural Li Jun . . I Rowell ced the law, replied Mr. Sew settlers to 'llv"lC,1l')aliien'plpinat1.e. u . 0H t epopuluted areas. an A C . - 2,'ou//a",p"i','. "By seeing that the settle the great, l'Crititd' oeee.,./y, and sc oo aw was carried out." This areas " northe u .turricultural wasl too much for the Attorney-d/ir. thriftv Lui 'r,r/1e,fll,.si1(Yei,? win a era . "No, no," he , " . - " 7 _ .( , ' tttiS li pooplh. down, amid laughterprotested. sitting to1e1pt1,jl,1(,i,1sjyrjj,i,,ivirrc'i't rctrlize that . . a ' f -. _. ' t 10 istnu'l.c of Can; . '... Hon. Dr. Rottmne's Turn. 1l,//iil,crr'sr' lbt'HVct'll cast and iii-:14 ill: r. tint in svmmw .0 ' ' . Dr. Reaume's uncomfor . " (should l't't ilv , . q 1911'" CJntupio followed. Mr. Howell 1r,shrel'Y 'iitiltl f _'h'C)'ir'erldll'hiilivn,ttty'iiy",c,,ttort,i,t of our the Prime Minister, anxious to J/l/f, i'btrlt mm. Jt'lr'v,iidl"1svliltut'nti' great clay the tide of protest Hon. Mr. Fov'; r ithosse who irioii'." 1iil tut I flrizyss like marks had caused, appointed the we- wr,ttld haw- Quip-2313: old '.on.t'ario, We ister of Public Works to give an l would hind CC" l the link which, terview repudiating Mr. Foy's Vi lli- vhuvo with], Hits-Lil" uni. ynd would, as to the position of the a'v'cism),ll2't". and iiist-pttruhi'. 711,131" 01 oul's one; " James rose to object n . "Th, Govrst, td nou und forever. ,' statement. to this ulnar a new {hilly-"Fm suggests that it! _ "Well, then, the Government an I , tit to disclose lit). bin in has not we"; " - - _F3elvv,.-ar.,""" H; a??? him to give it. corrected Mr.' I rum. Minisuu. intro"! "fill,,. lo , the) "ugh i th G I i113)" tr, toll Us What thi IIS lama"; o tt e ove n o . V/tu ' 'r, -."' C - S po_ic, . , ' ed Hon. A. G. Jlf,)'ierra's'Pf,nttd; vinquir- the 'i'as"tT,',,et1'wit1,r,,e' of .the futuie $5.1! The Liberal leader r d nee. discids/i/ t,, find this policy wh . f H D ea the tail-end tt, is utterly in: d ' en 0 on. r. Reaume's Statement i meet the Situatio " a equate to which he said that the people 'Wh" By reason of 3,; were protesting against bilingu'i ,titude of the G I, t unprotrreatrive at. .ochoola knew nothing about them a. I ulation of 'r'i'rli'oli'f,ird/Jtn,t, the depots. _ " . ' unsettled . main.. I am sure all will appreciate the [ our tirtltser xl'elourceg ..