Fr me being rapidly "New?" Child?" in Mr. Bowen's proposals as either ne- of in eirtiiftttii, from 31.200 to $2.000 . . many sections are compelled to leave cessltating the boundary line to be whch is sought by rtrilwaymen who. M "hm" without Suitable. education. drawn in the Waters of Hudson Bay 'on account of absence from iriG'us','i9i', 1llll human life is Doing sacrificed to or to leave Manitoba without a port put to added household eXpense A 'te,,? diseases whiph might be prevented. on that body of water, which the deputation asking for this recently (in: and tho ttooptrl and social wcMare of Government declined to consider. waited on the Provincial secretary - 5'" tht- peoplr is being neglrrtel. On- The proposal which had been de. . T' t: f.)' tarlo is rapidly losing hcr proud poui- cllned at Ottawa wtur-4et the bound- That Farmers Bank Deposit. l tion '2: the i'ol't'nuwt Irt'ovincrx. ary run down the middle of the r. H h Munro, it" If tho St'\'('ll Sim-livl's will "wake we Churchill River, and let the port be sd'.. Diggthe yrrf)irdPg,ttrq,riac,ve b' Q lf'tt this side of the House will do our common to both Provinces. We en- deposit with the Farmers Bank" 3 , loom, to co-opt") with them in car- deuvorcd to get this proposal of ours What was the amount of such d t' lrF'in: forwnr'l growt- IsroTrissivo mon- 'ncceptcul," {said Sir James. But apart t posit? Was this deposit subse ll tle,; , ' .surm for tho hmwtit of the pooplo but from Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Sir Richard I increased? If so, ara was It end Y 1 " iif [my will not awake we shall not t'nrtwriuht. Hory, Wm. Paterson, Hon. posit so increased? To what "so e- A" lot-33.; 'trlt' ('thul'iS until we awin 'ho Goo. Graham (in sepulchral tones) was it increased? unt " 't-oumry to m... but that they 'y'"ily11 William Lyon Mackenzie King Was any request made to th P , nslm-p. and \xlwn the nt-xt olm-tion from the Province of Ontario turned vinoial Treasurer or any'oth e ro- 'i' comes round Ill.» tumult" will giro Ontario down. The matter of the Ivory-of the Government to 'i'l['fi'ute'et'l,t, 'i, tin-m on ophortuniti' for prolrmp,vd 1f,'1nd,a,ri'i21d 1"Jt"'C)"eexf, eiteflmll') St}; amount of the Government aegis": 1 t , . 'tmP'tt .,. 'trlt 9-. nines m et , t e ex I . , .. . . "A! 'mmhll'pl d I" :0 able to make an announcement to jfyst,h'2,fnwgi'"i/"g2:request" made? V" Q I '" _ . J: c . . " . I C' L . A .xttltt Not " In it ity . . the House in a few days. What amount had the Province on L', . Mr Rowen P "vii tin PM .Sir Expected T. & N. O. Subsidy. (it'poslt with the Farmers Bank at l . ,.xe', \-~~l;:':'s . co . _ ' . T _':., . Spill}? limit!" i',',' ironing}: ff,,,' "lf,",", Without replying to the charge that lag-mill?» when the bank suspended T north GM "with"; revenue for ttw the exttrilsltil ol the I'. & N. U. to Elk l Will the Province recei . ' l I .' V ' Luke was timed to turn the tide .ot h r ve any divi- . V lytrminirm. " MBt . the election in the riding of Temits- "en'i,fr0m t, 0 liquldator in respect 'i 1 "Tho Government. he remarked. kaming in favor of the Government, in this deposit? 1 l "1,001" "Wm ", with"; ll j) 1.";.l;n,,l.".:V' St James justified the extension and . Mr. Wm: Proudfoot (Centre t ll c look 1ll)ttll a soil ct in (in than. intimated that the Government pro- Huron) s.C11l .ask the Gov- 3 lg. ft w tte lie; posed to make even further exten- {fitment if Bir Willhm Mere- , ', i,' " . "m" "H p. sions. He expected to secure a sub- Mills .rerprt on workmen's com- I " . l Sir James Whiitwy's reply was sidy for the line from the Dominion pansatxon has been receivrd? What ~ t'char:trttsristinlly lil'llStlilt'. llw paid a Government. q'_s.T,islntiot1 .t'nt Government Proposes 'e? {tribute to lion. A. fl. Marlins: ox- Sir James promised that the ttues-,' on the subject this srssion and what _ T" v'jrc:csin,.r:r,. llll' appreciation of himself tion of tax reform would be delegated ', correspondence has there been on thi . land his culit'nu'iws of the "llt'll' ht, was to a special committee of the House, question? , , i, us at various times in I'urjiirnwnt-,lwhen the revision of the tenement act; Mr, It. J. McCormack (East Lam's V , ir.rr Work." llt- FlHlli'l' of.llr. lthCll comics up. , ton) "HMS to know how many mpdel '_ " ins "in: mum!" to Wish llllll anything Sir James resented the imputation, St-hnnls \Vt'l't' in oh'"Istemcr, prior' to . llwttt-r than tln- sumo tlcs,rresp of tlst'-. that the Cabinet was not a unit on'Jhnnury I. 1905; how many in 1909: 1, , it'ulnnss as Kiln! ot' the hon. gentleman the Hydro-electric policy, and declar- and 12:12, and is it the intention dt' b, iwho sits at his" (ft." ed tIli sth-' _,f,1'vteornirte,eh.t'eauhd pur- My» (humrnntr-nt to restore any morvi ..., . . . , sue t e ac name o is u imae com- "11111.12 3.111.015. l , _ i'"; Words l)t~iol'tul. lpletion. Col. T It. Atkinson (South Nor~l r' Tho I'rittw .\lini>te-r 1Vli.c,' none too _ .~. folk) has given notice of a number _ cordial oVf't' Mr. Howl-H's st-h. He Increase Exemption. ,f mutation; regarding steps the Gov-l :"l'W'Ctml to 111.. :~'trit'turt-:1 of the Lib- Mr. 11eDiarmid (East Elgin) will t'r'rl1rit't"st has taken or proposes tol q :orul lt'nill'l- that h.- lm'l t't"':ll'tlt'l the introduce a bill to amend the assess-Ice to upun up the may belt. l {immigrant 'lylfl liursility. This was Ell ment not to inereas" the exemption _______ , distortion of thr, t:rc'ts. "Ninw, l tell I "e----"--"-'--'------.-------- l h' _ him. that uut~.i(l<'~ of all ethical con- b T. silrr:ttlltns. that t'ttllryt', is one which - '_- N. - never gains " 11ml] anything in nublit" ----------------1--cr, _----',-,-..---, -"-'-"'"------------------------------------- i/ or toriviitrs "to. l would new-r dream iT T of Ruth a Ih1rr: as t'tideni'orini,r to W K S 0 ES .1 , twist the int-unit]: of Words which an l NE SPEA ER IN HI R B, l . il UIJIWHHH of mino may limo ttsod ml ------------------------------____--._______________--__» ' '. ordlr.r. ill-"ll ill" list: npryc tttight {like "l M a . illl'trllllllj sl lllt'h 'HI' "DINING!" tleVCr ' , 7:)tvtul.».l to have '..,n\~1.t-(.,,t.~ ,/ i' _ Tho trl-ttiv, 1""'l'i'lll nllit. i'ulidix'ts ll" l t. f ""5"" 'r" 'h, immigrant. co fur as the t () ' ' . 1 _ l't"l'3nv-" 1Vri= want- rnod, Sir .lnmwll lesser) I I tt ; pointwl not. =":t< that "t"'ty. limo! l , I /t ' _, 'nunv' "Us uni-l "'ll to llrll": immi-l (f?iir,rilili, l ( 4: l ' . dyirnt_rc 1" H 11"" ("Hintrv there was a w v",, 1"} I , E i'ft"r, .' "N"WH'V Wiw-nrlimrv fur the admin-l T Wit 1 'tclr;sti,,n of 'ur'tiu-o out! uwiniennnco' f f l "'1 l. l . o',' on 'i."rr:itoizuti,tsrt, It the game time f/C/i' i .. . ',, q _,,",?', l - :1" f .. tho Vtr'h wontvlt-tlitftw that tum)- -- _ ', I I; l - T V tilt" llF"-'l 'l'."lt'llt'l tho "utfpnuo of tho, 1" l till _ If I _ Dominion C",or-rn.nnsnt l ir I'll lull = "r. r _ - 'll t . . '_sitould 1)r-triltitte "tttMuses. l '_. EMih l i,' t , 'if) Ill .g%e a . . ll ( 'CLFNiiiiiilri?hi'// " " ti No 1".r.rnr'nrnt um" the right ml, T:' 'ti,ii,llliECl l f a lil , , 355's: to/d/r/ttit,":,", 'y/JI/tir,":,',':",,':',!,')::-.",-' F-"..,],':,.)'- N n , 1 c, a Itl 1 t l - I , ' t " #9 Q ' . ' of the countrrr." IVith that (in tinned e Itl, 'jtal"tif& r "t'ifff', a, 1 . ho had :tslttwl Mr. Hortlt'n to Consider 'Cdr, //r . , , t'le.r.eer-' f _ . . rt . ' . _ ' , I _ . y'hrrtlar't ho 1.11mi not do smut-thing tUA th'rit, /lligjl p, B' t 3 " , for tho ""1'liruui'motot of agriculture " "ft ' . Qt 'l/"L/ i, F- n tho Fromm-o. out] for the ruildinz. & "l 1 r; Wj3ttll e , _ of hilw.urs in tho now Counter." h , P ' l , Tg! ' , (/i'ltrf i Outlining tho mothorl which the __;,-f_.. ' I 'd 3/1/91". l ' f; __ Dominion Would Drnliulily pursue. Sit' g ____ - ==%7at. ' , Ta I' ip, , I I if? "k'c',_r. lemns Sun] the plans for new hiah- / vt/C/ rl iM . W/ill, ' l t " ways would like-1y he submitted to "' . - V Brsaal tlill l.' 'f , r' oftieers of the Federal Government _ '*'"'"" '2 - . "ellllllhtiit , 'lg , i!" F ' ' . 'rt ' . Vi Fg I '4 \" l'f' c, luv approved on" im- work completed. N' ' -- - ///// bf illNIt L " 1 . '4. Then " formal inspoc'tlon Would he Li EElll? aiiil, "gliiiltimh" . in": / f l 'Fr""'" necessary bvrore the money was t"... J'dg.f.t \\\\\ ~ 'K S.', 1f";,;;; l i. lv) . F--. .... a' r 7/ th" . "2'4 l l /- , 1 tici, W" m--------- I t'e'siii"'griilt . . 'h' M/l ill e ',rl, Rctturtly Bilingual Wrongs. -=t=T..= l " Itil. " tT -eeer--t _,-.. 1"ES"irsiiisCitiitir'St' bull) {it I I -, ' ' ' rr ---= Le'd.T% 1 , J y, The Prime Minister expressed , -E-r-iicfri-Eiii' a ialllil I "re,':,',",""-:;,"-"--""-?-"--:, =T==--' iiiiitiii Il/ l i' l (' amazement over Mr. Howell's state-i, w-L---------- _ l ll M,- , . _ F-" .r___ = . ,'lij; /h, l . 'i,: ment that during the campaign .hel '___.. ll gt ' ' . izaMS=t18llllltlt= } lid . ' irefusetl to athrm or deny anything , al , ii I 1 . MiriiEi, 'EgceFEe'P2r== '" 't'g" n 1.5:! . about bilingual schools. He had I I t I t , irfiFif.,iiii, .._ I f , '1? [ ', ~suid more in five minutes on the , I I I i"ri'aEiiiiii.ii" -- 7 . f , . llll , Public platform about bilingual . f'aai7iiit'ii EN , , Eliil fl} : t ii! i t _ schools than Mr. Howell had in his t,ttiiiilfiiflNl " I 'aWilii'i ' 1 , 1 til l . whole lifetime. "What right have we EEiii9s' "'5 r J, - Kl 1/; l I 5 l f l ', to put anything about bilingual 'ft.Fd?hall "a bl Bllllliir ll "_""' rT ', l 1.; , follows in. the specclu from the EC'.:',),';.',:',!"..? Pte! Ut'» ll, iEE?iEEENt r' ,l' L a ' a lnrone until no have our commits- " .-. , - . ' o v,),. . :sionor's report?" asked Sir James. tr=."ar-%r_ ".2r1-=a = auqEEEEiEiiiettENi, 'ii" He had made a promise that if any- f Ii.' ' thing Was found wrong in connection' .. . with bilingual schools when Dr. Mer. , ' N p ' 5 chant's report was received it would HON. W. H. Hoy) M. P. P. . k be remedied, and "that promise will __________________________...__._..__________.____._____ 1 li.. be carried out." i' rf.' The Boundary tirttthrment. Ir', . ' gt) rv" Sir James was anxious to make it- Vii-g... plain that the Government had not " Illl8tti,; been negligent. In looking after the, _ 'E) interests ot Ontario in regard to the i . " mundary settlement. He ridiculch