SSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1912 - * w wte o+ IStr Jame.i. W'lltfley W lu! 'I :.m pl;elasedphe is going into the mat--|~ * : er. ie Premier can have al h ' Alk Authorlty to Make j credit Tor it he wants." » B t- e; Expenditure. || Tho Premier's Announcement. | In making his announcement,. Sir' f James suid: | "Before and during the general| election campaign the Government |* ADOPTS POLiCY I drew attention to the great and ob-- | 4 : vious importance of the furtherl OF LIBER AL PAR TY opening up-- and development of new | * 1 iur northern Ontario, and alluded to| | ;tlm !n-'umisml financial aid from the| surcmem ramaamemeon | f l?ummmn Government for immigra--| | | !tlorfrund ;:n]unizatiou purposes., § : | | _ *"Ihe subject, outside of the pro--| {Glad to See EffeCt Of Cam'; f}mfied I)omlinior; }uicL has been clare-z s | | fully considered by the Government, pPpagn, Says Mr. N. "V. | | with the result that it has been det- ! l | !(:?(1(3(] to select a man of tried capa-- |-- | ROWCII. j |city and experience, who will 1'e[)0rti | , | as to settiement and _ colonization | | | matters, and take under his charge' ym naanicant ' | all matters relating to settiement and | I [ | the construction of necessary roads.; The Liberal platform as pro-- | etc. Ilig dut,\: will lie outside the. mulgated prior to the general | i;/(;]tl;l):llr:bl"(']l of the ordinary colon--| 5 A 1 ACGS. election: "In order that the Gov-- i : "It will be remembered also thatg | ernment may enter seriously up-- iin my address I asked the people tof ' on the problem of the settlement | say wh(*t)her' they would authorize | dnd (lt!\'eloi)|||0nt of KNew Ontario £ A;t'm.thexf }' rox'n?cm! appropriations forg ' p | such purposes, and the answer has| we propose the creation of a De-- I | been unmistakeable. The Govern--|; | partiment -- of Immigration _ and | i ment intends therefore to ask the| Colonization to be presided over | f House dl.lring the present session for | Carg R . j ; } | authority to borrow a sum of money | by a Minister of the Crown, who _ ' not exceeding $5,000,000 for the pur'-! shall devote his whole time and _ | pose of colonization _ and develop-- | energies to this important work, _/ i:'n';?'t ';:1 ';s:}"inflf 1;'fltth('l']nc):'lthex'p On-- | { | tario, cluc ot only the * is-- ' Among other maiters, to the pro-- ; | kaming ('Oll!ltt{',\'. but lh)e (-o(untgp!?n! | _ motion of scttlement, building of | the vicinity of Sault Ste. Marie, Port ; i roads, insuring other necessary |Arthur _ and Fort William, the Rainyl | _ transportation | facilities, | provid-- | River d}stmcl. and other localities in | s the northern portion of the Pro--| | ing drainage -- requirements, as-- -- ]vince." ' I sisting pioncer settlers to secure | ; | i toans to a Hmited .eXxtent on the }Anothor Deputy Minister, | | _ security of the lands cccupied by | l The '"xil" tt'" ']N' l'l!i"ff'd in t<i'h«'l!'50 0}5} \ s ianrim C i the work of developing ie nort ; them, npa)' over '_1 to} m."of !uuuntr_v will not be the head of a new! |\ _ years, and giving special assist-- |departmont of Government. It is un-- ' ance to pioncer schools. | derstood that he will assume thci t | position of a Deputy Minister in one j i e« f 'nf the existing departments. Just | | _ Acceding to the pressure of the Op. ' what the duties of the new appointoe] | position and <the call from Northern i'\\'ill lhe hf;]\'e.tnpt ];'"{"i"f""'l-f' defined, i P s p he will, it is stated, be give ide g()nt:--u-m. cugmzam' of ,th'f protests el;})':\,mf& HCé will have ci(we;-;:eu:)f"tlgi |from the Boards of Trade in the Pro-- ' construction of all necessary roadsi |vince and the secession movement in in the north country other than col-- i the northwesteriy districts, Sip |oni'/.,atmn_1-0;1('15. \\"hl('h tures}'lzu,lov\'s: a | : * * ¢ l])ull(,')' of .zoing into the tnwnshms' |James Whitney announced _ in the [ and opening them up before the ar--| | Legislature yesterday afternoon that [ rival of the settler, a policy that the' fthe Government would ask authority | Innrther_n(-rs farve bean "('I'Sl§t?nt]5. I P & advocating.. The partial clearing nt" |to borrow $5,000,000 to be spent on | farms for intending settlers will be [ the development and colonization of | a matter for his consideration. l lthe Provincial hinterland, and the| Whether the Government his a i k $ | 'man in min? capable of filiing thej { appointment of a man of experience | | part. is not known, but Mr. R. R.| {and capacity to handle this depart-- Gamey, member. for Manitoulin, is | !ment of the work. Sir James made generally acaep_tud as the man in o R § s whose hands will he placed the work ims announcement after the routine of Northern ll'ryl,{txil«]in_g. ; proceedings of the a'iternoon were | \\;hilr,- a quest1{)n ul) such moment i# pted : MIGLG i C e to the fuaturs of New Oniario was be-- }(On'lp](,lt d and the House was ready ! ;ing presented to the Legislature, ~ on. | to adjourn. It came as a great sur--| | Frank Cochrane, late Minister of | prise to the members of the House,| ; Lands, Forests and Mines, was a quiet i;md when the Prime Minister con--, Obs,fl'\','ir' but Pe,lr"{h.""d "',"'T'.m_ak'"g 1 o S any comiment on this new feature of reluded his remarks he was greeted Government policy. 'with loud Government applause. i Fthiecs of Interpellations. i.\lr. Rowell : Congratulates. /' Sir James Whitney treated the 1 o P t . 1 AnrA in ¥xR7 House to a briet dissertation o ' Mt.. N. W. l'w\\t.ll. the Liberal 'ethics of interpellating -- the (}(or\l'e:'gt.a leader, was quick to take advantage | ment. Mr. Rowell has a number of ',ot' the situation. "I congratulate the 'gues:i};)n.\'. Ot" the or"er })"'l"("' cont ern-' D riths, MUintetap'"" o *Gata" / if, 4. ing e interprovincial boundary, Si !'Inme .'\ln.\.stu. he salit, "on mak-- | James told Mr. Rowell that :1-0 ?r:f, ing this announcement. The only "formation was in the hands of thej question which arises is whether the | Government that the matter had proposals are adequate to meet the | reached a settlement. but all thei situation. I am glad to see that our other information required would 'nej campaign for New Ontario develop-- brought down in the correspondence lment is having effect." (Liberal | concerning the matter when it was 'cheers.) ' before the House. Sir James pointed l *"The hon. gentleman is peculiar," out where the rules of the Legislature replied Sir James. "Anybhody who is were dissimilar vith those in practice able to read has no doubt read what in England anl for that matter in I said in my public address on this '()htta\\a. Certiin questions regarding j subject, and after that if it is pos-- '(taleeétpimlims%l ]tor tr:;msfer the Hydro-- sible for anybody to suggest that any | ernmeflt Oqi'; (J'?';;"' Hm.enkf of the Cov-- other person, or thing, or organiza-- fl}ntil fran. Ad s T2 '.1,5 ed to stand tion is responsible for my position, I | on,. Adam Beck was in 'the have nothing more to say." é | House. Mr. Allan StudholIme (FEast Ham-- | A Few More Questions. liton) said he had been urging such j a step on the Government since| ._Opposition members are siill com-- 1907. The Boards of Trade of To ing forward with questions on sub-- |mnto and all over the Province had jects, all an? sundry. Mr. Richardson taken the matter up and were pro-- (South Weliington) will ask the Gov-- 'testmg against the inaction of the ernment wha': information it hs . of Government. '"What was ridiculed in the value of farm lands in Ontario |1907 is brought forward to--day, 1 Meéremat" f