.' § "ery | --~this Wofio'shonld-remflh"f. C | A: oT H ooo e ds >' Ne f e o e e iiget 14 d i efgrred |Apatence ol the Goverimenfic a< 2. c: #¥ E putting in operation that which we Hon. I. B. Lucas attempted no & s 3 : will put into operation when the reply to Mr. Elliott's strictures. He proper _ time -- comes--namely, the characterized the proceedings as E. transfer of the HMHydro--electric to a savoring of a mutual admiration so-- * k department of Government." '| clety. He extended to Mr. Rowell i The Liberal speakers carried the his hearty congratulations upon en-- f war into the Government camp dur-- tering public life in this Province, and * ing the continuation of the debate. sized up the Liberal prospects in the Should Not Claim Credit. terms: '"Now we have started, the 74 $ s & goal is clear and we will not be long ¥r. J. C. Elliott (West Middlesex) in the wilderness. The resources of 5 continued the debate for the Opposi-- the Province were too great to be f e 108 tion. He declared that the Govern-- | dealt with by the generalities put p $ ment was in no \fayie'ntnm\l to the ' forward by hon. gentlemen opposite. | * credit for Ontario's vast heritage in Nothing had been brought forward [ e the m_)-rthlund. Not only'nau grcguer | in the debate which the Government ' Ontario been added to the Province | could incorporate into its policy." He + h :.) under a Liberal Administration, but | defended the delay over the com-- Y the Liberal party had blazed the trail pletion of the revision of the sta-- s al . into that country, and the results tutes, and said there was no com-- j | y. us which followed had proved che wis-- parison between the present revision k dom otf that course. _Northern Ox}ta- > and that of former occasions. He s | rio, comprising 140,000 square miles, | wanted to know where the leader of ' : represcnt'ul,' said Mr. Elliott, seven-- | the Oppositiom stood on the biling-- k e sxoc;l*tl'}lifl-vmlwtft)r{c Ptrr(l':'mfif{ug?hfre }wasg j ual q}lestion "Is he Wi_th the Attor-- uothing 3 '-" se to show ney--Genaral or is he with the Min-- f is hoy the $'.).000.00( grant was to be fister of 4Public Works?" After all k spent, but he was sure, unless an ad-- | the serious question before the Legis-- use . ditional sum _ was voted, it would lature was one of administration, and j prove entirely inadequate. j * the only scandal in seven years was 6 The price m.' tup'trlst}xll.s,' Mr. Elliott | that of the Cobalt Lake sale, which h¥ :V"ef}t on, was ;'""thhh in 1910 that the brought over one million doliars into t s .owrm.}'vnt in« ,"d"'} a reference to the Provincial Treasury, and he j 5!;10 Su'b;h'gtul'r'li the :31'9'{}"};1 from the would be giad to see more of them. t lO'm/"O't. .lu .\(-4--{- Therse was & "I would / rather. stutter and say > valky hm("l.nmcnf at Qttm\'n then, | frankly where I stood on these public -- 5 said Mr. Eliotl, and the people of | questions," said Mr. Lucas in conclu-- t Ontario could not get their due. | sion, "than use the eloquence which : Tick Prin 7 my hon. friend (Mr. Rowell) possess-- f Eo. 'the High Price of Food, 'es and say all things to all men." f "Mon. gentlemen opposite--many of | uy @ > in Uicits f : them----were fightiny . shoulder to : The Result of Tlirde Visits. s € shoulder with men who are to--day--re-- 1 _.Mr. T. Marshall (Monk) in his . sponsilble for the high cost of living." | maiden speech to the House was rot P he declared, amid Liberal cheers. | inclined to believe that the Govern-- § k "Is that the reason why a request is lment was entitled to all the satisfac-- «@ l ; not now made to the Government at \ | tion it toop out of the result of the «l A Ottawa, which will surely give ear to 4 | election. The Prime Minister had A any appeals made by the Province of § | gone -- to Bowmanville to defeat Mr. 33 Ontario ?" | Sam Clarke ; to Hagersville, in the ' 'g" It was quite competent for the ! constituency . represented _ by Mr. / . 3s%. Government to say that the responsi-- {l'hris. Kohler and then into _ East (§% bility for high food prices rested with ' Hamilton against Mr. Studholme, F &\ the Federal Parliament. "But there [ and each of these gentlemen -- had is another Government which is re-- 3 | come back with an increased major-- sponsible to the people of this Pro-- i ity. The darkest hour was before vince for prosecutions against com-- | the dawn. The Liberal party, al-- * bines that are responsible to--day for | though not burdened with the respon-- the enormous cost of living. Is the | sibilitics of office was in the House in f Attornev--General of this Province do-- | the interest of good legislation, and + ing his duty? Have the necessary | they would go on with that work in a * prosecutions been continued by a | cheerful, hopeful manner that would W (GGoverrment that got fairly rested af-- + | bring success. , ter so long wandering in the wilder-- ' Mr. OJ. OI. Hart (East Simgcoe) tA 4 ness?" = charged the Liberals with trying to : One of the great interests which is !u\'uid discussing the questions which | suffering from the high cost of living | were of interest to the people of the s is that of labor, remarked the mem--| | Province They had dodged the tem-- ta 'v. ber from Woest Middlesex, yet the ! perance question, and did not know f : Government actually turned the en-- where to stand on bilingual schoo'ls. -- l tire weight of its influence to defeat They were not looking to see what; f the hon. member for East Hamilton was good for the Province but for f (Mr. Studholme), who was the only what the Government had not done. | | ix}:cr;;"li&:g representative of labor in il'l'Ot('St Against Education Policy. C C O U + I * ¢ s s , Civa~. timras ihna & 'a c cara | _ "I stand as 'a protest of the riding : ~ 1.": e tg(!:]'éi]i,,',n'im;lmmml? J'ab ST?""{ | of Centre Bruce, long represented by -- & y o Croa es Yyea Lieut.--Col. Hugh Clark, against the f than uud(.n the late Government. Mr.| ! educational policy of the Govern-- ; F t 'a"l'['i()gt Q()lhtml f)Ut, _V('t tht\re \V(:'I'(' t()- ' IfiCnt," S'(l'id 1\1!'. WY. I\ICI)Onilldg making' . fl)u.' ~_AC-°.,~. pvfmlo onh the land in the his bow to the Legislature. The Gov-- ; k Province than there were ten years ernment had declared that the sup-- ¥ 5 ago. 'ply of teachers was adequate, }.'e.t he ; vie A Deliberate Bribe! ' found in the report of the Minister ' f j !of Education issued last year that u3 + Mr. Elliott laid considerable em-- |more teachers were authorized by s phasis on the passage in Mr. Rowell's} { temporary certificates than ever be-- fyo-- speech lagst Thursday ~with re.-- Iforo. "This is a system which the ® P ference to & telegram being 1 Minister says is adequate for the Pro-- o < sent to ' Ariends" .' im the.~ Tem--| i\'ince of Ontario?'" "In 'hls own COUItl; / d iskaming _ district _ intimating that{ it." there were as many as Ewenl? f the branch of the T.: & | teachers in the schools (ach ho dmf . 'N. 0. Railway woulid be built into | | profes.sxonal training, and he k'new 0 f b IElk Lake. He developed the argu-l counties where the number ran as Niz s o . * | high as forty and fifty. Mr. McDon-- t mle;lt that the Houge being dissolved, | --ug scored the Minister of Education @ hk |and no party in power, this was a on cAnel /6 model Echool,, . hi !deliherate bribe to the electorate of for closing 1t'hc rr!gd(lfb(;r;'omir'xon'ttr?g ; MA | that constituency to elect a supporter S"bm-ltteq ""t\,f;:w? Q(.hoool was pre-- : o | of the Government. "A ; gerious 'Hmr;n]r(l\gt:)nt'?kn'ng bu;;ils out ot; higi\ o> 'chz_lrge has been made against the | '(.}r;a )17. 1 s pointing them to teach-- Prime Minister," said Mr. Elliott ho melamttions."" . InStEAG--ONTE: f § .. o+ eCs k A » ing positions. Instead of teaching two s . and he owes it to this House to af-- languages in the sehools, he could ' & E:Erlnm?,r deny that he sent the tele-- tell of a school in Bruce county that tR . ""There I s ¥ A \ had been closed down because no, ';""_ ISir Jamgs_ls nothing to deny," replied 'tc-acher was obtainable. | bve .o _'"*Will the hon. gentleman deny he \ A Complete Breakdown. 1 : did ngt send the telegram?" repeated ! '"There has been a complete break--| 30 M':; Elliott. |\ down in the educational system Ofi ies' No qharge has been made," con-- the Province," he declared to the ac-- & tin.l.led. Sir James, avoiding the issue. companiment.of cheers, "and yet the 6 This House is entitled to a denial hon. member for Centre Grey boasts K i | or an"affirmation," declared Mr. E. | that the Province is responsible for ® liott, "that the telegram was sent.'" ' } Ithe education of 700.;)'00 ch'ildregx. § | There were so many changes in the t § a Sir James is Silent. t idesig'nation of the qualification _ of f f The Prime Minister was immov-- teachers that trustees in rural schools f f hss : |able. He was not prepared to make were never sure of the standing of" 1 «_ _ [|any statement in the absence of a the person they were employing." 3 j | specific charge,. Continuing, Mr. MceDonald criticiz-- J i l & e ed the Government for not increasing}| f E. f bet l l . i