. -n "a, - ' ' "I ' i . TIUN BEFORE ("; "' , t'trrunte to rural schools. Grantsl 'INSPEC (should be graded. he said, in proU.y"l ', tion to salaries and equipment Th"i AND AFTER KILL - high schools should not he starred, T for the benefit of the continuationl 9 -------------" iSChOOIS' [MUNICIPALITIES GIVEN NEWl . lScm-t'ity of Tout-hora. . i I'oWr,'Rrl UNDFat MIa'DrC3rg l Mr A. H. Mits'zrovo (North Huron) [HEALTH ACT. l . "Wis not. int'lintwl to orr'opt Mr. Mc-l .4 I ' I Donald's stutomnnt that he wr't1.sr't1t,-i, ---.-------- i n to protest azninst tlhé' ivldnlvfltmmlli As a result of the consitlorationl . -l '1 ' hi rathpr {Ming} HS Dr?" ' _ . . . _ slr , i:','.,),','),.)",',.,,'.:,,"), triiinto of hormonal not». give-n tho question-Ivy tht spottitli _ 'ularity in tho riding. Ti was nrmiil:ir_ (-ommtitm' of Modit'zil iii-ulth UNI-i .in tho Country to F'IV that :lic» min-l 001's appointt-(i on Monday to druwl ' - -w ' . I . . . - T l . i an"'33:};:'\:\t\f]:n(,'3?;;:iYfixglxynf,._.l'}.'t;:_:.:i up " proposed amondniont to "10' holding tmnpumrr tirtiir'iV-" hm}; medical health tit't rnspt't'ting moat; , i the trorutflt of thtir, rm" "" m" ""3""! .inspcrtion, a tit-w Clause will prohnlslyl ' . . , _ , . b , ' n . ' . . t ip,riot0i:if,""r,,/'ihi11T"i"ii'ir /)l,'rr,,1i,",',',t) l": in-tod in lhts art. This will, g""": ' t I ll'1"'ini11('d down to a .uii't"i.tr of two-in; I muniripuli'tir's power to inspert meat-"j i l 'crs. , l 'lwt'orv nnd nl'ttu' killing, HIM will; C l i I Mr. ft. J. Mf"'ov'yy"r (lung-t lamb? f) w" tho wzn'. it is untlvrstrrod, for, l I (ton) morod thi- :itiiuiirnmi-nt ol thth I ' _ . . . l l i 'tloimtc. which will to wwnlinitmi to-i tho irstnlrli:chtnot ol munn'mu. rnlrnt-l '; gritty. i 1 toirs. ll . i . rIh m g , Tho ru-lm-tst wi not rtsniiirt. iti- I Answers to Quv: tlou: . I ' spootioli lit'otut killing; of nil-mt mark» i The Mini-tors WIMP" to n "HW'N'T- 'f ('It'il it. Mimi] ttuuntitws by furnit-rs.' of quostiutls' nslosil by MT. INFANT] und,: ; hilt will ("H.r tlm pt'utiilt'i (if the} , 'tho Lihm'ul niomiwt's'. , [ Lutcltsyr in tho Vuriotl.c nittnii'ipoli-Q } To tho loader of tlots ("nutrition Siré t tits.c. l, iJamos statmi that, tho ('4')l1iitit'iiii2l! no» , ---rr-r-r-r-r-'t i, , 'ture of the Cuhinret tit'iiiwl'miinllv mm- .3 'ventml him from tnnkim: tini- Hutu- " lmpnt with regard to who giants-tit] ,,the proposed t-linngo in it!" innit-(.- ielerstrio Commission. not] within-1g "Ion. Adam Hui; :ll'llit'Filli. li»- ynid, ithttt thoro hm} lilo-n no i'i-/iin'sc' 'fi-om any mnniv-itmlity tsri..',',),';..),' thi- prorxitr-s'd transit-r. or illl'- l', wit-s; iliétl' it bv Illildt'. ' Mr. iim-iin's inn: tr) l't'g'dl'liil': t.i-' linguaif srhools brought lit!" it turnip... tion. Hon. Dr. l'}llt~ unit»! in": lyp. Mort-hunts tu'Port had not iuw-n rs- Ceived, but was ("XIH'I'UJI' rriiot'iiyi. ii"- Stzitml thit thrtus Ut'ty' two llllitit'i' training schools l't-r llsiu,rliish-r'rri, {Oth'ht'l'S. onw nt "Hilhil will: on" tit Sturgeon lditlls. _ To Mr, Munvo's inquiry with uni |spect to tho Provincial (ic'posit in thel 1lfi.e',yjij'is, Bunk {ht- Provincial Thins-i urer said that the lirst (it'llt'sil of '1,-l [035.50 was mmlt' on May Iii, 1907. f [This was ilit'l't'klsvti shortly ufttt to i$i,T9S.7b. Ho :itltltiil that the tlor- iernmcnt was t-otistuntly living uslwdI ito increase iltvItosit:; HI the various; (/.raiiJ/.eri' hunks. At the tiim- the thank suspended payment tht-re wus, ion (itposit $20,043.67. "Pitymvnt is: (exvet1ed," was thrs hriot' reply to the; iqurstion of Htit:it'io'.< trh:ince.c of rv-l iceix'ing any diriilod 'i'roni the iittlli-! idator of the idlllk with rustic-wt to this Wit-posit. : . F J, I Mr. JI. J. .\lt~t'orni:it-l\' was inimrntcd I i,th.at the" ire-rt, ilit)-Ii\'t' modeli gSt'hools in Ullihl'ili on Jittntuily t,' 31305; four you", lziti-r there Were six. i"N0 model swiitmls huro lit-en t-stuh-l ilished for 11.11." "as _lus Minister of: iEducation's imply to " 'lllr'ry ns' to the; (number in (~xistt'lit't- on .l.uiu:t.ry I,', Ily.'-'.: A 1lursstirrn us to tho intention? lot the Government 1uespritinr,r the rt"-,,' (establishment or more Surl'iools of this? _ lclass was turnml asirltr with the Stativ- } , / x. Intent that it was a muttvr of Irolit-y.i, t _'.' l er. Proudl'oot was informed that Sir; . 'William Alon-tint] 11.111 made no 1't--f l iport regarding worknimrs '")n3lr't'nhill-i \ ' 'ilten, but th t ont', was t'xnectuti short- I , l Mr. Sinclair (North (mtiirin) was) ltolti that tht. (,hn'vi'nmunt had luwn ;ta.kmg steps to secure an adequate: isupply of farm laborers and would (continue to do so. i l Mr. Elliott (West Mitldlosox) was) tinformed that neither Bromiey nor} (Harry Moss was an employee of tho; ldepartments. Those two mom had been taking part in the Smith Hon-3 'frew bye-election. and it had boon} .stated that Bromlr-y was a license in-! ispector tor thrs. North itidim.r ttnd': [MOSS a road superintendent for the i South Riding. V A .1" . , i a ,