e . - ,. 4 Fe + emimjfee mail M l 7 :" Aor "';W:' o 1U Y. FEBRUOARY 15, 1912 "Aete Nt % in ow ik + nb asine n n ie enaraarney s § ' [ | which the hon. gentleman makes LEADERS ENGAGE h Assessment Reform. 7 i An attempt to steal a march on the ' Opposition was fairly well met by Mr. Rowell. The Opposition leader had omm mmmmmmmmmzzes given notice of a bill to amen.d. the T C assessment act by giving municipali-- y ties power to changeh the S}}"St(}l)m dof | | taxation, and to s ift the burden * Mr' N' w. Rowe" ObleCts tO {rom improvements to land. The mo-- | tion was returnable to--day, as was lnterpretatlon of Rule. also one by Mr. J. A. Ellis member for West Ottawa, who has a bill of the Smmmompensummmmaommmsmert same nature, but which is slightly less drastic. The West Olttawa mem-- ber, however, ln'nught. his motion up EFFORT TO ST'EAL A MARCH and introduced his bill yesterday. A Technical Move. y | Perceiving the manocuvre, Mr. t Rowell, before the orders of the El day were called, asked the perimmission Mr' J' A' EHIS |nt|'0duces AS' x of the House to return to the order i of business to give first readings to Sessment Bl". billis. This being granted, he quietly j asked leave to introduce his bill, snn zn l memeaz which was given a first reading. It is' a matter of speculation which bill will ; i have precedence in the second read-- Opposition Leader Promptly Has First ing, and if the Ellis measure is Reading Given His ee brought before the House first the | iz e --Dat becking TLiberal leader will probably be forced { Tax Reform--Private Members' into the position of moving an amend--| Day. ment. In the event of Mr. Ellis yield--| ing to the wish of the Government| M Whip and withdrawing his bill, Mr.} Rowell will still have an opportunity! 5 to go on with his proposal and bring | Private members' day in the Legis-- an expression of opinion from the 'as little | fovernment members, many of whom ]\f-littl;re "'_[?; htt]t. imote than a game of f'ljx(')c\ef)rlledfged to supporty such an fare was a passage at arms' amendment to the assessment act, | between Sir James Whitney and the Mr. Rowell's bill is a duplicate of Liberal leader over the interpretation thlc' FrippI nlulasurc <r»1' two yeai's ag((iJ, & which faile o secure a second read-- zf the rule in regard to questions put im»,.U Jt :-I(ii'(':'- n.unicipalities -- power| . y members. Mr. Rowell took a dif-- by vote of the electors to fix a lower| ferent view from that expressed by assessment or tax rate on improvc--' the Prime Ministe j ments, or exempt improvements en--| the order pa rf Cl e o inkok OB tirely. The Ellis' bill provides fora,l paper for a relurn pre-- full assessment on land, with a gradu--| cluded a member from following up al reduction in the assessments on the matter with a question. "I want impr(()l\'(;m?ntf. This t :*t(i']dugtiotn is is i inti ac at forty per cent. e first year to take this occasion to intimate that g?fififtzén(;,o% (,-)ont. oY enclt succeeds we do not agree with the interpreta-- ing year, the reduction being hased on tion put upon the rule by the Prime | each preceding year's assessment, Minister, and I do not wish by our: S%\'c-ral (;vills twere hg%\i\:nm_a :;es\c?r:ad [ai ¢ ' eading. ne. to prohib ino re-- I}a11ure to express o'ur dissent to be | T;ucnti;;: billiard rooms and other construed as assenting to that pro--| places, brought an objection --from Mr. posal, as it may come up later in ai' .Sh('lzn}'lk (t\r\l'est Nort,gllr?ll)e{'lanl('i),(;vh% ' hi i ght e age should be fixed a Xt'fi;m '\\ hmi mll"be more important ;)\t)tl'an rmdL notb Stffern" reatarca * r'n *T pusent. well--grown boy of sixteen, he thought, ce Consulting the manual, Mr. Rowell should not be precluded, so as to showed that the rules made a clear cause a fine ttn] be 1]('\'ied against the distinction between questions being proprietor of the place. put whith would give the House in-- Protect the Public. formation as to the 'intention of the Mr. George H. Gooderham (South Government,." and an interpellation Toronto) is father of a private bill as to the opinion of the G ie to amend the charter of the Canadian & ce y . € (JO\ernmeqt v National Exhibition, the principall on:a malter of policy. y feature of which is to give the asso-- The Premier's View e C ciation power to safeguard the inter-- s View. ests of the public against the action .SII' James supported his position ?itckser{gc;éaégsi.o;\"2«;6p(;x(;'lclgi'xsindgtroig. \,H[h .the statement that his inter-- busy days ;'etuil thése out't(d tran-- pretation of the rules was in accord-- | sient visitors at enhanced prices. The ance with the practice of the Housei associatii',;ln qlsql seeks power, in com-- ever sinc ucss mon with similar organizations in some tw P h'e had' peen a member | others parts, to prohibt refreshment m t" Gnt.\.-one Netie: The Govern-- booths and spurious side--shows estab-- h elnl at no time was disposed to with-- lishing themselves on the thorough-- a,?\-( Cln'gorm'a.tm{] which under ordin-- fares and vacanrt property fronting on | segsi();}"o"f"}',"""'?s should be in pos-- the approaches to the Exhibition, i refirch ie members of the House. which, it is claimed, & both & i including supporters of the leader of lsu ce and 4. O se tent _ Pral on the '_)ppUSItlun. ance an a d ;figurenlent. Cl,i\gl"t}f{?"s.]l' 'i]" replying to the ridi-- For the Hospital. at mir James g upon Col. Atkinsnn'ssz?li;\ttiotr? z?sld(t:g The Ontario Government will guar-- what the Government would do for antee the bonds of the University of northern Ontario, pvointe'd out(:oth-mt Toronto in respect of $300,000 which the question was put s that institution is contributing to the paper before 'tshé 8 Pl:'{)r(r;rel; thl\?lir(l)irs(igr' Toronto General Hospital for the con-- made his announcem struction of a new building. 6 ; ent. The provision for this is made in & pposition Helped. bill introduced in the Legislature by "*It ma '** ge Hon. A. J. Matheson, which sets out OppOSitioi,] b'ihif't'{]d the leader of the that section 4 of the Toronto General nder paper expemted" chat anpaie. Hospital act of 1911 shall apply not enlal! agdress trom tus ansoen fpum only to the sum of $130,000 to be the "Ehrone s'}}ffom the speech from expended by the University in the ferred to by tfi'" mPagter was --not te-- construction and equipment of the his ele('tionr)'[d(lb' rime Minister in Pathological building, but to the Init We have h';;see;' ta"f:) 111 may be | $300,000 contributed by the Univer-- this announcement i edine ns 2. sity towards the cost of constructing velopment of New {)eng:;r(ilir}'g kre fe-- | the hospital. The agreement made The Prime Mini prio. between the Governors of the Uni-- Rowelt's Stater;]en:Ste!:' resented _ Mr. | versity and the Trustees of the Gen-- if in Thy sldresses," heI ?ad mention | eral Hospital over a year ago con-- people knew that wh y e camis back templated this guarantee, but no pro-- to power wit when we came back vision was made for it in the act pa it h our overwhelming ma-- ed last sessi Pa883 jority we would carry out what 1 said egsion: ir!;eméofigdresses. Every member of Answers to Questions. , PR e who read my campaign y c agdresses knows that the statement he Opposition secured a littie