. . 1 ..' qe 'rr-, _- "3.1-1.5-.. was" "NR:', "M91. 'L, "; 1:22; as. .;_ '"/,1v,i3?ll . , r , , -. H A; _ k . , 'me ' ...-. ' bo. *-rr. l . 34's,". _ Ct!, 1rslit2llllllll, SMI ran-ftv'EBBUgAar at, -.', _ "i"c"i. _ "Y"), r - I l 1 ' _ ' . Fat to come up iibi'tE""7rhtit is"? .5'r"_ . a irliil']lr, ' ao 1 i warihat reforestation.- sulfides} l _ l . " , .' f,i/t,1 on very 'easily and. cement! t- ..' . 1.1 ' :' . , . ' y.' t V _ _ . _ /' 1 , - WITHOUT DIVISION Mr. A. R. Nor-mantel PHnetsrWiti. ward touched very.lightly upon,.the_ issues raised in the debate, confining . . himself to Witttcisms and prophecies --------- as to the. personnel of the Liberal. . f..lf,yalui'l'; Ae,',', it can? into power . . ---.2,00 years ence, as e ti red' it. Legislature Disposes of Ad. Mr. Norman laad a re: statist'il's IU; . . . which he de uced t at at the re.. dress at nght Sitting. sent rate of reduction ln-the 'Govgrfn- , ment popular majority it would take --------. twenty centuries to give the Liberals . a majority. ' _ _ . _ BUDGET NEXT TUESDAY The Prospectors' Grievances. " ' q Mr. Z. Mageau's address was al, swrsevinprcriticisnl of Government' -"-"'"""""r"-- apathy concerning the needs of the! north, and of improper practices inl, _ i I . his own constituency. He pointed out Government Timber POilcy how the Government had fallen away ie . . . from its plodges while in Opposition.- lo Criticized. The Comynrvatisres had pledged them- selves to sell all timber by public auc- . tion', yet not one timber limit had . ------ been so sold. Ho poked .funlat Mr. _ McCrac's eulogy of the Minister .of Napoleon Champagne (East Ottawa) Lands, Forests and Mines, by remind- Roars TI 1. ing the House that the member for s 'under-ore-s. Atkinson Sudhury owed a large portipn.ot his I a ttt h y . mu ority to the fact that he _ ro- and \[a.£'1.lSDcnk "all for Liner. misled, if elected, to see What Ti, als-Studholme Touches Off Sparks. mining act of tho. T province, was ' amended to give the. DrosDectOrs ot .. tho north a chance of living. . -----.--- Ilr. Magoau pointed out the in- m-n of the prt'Sunt mining act. It took a nirrht sittintt to crude ',-., "mama; Not Thtomeh . . all tho tail: on the address in reply l _ bb i " 1 f? Ti."th hi" to tho speech from the Throne .\'cs- "I": J/ll "Egg t/l,1si'l"'i'i"//lfiosdii1; terdny. with Mr. Allan Studholme. //f-iav 'ii,.. the ordinary prospector to. member for Rust Hamilton. conclud- ' 2mm his, claim." v1h'ii,ci"t1.'1TItedriitn1),arts', . n. . 'rt , ' " " mm» for t-veryt. mg. an or mary inn lil?. a tut nn.l 1 Quarte. hour (eighth. t'i',aiC,'l,' the prc1srmtminimr!anrs, dissortrtti'nn. Mr. Stil'lholme had sav- Nprppomnd an expenditure of Sr,000. ed himself for n grandstand orfort il -.<;um that the average Prospector rrrti tk' . _ . ic. '" ' 'si l 1;\'(', _ . nigh} tho i'lumo 31.12111" for his ",(,y1,l.,'?y'C),, tvcrpro.rcsord his pleasure welt to Hamilton dorms, the election thttl I' t h d d id d to .. oirr .. . _ a le 1overnmen a er. e '"aTP"lRt1. Sir James was not pre- spend $5,000,000 in the northfbut he sent at the "Vomng 'titting, and Mr. pointed out that this was only re- Stu-iholmc sntisruud himself .withsthe 'turning what the Province secured "quark, -- '0 ' . o, C .1 _ . rr' from the north in revenue every year. I will eo't '2": 02111112111?" is Comma, The fact that the Government had de- "" ' .. L . _ cldod to spend so much at once was Limit-Col. T.1 H. Atkinson (North: positive evidence that not enough had Norfolk) and Mr. Z. Manchu (Stur- loctnntioneinthepast. goon Falls) made substantial contri.- Mr. Champagne is Humorous. hutions to the discussion on behalf of 1 Mr. Napultzon Champagne. (East' the Liberals. Both directed a con- Ottawa), a new member. is not con- siderable portion of their remarks to mm to be rand. as'u back-bencher. a criticism of tho timber .policy of the 1i,,/?ungr1tv//i,c1'"ii-nn:"drdu'e2rd to df/i; Government..C'ol. Atkinson pointing l)lll:l' Opposition speakers as "small out that some farmers spend more fry." lie thinly directed Jc's. "e- monov on ' t , - tscttrli.c, to Mr Howell, whose nitration m t. d one firmth'tn the Gmern to the "rridorship or the Liberal party en oes on renewing the forest hr, thougnt was "the best selection wealth of the Province. ' . . .' ['Hmsible under the circumstances." He Mr. Napoleon Champagne (East ';"'i.ifr"11 It 'ii/tul, "sadtrsr on A": 't " F trr. ; calm tint 1e xovc-rnment wa 1t,tt1dv1),atrt."ierVsgyi.,/1sT 1tl).u.nferig// liulnptil'lg planks from the Liberal "., with enuivocation . ' ' ii/ffl e l platform, and wanted to know if it schools and 'read . t Ot\her Drum"; lwas part of the platform of 1893, the Liberal @2de}: (at gtfg$grk5 Ili which haul never been fulfilled by any North Bay a meaning that forced I'd. I y?.rty in Canada. At any rate-as the! Rowell to repeat his words in 'lf.' Liberal party had met with indifferent defence. He rcforl' Ll t h _ ..se '1 success lately, Mr. Howell was wel- l l _ 1;. ec J.? t E.) Liberal; mule to any satisfaction he could eat or as a .lolltlcal Lilliputlan. ', "wt out of the ham T Hon. A. J. Matheson, Provincial} I'), ' . reasurer, romis it " . . ' . c 7 . statement on'"i'l1lsisifads, 1121;. 'inanfiari Compliments to Thc Free Press. , . _ l Turning to the bilingual question, Reforestation Needed. ! Mr. Champagne complimented Mr. Col. Atkingon, in continuing the de- Howell on his statement that the hate, took. up the question of re- French should not be deprived of the forcstation. He contrasted the work 'USQ of their mother tongue. He as- done 1n Germany and other European sumed, however. that this would ap- countrles with the situation, in Cy-na. ply to the schools, as the "French Lam). whore the once abundant for- lmothers will take care of that in the este were gone. . homes." The Ottawa Free Press, at- I am sorry that only a few paltry , ter Mr. Rowell's pronouncement on thousands has been spent on this im. i tho matter, had hailed him as a .r,'f?,r..,tant,. work of reforestation," he I"Moses." "We do not pay m.uch at- . said. There are farmers in Ontario tention to The Free Press in Ottawa,'" "th Spend more money. on one Carin he said. "It is the organ of the, Lib-, i E10313}? Govelrnrnent lS giVingto the oral party. The Free Press ,may call. affairs "Ina th15 is a bad state of you a Moses to-day and a Judas 18-. or four huhdn'dthere should he'three cariot to-morrow." Since then the l replanted 11',f, acres of waste land Liberal leader had changed his mind. done aa are 'i,. I""".'. If It is not Charging Mr. Rowen with equivoca- future?" e going to do 1n the} .$4021. MrrChttmpagne 11iinntg1tuut,g','.ht, l? .' .. . tr, , . , r. Rowol-l .whetr slice ng tttiNo' . of 1'jitdtnkuie,s/.:p,ti.totig'tt, the D0110)?! |Bay told a French audience that the ern Ontario H .°t°"ed in north.. child should speak the language or Government glfl Egg-93g out that the iits mother. , "He evidently meant also to preserve the" forests ot 't'lli"'fit,ht1ty that English would be taught in Pt "All the land shout .. t' . schools.' That is .a bilingual school. 1 d he carefully examined before the timber is sold " "At that time," . he declared, "K. he said. "And where it is not suit-' the law was against you, you were able for farming the lumbering"! willing to break the law: it the " T sholuld not be allowed to out anything should be amended you were willing tel l un fir, te inches. It should 'be' re; ' trim it to suit your purWWe--Wou . set? e F , the Government,,') that were willing to give fair play to. . - W en the timbermen haveuremoved = A their cats there will has younsjor. _ w"'"'" . L _'-.------..-.-, .--.--' I.