CC O eeeaemment" f ebate upon -- the subject, st:t::s'. have arawn attention t3 the fact imal f that he had other matters to ri § not only is the territory in question | :);:t'ore ::'eer l' ht o 6 contiguous to the fprovntlce. "z}:atnac;: e e ma ' ' j the development of western C ho oi e old begdan' b'Yhir(.o}fm:ly',;e :&e..' Ontario ha,('i) largely borne the burden it :-lxrtc#mzt:al};::ls ol:'nnec?rtt'{~ laiitude came ' in the contrlhuth_ms which 'she had t;e e 'L factor' in . the boundary con-- | made to the public exchequer. troversy. The forn'?tLO" of th"a "X;V 'Emphasis Came Lates ?rovinces of Saskatchewan an + i4 h t i ll):x?t\-:nl(é?: t(nf;l\' Keewatin and Ungava j l _ in the orginal tyrk{ft. d"hll)e l'{pa'-': districts extm{ding south of that Iino.; trl up t!]g matter is d'lg('};sr_: y n"_t §1p;)n Under the earlier delimitation of the| trr»lue.apppars to har i2 «;f n p i Fan boundaries of Manitoba the district 6: lm;).(»rtallf:(_? to f n]drm B: u'u- f Keewatin extended between the ocean--going I)!.)I} on Hudson Bay U T to- }' vinces. At the time of the ar.| t!l after the resolultion had heen' in h\i\t?'atir(')on in( 1881 Manitoba's claim, if trmh}«:ed m_t{) Ehe House ':;1!' 'z(é((imi'y; granted, would have brought the Pro-- "l"m-'m If l|h1§ lufd h(:c:n gfnr 'af,::l Ay vincial boundary to a point about six %)19 first p(z'un' rather t dll 3 t;r Po. d one--half milés cast of Port Ar-- Jominion Government passe e f':' t. Mr. Rowell made it clear that solution, the contention for a port on at the time of the arbitration . On-- |;ng:0;:1 Bay would have had more io's claim was not granted in its| f * C akt i s . ii?i?'estv(:lgs"Sir Oliver Mowat made it | ? ner" F.iowe]}l1 ltndm'a:og thg flltf;erer;.(é? clear that what was considered as thef i f?tp}'nmn t.ta' erx|§ o' 3;'@1 hi?] r ] territory of the Hudson Bay Company : | rpm,. ive merl' s of I 01't. Shure z?.n was north and west of what are now 7'.?!l't}1\elson as P'lal;hn.l.s. I h'e Prr'n'm- he boundaries of this Province. clal brief damps Nelson as an ocean-- # the bo going port, while the opinion was now ; Matter Rested . With Dominion. 'Pxp]:essed that Churchill will never | "ontinui Mr. Rowell pointed out male agood _port: for ocean--borne thz(ifon}:én':':'rz-i'gl?i';e(ll that Ithe matter arafffio. Manitoba had 'ur'gcd its righ§s rested entirely with the Dominion ; nefore the Dominion Gov ernment, us-- *] Government for settlement, but the ".'zg. every OXI)t%(l_lent and 1e'smnce',) to + boundary as outlined in his resolution | -:]:':l:'(' Str:el1g 3 fhe Ontario Govern-- was reasonably within what the Pro-- i the II "ff"fil' })resvr}ted' th.e' matter to vince might ,J_\pom. "Anything -- less .f' e Jfigls ature,. A\ot\\ithbmndmg. t,he than that is less than this Province :"ffl"';('ss '?f _ the day, the Opposition snould be asked to accept." wou (! heartily co--operate with the * Govyvernment in placing the matter Ontario's Case Imperfoct. with fql! emphasis before the FPedecral Criticizing the case which had been authorities. f made out for Ontario, Mr. I{O"'gll Su'u} Sir James' Reply, * at it looked as if the members o $ s s :ggt(;g)\'e?'ul;nont "presenting the case | .. &a" J]ames went fully into the cor-- for Ontario thought that thore was | responc encg,. rcadil'ng.lettm' af.tor le.t- not much need for argument on it." !'t(?r.'from Sir Wllf'rld Laurier, in The concluding paragraph contained which the former Ig'emler expressed that admission in the reasons "im-- 1t_h? hOD'(; that Ontario would h'e sat-- perfectly set forth." "I quite concur.'" | {Sf'e(l with the terms set out in the he added, '"in the statement that the I'l('SOlUtlon of 19'08. b'y which Manitoba reasons were inadcequately and. im-- secured both Fort Churchill and Port perfectly set forth." (Applause.» ,A\'elson. He showed how the Ontario * Government had at first tried to se-- Omissions of the Government. cure a joint port with Manitoba at The Government omitted. Mr. Row-- FU_" Churehill, but had later pro-- ell went on, to put in some important posed an alternative plan by which considerations. and avparently failed the Province '}'(-uld\'en the south to bear in mind that the Dominion s]loro qt' tlw. Xelsqrx River for twenty-- Government had no interest in the ' ftive miles trom its mouth. Toward a division of the territory beyond see-- ¥ the close of his speech he remarked ing that a fair arrangement was bpe-- that he had heard that Port Nelson ing made. The Government failed to was by some men considered the bet. ¢ draw attention to the fact that the ter harbor of the two--which may northern boundaries of the other Pro-- have been an intimation thrown out vinces in the west went to the sixtieth upon which to hang an amendment paralled. In view of the 1""J.l(-tl th'(txt b to Mr. Rowell's resolution. Manitoba was pressing its clalim o 4 s & tlii terl'i'tnl'_\' north of g;')nt:u'io on the Moved Resolutions. basis of the argument before the ar-- Hon. Mr. Matheson moved a re-- bitration in 1881, some of which ter-- solution to consider the bill to allow ritory Ontario didn't get, this consid-- the Government to guarantee to the eration should not have been omitted extent of $300,000 the bonds of the from the brief. If Manitoba had --a University of Toronto, to provide that right to urge that upon the Dominion amount advanced Bby the University Government, Ontario had _ also, the to the 'Toronto Genéral Hospical for same right. The Hudson Bay Com-- the new building. pany's territory did not extend as far Hon. Dr. Reaume 'moved & re-- south or as far east as the present solution to consider his bill to pro-- northerly and westerly boundaries of vide an additional million dollars for | Ontario. The Government -- should good roads construction -- under the county systems scheme. : Mr. Alex. McCowan of East York introduced a bill to amend the muni-- cipal act by giving townships power | to construct sidewalks. | Mr. Wim. McDonald (Centre | Bruce) will move for an order of | lthe House for a reéeturn of all cor-, respondence from August 1, 1911. to | date between the Attorney--General or | any official of his department and any person or persons of the town of Chesley or elsewhere, respecting the prosecution, conviction and fining of one Charles Subject by Magistrate s Montgomery for an infringement of the provisions of the liquor license 4 act. * ' IEReenteremeecrommmmennenenres 1 ®