" C . . . I " , T, _ _ u w F, IEIE=5SPZ 29, 1912. , . . it' _ "an ble Premier Ttttu he no; willfully / _ - stating something that was wrong. It T _ does not become even a simple mem- her to make any such suggestion, let LARGE TEBB1TOB alone the First Minister of the Crown." The debate was adjourned at a ___________ o'clock hy Mr, Elliott, who will can. tinue this afternoon. . . . . . S . ' Severe Opposition Critioism of Ir Jtsmes Quotes The Globe. B d S ttl t Sir James, in continuing his re- marks, quoted from an editorial in oun ary e emen . The Globe shortly after the boundary resolution of 1908 was introduced in ._.____.._.__. the House of Commons. That edi- torlal. referring to the fact that . , neither Ontario nor Manitoba seemed HON. A. th MACKAY SPEAKS to be satisfied with the new hound- ary, said that it made it look like ---------r- "a reasonably fair division." He went on to declare that Sir Wilfrid; Laurier's determination had been to Government Presented Case set Ontario and Manitoba against . " . " ' each other. In Limp Manner. "What did he care for Manitoba, what did he care for Ontario?" Sir James declaimed. "They had both "_------- in an unmistakable way spewed . criticism out of their mouths." '"tt, Upon boundary Beirut!) Proud of His Position. noes "rr""'"',,""'","', A em r After reviewing the attempts the Moves an Amendment-sir James" . Ontario Government had made to secure a modification in the arran e- Til! With Mr. Elliott. ment, Sir James took up the dispogsl. tion of the matter finally made by ""'"-------..- the Borden Government. "The position we occupy to-day is Sir James Whitney's announcement one upon whioh we congratulate in the House yesterday that Ontario is f.'d.r"e"iti', :zgpége tPl'OVigCe ot Onta.. I.. ..ete. . ra.t.N. . ' etnsen apartyu to be gn en d((.eSS to Hudson Bay has this summer to investigate and reel: not had the expected discouraging er.. port upon the new territory which foot upon the opposition. Mr. N. W. will become the property of the Pro- Howell, K.C., has no intention of Vince of Ontario, and also to report withdrawing his resolution urging the ',euul'/i.,,"est location of the tive.. t'laim of the Province to territory ex- Sir James paid his respects to a tending up to Fort Churchill, and yes- mistake in a Conservative paper that Lerday the Liberals vigorously attacked hasxfone some fall? travelling. . a , . t 'e " on a cart me say," he said, :110 settlement the Government has "that I would never believe that Om? agreed to. lion. A. G. MacKay open- tarlo would be shut out from access' ed by pointing out the unfairness of to a port on Hudson Bay. The a division by which Ontario was to; newspaper of my hon. friend---The secure forty thousand square miles f,i,"o1"i--"""'/,"te,4 me exactly as I " . _ spo P. _ er newspapers, one tn less than Manitoba. He charged un particular, reported that I said I warranted interference on the part of would never believe we would not Manitoba, and contrasted the deter- get a port on Hudson Bay." mined front of that Province with the will} c,1,','y'ltin/,d,.hhg," thisthad been - , ' _ I _ quar ers, and half 1cyrtet).method of the .Ontario that Sir Wilfrid Laurier had men- Government in presenting their claim. tinned it in tho House, stating that "Ontario has no right to come for- Ontario's Prime Minister had 'been ward in a limp manner and say we boasting that the Province was go- had no legal right or claim," he said. ing to get a port. .. t A. . Before concluding Sir James read t l from Confederation down On ar 0 to the House the opinions of a num- has borne the burden and heat of the her of well-posted men to the effect day of this Dominion, and if one of that instead of being worthless as a the Provinces had a right to put her port, Port Nelson had, as a matter r , . - of tact, a better harbor than Port 100? iornard that Province "as On Churchill. He gave figures showing tario. _ that Ontario would get 146,400 Dr. J. McQueen of North Went- square miles, Manitoba 178,000 worth and Mr. J. C. Elliott of West s uare miles and Quebec 354 000 Middlesex also spoke for the Lib- q , , . erals; Mr. R. ft. Gamey of Manitoulin . A Question of Fair Play. 233133333' Sr "tyievdefge.iengr tll,',' The question before the House, said! amendment to Mr. Rowell's resolution Hon. A. ,(" Malia", continuing the regretting the failure of the Govern- debate, was one 9. ownership of some ment to secure territory up to Fort 40,000 square miles of territory. The Churchill, the amendment saying: present contention was not a revival "Owing to the refusal of the late Gov- |of'_the old boundary dispute from ernment of Canada to agree to the 1871 to 1884, stripped of its legal as- extension sought and its determina- pect. Each Province has Just as gush. tion that the westerly boundary a right, or perhaps a higher mtr t, should be laid out in the resolution than legal technicalities. There were as adopted by the House of Commons the rights ot equity, of broad national on the 13th day of July 1908." and Juit'cg' of fa'rdplay' which occupied ap rovln o e tl ' ' , a ig er groun . at.p g t the s t ement arrived . Ontario'a rights were admitted by . Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. MacKay went Clash With Sir James. _ on. Neither did he Juggle iwith tlt / ' b l facts nor attempt to set Man toba an The member for West Middlesex . Ontario by the ears. The correspond- and Sir James came to verbal blows, _ . l 'llf id k the which resulted in the Prime Minister once showed that S r TE r Ptooi ', getting a stiff lecture upon the ameni- position that if the two rov noes ties of l'arliamentarv discussion were not satisfied with the proposals Mr. Elliott, in advancing a reason ot the Dominion Givernment they for the Government's failure to secure' should get together and endeavor to better treatment for the Province ob: . agree, and in the event of an agree- served that it may have been began"; ment he would be content. _ Sir James had allowed to be under- It was not the duty of the Domin-, stood what he had stated trom the ion Government to secure territory platform was that opening up new tar, for Ontario. Mr. MacKay declared..: ritory and settling it would mean only "It is the duty of this Government an additional burden upon the Pro- particularly to guard Ont/arias rights vince. T and to attend to Ontarios boundar- "What the honorable me ies." is absolutely untrue." L't'lh'etptg: In 1905 Manitoba said Ontario had Prime Minister. "and I suppose the no right to interfere and"Quebec had honorable gentleman known it." no right to interfere. In view of: Mr. Elliott replied very deliberately that contention," Mr. MacKay asked.l " shall accept the statement hi "what effect was produced by our the honorable the Premier " one Government arguing that we had no honorable gentleman shOuId accept ' legal claim?" What counsel. could the statement of another. I would ever have hoped to win a case by O!" _ .n/Ot littlest for a moment of the hon- .e " _ W _--------