) css N»PSrS e there --, Sk E~ --Pare for the work. Government _ took :tfl'c ~ qualified x -- "At present," he declared, "the was a lack olicy -- that § _ puh}w_f'gavo no idea where a Model teachers, and thei dp ut Had school is to be established. What was now being carrie i lead-- about preparation for the Model been inaugurated by the presen pour schools ?¢ Suppose there are three er of the House. As 95 per T. or four counties where there are no of the children of the Province DC Model schools. When are they to ceive their education in the pu | know whether there is to be a Model and separate schools, those scho;:is : school or not ? You cannot fill a should have the best possible facili-- j Model school unless the people have ties for training their children. had sufficient notice that there is go-- Mr. Gamey found fault with the & * ing to be one." Opposition for claiming on the one # Hon. Dr. Pyne repeated that an hand that there should be _ more f announcement would be made short-- ; schools in northern Ontario, and criti-- § . ly. cizing the Government t}';)r est;;{blisdt';- C © at North Bay. e al=-- h it Sotficd Policy Nceede!. i'r(:gte':l i(i)}:l?s(i)éerable of his remarks to "But the academic year is two-- Mr. McDonald, resenting the refer-- thirds over," persisted the member ence to North Bay as a "God--forsaken : for North Grey. '"There ought to be place." He declared there were more some settied policy, There ought to people within one hundred and fifty f be a definite statement at the begin-- miles of North Bay than there were ning of the academic year as to in the combined counties of Grey, where these schools will be." He Huron a'nd Bruce. Northern On-- reminrded the Government that he tafrin required another -- Normail had warned them years ago that if the school "They are back in the days Mode!l schools were abolished the l\f)ro. 1904 There is no God--for-- situation would be what it now is. "I | ~Hk(' town i8 northern Ontario to-- asked the Government not to wipe| C y h(m'id out alil the schools at one stroke," he | day, e sard. continued. "I asked them to leave | Progressive North Bay. l at least one school in each county un--| . C a til the transition stage was over, andi Mr. Rowell made it clear that no cher rere rai slight had been intended for North qualified teachers were available for s i isited there and found every school in the Province." ! Bay. He had vis '; ere The -- discussion _ wandered far | it a progressive p '}']CC' but CGod«for afield, with Hon. Mr. MacKay com--| It was all righltlt enI.) 'ut ]x.r > in: ing back to the point repeatedly in saken after the %h ecember, an endcavor to get the Minister to tcrposgd Mr. Hearst. . see the force of his argument. "I:t lic%ssoor(ips?e':in \ggde};oil(l\"cnfi cumsta s } 1~ Mr. ll. People Endorsed Policy, | had been helped in its development Sir James Whitney came to hr.' !).\' the ('Qnstruction(;»ft.thg Te;rz\;s;l;:'lrr;- Pyne's relief by declaring that the n.ug. & Northern )ntario ilway, y s of ario h: > s e which was part of the Liberal policy, 7 people of Ontario had three times en-- [ ¢ 3 nse ajorities and was largely responsible for the dorsed by immense majorities the o F T afl} n N On Government's educational policy., Mr. ({g;)if(l)ltions now prevailing in New -- . Musgrove of North Huron was + 4 _ ;}lir?thut lfho abolition -- of _ Model *"'The § member .for Manitoulin o schools and the substitution of Nor-- e knows, if _hc? will give thc H_oqse his f mal schools had hbeen a wise move, honest opinion, how -- dissatisfied h'e & and was promptly taken to task by has been with the apathy of the Gq\- . Mr. W. McDonald, Liberal member for * ernment," 4 declared Mr. Rowell, a Centre Bruce, who declared that since which elicited no reply from Mr. _ the county of Bruce had no Model k Gamey. 3 school the School Trustees were While the position of the Govern-- l compelled to take teachers right from ment on the educational . question the High School at Chesley, He ap-- might be all right in theory, schopls pealed to the Minister to place a in many places were face to face with Model school in Bruce or in Grey k the question of having no teachers where it would be convenient to t at all or taking teachers without any ¢ Bruce county. b professional training whatever. The A He contrasted the lack of educa-- Incompetency and incapacity of the tional facilities in his county with the Government were obvious. The Gov-- f position of North Bay, which had @A ernment should have taken the big Normal school with only twenty-- House into their confidence z;)nd shou]lg 1 seven pupils. ave formulated a policy that wou i $ "Of Ii)ill the God--forsaken places tol ?18.\'(,' met the situation. What the| put a Normal school--at North Government were doing and what the | Ba,f,'r!l" he exlc('laimed.t a Foat Government ought to do was widely e remar create an up » ; a '"Were you ever there?" shouted Mr. ('i;fferer;;xdemmnncd Senools 5 Shillington. Many $ E Vly 1 fever was and don't want Mr. Pratt thought there were as s to be," was Mr. McDonald's retort. many undermanned schools when 8 The Government Responsible. Model schools were maintained as at $ # 3 the present time. The fact was On-- 3 Mr. N. W. Rowell reviewed the sit-- fario was growing so.fakt that it was NUation throughout the Province, in-- ' impossible to keep up with the supply E sisting that it was the duty of the|| t ltéachers. Government to take steps to coul'|| Money was well spent in training . teract thq demand from the west that|| teachers, commented Mr. J. C. Elliott. 3 ie learing Unt.a_rlo gehnools in _ the ' but if the Mode! schools were the hands of unqualified teachers. Hon.|| t es P ¥ . M curse that the Government made Mr. MacKay came back with an-- q ut to be. Why nOot 4bolish th o other broadside that drew from '?ir allt(::?e?her" ) WAS sh them t 6 s P ecuy s ¢ £ S, i5 * % o noSe Ahiem" ins? tho maeniber " t " N¥ Marshall suggested . that the North Grey was "hopelessly lost in restriction upon trfi_'stees eing unable the mazes of his fad about Model' to elnnlfya;\éod\filr S&Eflflcf;fi?"t';,"'s ;e; + removed, Mr. St 2 oug f sa;y?po,lh'][_ Munro of Glengarry got| the I'rovinc? was s'nfficiemly wealthy down to facts. He declared that the; E'grmeadku'i"?til:lrge increase to the grant : question sf Model schools had been & adin=-- 6 L s i one of the leadiug ones in the cam--| The following gentlemen were in« i * r vited to dine with the Hon. the D%'i,in that resulted in his elel&tlgnin Spesker 'of thes Ontarmo Lemiglatare\| _ ** en Glengarry had --a ode Oe P C eesste 22 _ crin a a school we had teachers enough," he' E said. '"To--day more than one--half ' of the schools are in the hands of unqualified teachers, simply because o they will not go all the way to Ot-- §: tawa to attend a Model school." Mr. e R. J. McCormick of East Lambton SE and Dr. McQueen of North Went-- o worth presented similar arguments s for the restoration of Model schools, B while Mr. J. C. Milligan followed for \~NE. the Government. hk > Hon. Mr. MacKay disturbed the f o Minister of Education again. Refer-- 3 ring to the Minister's inability to p state when and where the Model m ~ schools would be established, he (sate <, characteriezd it as a "confession of <ae _ absolute incompetence."' ~C€ . Lack of Qualified Teachers. . e : Mr. McGarry said when the , s /