T se ~ it * & C) 6 -- * + sATURDAY, MARCH 2 1912 > oge-- W EP o ucnnmanrers en cpmmnatieeieten c cemetaretemamn mm "purposes. Both were sent ofim Agabifaee en 9 " mittee. e R The member for West Ottawa se-- ' MEMBEBS HAD TO cured the second reading of two bills ' 'endorsed by the Association of Muni-- ' cipalities: one to provide that the ! W BILLS sinking fund for debentures for park WITHDHA purposes be collected during the lat-- 'I ter period of the debentures, and an-- other to allow municipalities to tear a en' down dangerous buildings. The Pro-- 5 vincial Secretary questioned the prin-- 66 i as i ciple of shifting the burden to pos-- The Down and OUt Proces telx'it.\'. but allowed the bill to go to Sion Started' committee. A York County Bill. ennnnnane e nnammmmmne Mr. Alex. McCowan's bill to allow townships to lay sidewalks, etc., and to permit the Clerk of the county, ELLIS B"_L lS DROPPED. whose office is in another municipal-- ity to mail notices, etc., from that pf»int, was given a second -- reading. The East York member explained that this clause was to cover a condition Hon. A. G. MacKay Objects to Law in York county where the offices were : With Regard to Accidents on in Toronto, and it was necessary to $ e $ go outside to mail county notices. HMighways Being Modifiecd to Pro-- The Minister suggested that the mat-- tect Municipalities--Bills Go to ter could be covered by a private )ill. Committee. 11'['119 House took up a number of private bills and passed them Wereeammemmmeone im errenienerciencey through committee without discus-- oo oT A. M. Ranki ber f o es j Mr. A. M. ankin, -- member for 'l\"" members .of the ]Teglslalur(, I*'ro]xitenac, moved the first reading received lessons yesterday in the art l of HIi& bill to prohibit the use of nar: of gracefully withdrawing bills. Both row--tire waggons. This bill has M-myk were new additions to the House---- endorsed by the Good Roads Asso-- Mr. E. A. Pec of West Peterborough [ S E!! |. bocmmonmenrtantiarsematmentiatts and Mr. J. A. Ellis of West Ottawa-- | | and neither attempted to question the zlliscoumg'ing decision of the Provin-- !('idl Secretary. | Mr. Peck's bill provided for spe-- ,(~ially assessing land abutting on 'streets for the purpose of meeting l! the cost of street watering, cleaning, '!etv. Hon. Mr. Hanna remarked that l%hc matter had been considered last session, when the local improvements 'sc(-tiun of the municipal act was gone t over, and that it was useless to go over the same ground again. Mr. W. S. Brewster of South Brant rose to announce that he had a similar [ bill for the city of Brantford, but he was assured, amid laughter, that his bill would not _be prejudiced. ; Then Mr. Peck did what was expect-- ed of him. The West Ottawa member's bill to protect municipalities from actions arising out of accidents on the streets, except where notice of the dangerous condition had been given,. came to a sudden end. Wrong in Principle. l "'The principle of this thing is absgo-- [ lutely wrong," declared Hon. A. G.] | MacKay as Mr. Ellis sat down. '"The | 'J\'ing's highway is ZJor all men. I ! may be travelling one hundred miles 'frnm home over a road that I never ltm\'vllw] before. The residents in. that district may know all about a| ,dullgvrmls spot and never take thei trouble to give notice of it. Because | 1thf\y never do so I may be injured , and 1 have no.redress, It is the busi-- ness of the municipality to see that| the roads are kept in repair. Tho;' law should not be relaxed. We are | looking toward better and not worse | high ways." f And the applause that came from | both sides 'forewarned Mr. Ellis of what was coming. a "I have been an admirer of this bill," said Hon. Mr. Hanna with a smile, '"and I have supported _ it again and again, only to find myself in a hopless and helpless minority. I would say to the supporter of the bill that things don't look good _ at the present moment. I think it would serve no purpose to have the bill go further." 7 The bill was withdrawn. ad . i . 4 Two Bills Get Through. A\l.l.- . H. McElroy of Carleton moved the second reading of two bills to make clear the right of coun-- ties to issue debentures without the assent of the celectors. One is to \ amend the municipal act, and the other to amend the highways im | provement act. Mr. McElroy desires 'to give county Councils the right to | borrow sums not exceeding $20,000 'for road improvement over and above _ the amount required for ordinary