v s e t ® & «e se inwald ' * en ;';'.'r»' 2 7 ; e# f y § - [ADOPT PRINCIPLE ' OF HUMBER RAILWAY | | | | | menmnnnmmmenmnmmemmmmmmmmmecer | | p 3 | ' | | RAILWAY COMMITTEE CONCEDES | THE RIGHT OF APPLI-- ' } CANTS. N. Mr. R. Home Smith had the ear of the Railway Committee of the Legislature yesterday morning, an(: i« succceded in having the preamblelo mittee to grant a charter which his bill to incorporate the Humber woulid facilitate sporadic growth. The r ' RrAcrEPTF Railway Company city was spending $30,000 or $40,.000 Valley Electric xs ort on ", her clauses of the bill| to have a comprehensive report o adopted. The other cli 8 h. cor.| the street. car -- situation prepared, will be redrafted by Mr. Smith, C which would be a permanent _ and poration Counsel Drayton and Mr. sufficient tmnsx,mlrtagion S(:hOme for 'armer, Secretary of the committee.| a imetropolitan district. The con-- Idn']lu is tLl bill was called Mr. Smith ftruction of the Humber V alley lino F y m".c lwm) the committee that he| woulq only make another problem ]'mnuum, C nable to reach any agree-- | to be dealt with. 3 hont with The ut He had $1,500,.--|-- Mayor Geary claimed that the city !menF W] .tl,l in real estate in Humber did not want to block the matter, but N m.\tsf'i(\ Id-d not want to run @| he thought they were entitled to a !\;}k\" hoL di(li not seek a franchise.| delay. "If we do nothing inside ?f fl':l > 1(1{(; had grown rapidly in the| g year, we could not consi's,tenfly op-- + 1'(:101(11 years in the suburbs, and pose this bill next session. $P * & x;;any of these were without sani-- When passing the prr(:ammératim; | i ithout water, without trans-- | MeGarry moved that t C uC Mb | Fation, wi ' of the bill be deferred until the gec-- polx:tu.tlon-k you to allow us to spend | ond week in January, 1913. This We as in building a railway to would give the city time to study the '(.ur'monc.'.\ 1\111 land."_ _ He was Will-- | expert's report, and if it was decided o ne Ahar hO\' .nv'qh(;uld take the line | to construct this line the ratepavers f ' !mg that't f t("n{o within five yeatrs 4t | would have an opportunity to vote s | over at.dn,\fi 1 er cent. interest, and the money. Meanwhile it is under-- B | tcl(x)flyfu:::l)tu}:mt nfl deficit in operation, if | sgtood that Mr. Smith may go todworl;lé | "m}.' In addition there was a Qx:l\'ztlte and get hi§ right 'of kw.(:i}'.)r::gbare a 2 right of way worth $50.000t Wt!'r'é:' '*| the preliminary wor * "% s ity . Etepmemrenmmamrememmmenmrmmmmenmucemermeamee \n would turn over t'() the ci ® city's *Femma esnt fho-- se ! . erienonnbat retel'.'lredplt'(i)\')ths'ollfl}(')il One af Taranta'c oraw!-- | -- experience bgffii{ea is Purther traction | & and demurred at any 1 he pre-- {ranchises being gi\(jn}:; dA\t'oteri (])\'er L sent time the citizens ha of dollafs 4 | a million and a quarter lines. To. . | e >»xtend the street car lines. \ to exte i but the growth |; ; ronto was grow n-g', with no definite I \\ had been spasmodic, wi t the com-- l xA i('nd, and he did not '\anw'y,___,irfi,.'A z_fi | | \ | | 'KEEP HUCKSTER$ Away . | § GRADED CERTIFICATES WAXNTED | l F RUM EX'HIBITION GATES Deputation of Stationary Engincers } l ~--s----omsmmanes Wait on Minister of Agricalture. ;! BILL TO THIs EFPFEQCTP I{EI'()RT-' Asking for a series of three grad-- ; % ED B¥ PRIVATFE BILLS CoOM. | ed certificates instead of only one.l' MITTEE op LL(.'ISL.\'I'I'RIC. | which is at present granted, a deputa~ | f f Trers--mmmms tion of about fiftecn stationary en-! 4 The hillrostr:niningtickvt traflickers gineers from several cities o'f Onta-i' . _fand hucksters outside the gates of ric waited upon Hon. IJI. 8. Duff, Min-- i the Canadian National Exhibition | ister of Agriculture, yvesterday morn-"' ' R was reported by the Privateo Bills ing. Messrs, W. D. McPherson, M'i' * Committee of the Legislature yes-- P. P. for West 'lv'oronvto, an('i 4. T.nr--' * A% ie , o $ trance, M. P. P. for North Perth. in | t(-:l'dd.\. According to the bill" the troduced the members of the deputu-{ dxstam'y from the gates within which tion. They pointed out that if first | the selling of merchandise is prohibit. and second grade certificates vverel k [ | ed has been 300 _\';U'(].\'.' The new bill given to stationary engineers, these ' 4sveks to extend that distance to 400 to be higher than the present ('erti-, i B s')"fi];' a e H. C h $ ficates, it would be of great benefit ; * 'oui t.hd;m)?';'r( .I,otuldulhalr\n pointed |not only to the manufacturers but ; | at at present the tic tet specu-- rers themselves, i lators were able to camp where the to Yhe eng!nlr,_e_____rq e | cars stopped and rob the Exhibition of mesasanamen=snomemmmmmmamuacammamer | twenty--five cents on each strip of six tickets, ' The (-ommitt.ve accepted an amend-- ment to the bill by Hon,. Mr. Duff f whereby five new members were add-- ed to the agricultural section of the association. A bill to authorize the issue of de-- C bentures by the town of Sandwich ! was held over by the committee, ' \ E+