" 'Yr' Mr. Mtmn---The Government up- trroached us, and the original price MV' askml was almost dmlblc what Ive got. We wanted $600.000, and We mnught it was worth that. but the Minister drove us a pretty hard bar- gain. and the Government got the best of the deal. Mr. Munn said that they would be ""1: was a matter of scntimrmt." queried Mr. Sam Clarke (East North- umberlmul). "and not of dollars and cents, then?" . _ Mr. Munn-No, it was a commercial transaction. . Mr. ClaT'lie--jor what reason, then, did you favor the Chtvernmcnte "No private concern." Mum), "could have bought from us at that mice." Mr. Munn said that thry out alto- gether on the timlwr limit about 15.- ij00.000 feet, on which they made an average vrofit of aluout $0 per thou- sand. When asked by Mr. J. C. Elliott (West Middlesex) what price the Munn Company had paid {or the lim.. its. when they bought them two 'years previously from the st. An.. thony Lumber Pompany. Mr. A. E. Munn, who had been called before the committee, was assured by Mr. G. H, Ferguson, Chairman of the com- mittee, that he need not answer Iltt- less he wished. Mr. Munn said that he did not wish to give the informam tion, as it was a private matter. Mr, Elliott appealed to the committee, against the Chaitmran's ruling, hut the' ruling was sustained. Mr. Elliott said ho had been in- formed that the Munn Lumber Com- pany had paid only $1ti0,000 for the limit, and asked Mr, Munn if he had any comment to make on this infor- mation. Mr. Ferguson again ruled that the question need not he answer- ed. The investigation by the Public Ac.. counts Committee of the Legislature into the circumstances of the pur- chase by the Government of timber limits in Algonquin Park from the Munn Lumber Company for $290,000, which was continued yesterday. has so tar resulted in showing that the Government is apparently not anxious that all the facts should not be made public property. MF.MnF:P.s" QUESTIONS RULED "rT Itt' CHAIRMAN or' PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTr,'E. COST OF TIMBER LIMIT IS CAREFULLY GUARDED Mr. Charles McRae (Sudbury) in- troduced a hill extending the power Vested in Police Commissioners of cities. towns and villages to keep children off the street during certain hours to police villages. Tiumc,tiimii, Thronto Ramvay Com- Dam; has taken the matter to the ("curt of Appeal, and this legislation is desiigncd to Putin end to the num- tion. Hon. My. Lucas wants to amend the moving picture act to allow inspec- tion of slides as well as films, and provides for inspection of equipment. The Attorney-General stated that no order in Council had been passed naming Temiskaming a judicial dis- trict. but it would came in due course. Civil Service Reform. With the View of socurlng reform in tho Provincial civil service Mr. Rowen has given motive of a motion which ho will dim-mas in the Ilouso noxl. Tuesday. which reads-3:: "That in the judgment of this Hons-w tho spoils and patrmmgo systmns Hit lnimical to the highest cflivictv'y of tho pulpliv sorvlce and to the best intvrists. of tho country; that the pub- lic intorohts 1lorand the immediate. "reunion of a non-partisan Civil Sm" rico 1'otnttiis.ction with ample powers. and that all 'tiHyoinittuttitr', and pt"O- motions in tho Irulrlie srvtwitu, shall lus iry mvrlt "ftor compoliliw' vxum- inntion, t-xm-pt in thotw muses whopt' tlu- conditions of Hm public service xt-mlor this irtrttriiti-Hlrhs." " said Mr. that limit The bill was then taken up clause by clause and reported without further discussion. ! A bill to incorporate the Forest 3mm Electric Railway, which was ;seeking entrance to Toronto, was ithrown out by the committee be- (cause there was no one present to tsupport it, while everybody in the' 'northern section of the city seemed} opposed to it. i A bill to increase the ca . ' ', .. - pital I Niagara Falls, Welland & tg1lno/vti2ii Electric, Railway Company from: $200,000 to $500,000, and giving them! gamer to generate and dispose of elec-i 0 power, was also re r discussion. ported without! Another bill was reported giving the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board enlarged jurisdiction in inves- tigating complaints. Mr. Allan Royce, representing the Toronto Suburban Railway, urged that it one little end of the railway were taken over by the city the rest of it would be useless. They had their own private right of way com- ing into the city and did not propose to run along any streets. The discussion assumed a white heat at times, nearly every member, o'f the committee having a word to say. When it. came to a vote Messrs. ' Crawford, McNaug'ht, Owens and, Whitesldes. the Toronto members, " were supported by Messrs Norman (Princ Edward), Thompson (Peter..', boro'), and Studholme (East Hamil-! ton). An equal number, viz. seven.' were opposed to the amendment; which made a tie vote. The amend-l ment was declared lost because there} was not a majority in favor of it. l - - ,eev---v .unAthJ'E 'as might in future come within the extended boundaries of the city. Mr. H. L. Drayton, Corporation Counsel, presented the case tor the city, and pointed out that at the end of nine years, when the franchise of the Toronto Railway should expire, the city wanted to be able to control all the electric lines within its bound- aries. It did not want a lot of unex- pired franchisee, over which it would have no control. It was the ulti- mate aim to have all the radiala, converge at a central station down town. I According to the plans submitted, the company will enter the city of Toronto from the northwest to a point on the Davenport road. Mr. W. K. McNaught (North Toronto) in- troduced an amendment by which the city would be empowered to take over the half-mile of this line within the limits of the city, and to take over such parts ot electric railways as might in fl'lfnru nlxmn --..'-v2, 'wllling: to take the iifiiiTbaek at what the Government paid for it with in. terest. At Mr. Elliott's request, Mr. E. C. Whitney and Mr. A. E. Briggs, Pre.. sident and Secretary of the St. Am. [thony Lumber Company. will be call- ed to the next meeting of the com- mittee. They will be asked what sum they received for this limit when they sold it to the Munn Company. ' LDr. A, Ir. U. C'olquhour/ Deputy Minister of Education] was examined rPg"ardin,z an item of $25,481 for sal.. aries in the department. Quosttoned by Mr. Elliott. Dr. ('olquhoun admit.. tml that Dr. Merchant's report on the bilingual schools had revealed many Munitions of' the 'ltroartment's I'egu- lations', of which the department did not know the existence. He said, however. that Dr. Merchant had not had time to an the who; WNW" "' t we City or Toronto is certainly not a pampered favorite of the thr. tario Legislature. A measure to em- power the city to take over part of the Toronto Suburban Railway which it is proposed to be built within the 01%iimits was lost in the Railway Committee yesterday. A bill author- izing extensions to the Toronto Suburban Railway to Guelph, Ber- lin, Hamilton. Niagara Falls, and other points, with power to expropri- ate land, was passed without amend.. ment. RAILWAY COMMITTEE OF I GISLATURE AGAIN DECIDES AGAINST TORONTO. CITY git NOT TAKE ") OVER SUBURBAN LINE The city of Toronto hey will be asked what sum ved for this limit when they the Munn Company. ' Ir. U. ("olquhoum Denutv wrcnant's report on the ols had revealed many the "t.'marttttent's regu- I'n'l. AL . existencé - He said; Dr. Merchant had not 0 the whole round of t in the Railway F. A bill author- to the Toronto to Guelph, Ber-