PERRERER C cmmmenmemmnmnn 0500559000 1 CATUCUS DECIDES TO _ STAND BY RESOLUTION OF LAST ' SESSION, | There is no disposition on the part oi the Government to interfere with the law affecting bilingual schools. This is the result of a caucus of Con-- lsm'\':lli\'e members of the Legislature yesterday morning, at which the Prime Minister attended. The caucus occupied two hours, and the member for the most part were mum as to \_| what transpired. Most of the time was taken up in ' a discussion of the situation relating ' --| to English--French schools, based on Dr. Merchant's report, and the deci-- Isiun aprived at was to adhere to the 'rr-.«olutiun passed last session. A par-- tial reorganization of the Education Department will be made. More in-- spectors will be appointed and there | will be some modification of the cur-- | riculm, so that the children will | have a better chance to learn the J two languages, with the retention of I French as the language of instruction ' in the junior forms and a school sub-- k iiw-t in the higher forms. A sugges-- | tion was made with the view of con-- '(-i]ia(ing the extreme "English only" ! wing --that encouragement -- would | be given to !Cngh.\'h teachers to learn | French. Coincident with the caucus | the members received a cirecular from I the Black Chapter of the L. 0. L., | setting out the resolution passed at a lreoont meeting of the chapter on the bilingual issue. -- Last year's resolution was: "'That the English language shall be the language of instruction and of all (-ummupl('utmn_»: with the pupils in the public and separate schools of: the Province, except where, in the + lupiniun of the Department of Educa-- '| tion, it is impracticable by reason of '| pupils not understanding English." :| No Action on Temperance, An announcement of the Gover + y ai * n=| ment's policy will likely be made dur. | ing the nextv few days, The ('aucu; did not dispose of the temperance question, and another meeting win | likely be'Gheld next week, The overnment's plan re $ 'Ga the $5.000,000 loan for Northegrnr(il)?xg-; || tario was Oqt'llned in view of a prob-- able discussion when Myr, Lucasg' bill comes up for a seconga reading It wa; vi.rtuz;_.lly admitteq t"mt' there ¥ no hope of proro es * wask '_.\'mb) Easter, At M eememmmmmmmme . .