w:(: §\ Mayor Geary and several members of the City Council who were present, and who urged the need of haste. A sub--committee of the Municipal Committee appointed last week to re-- port on the regulation of apartment houses in cities of more than 100,.000 population -- reported an amendment which defined apartment and tene-- ment houses as houses in which thrée or more families are living. The amended ~clause provided that the' erection of this class of house shall be confined to certain streets to be stipulated. The clause as amended was carried by the committee. The bill introduced by Mr. McPheéer-- son to assess the cost of erecting elér. tric light standards and of laying un-- dertground wires as local improve-- ments was at first unfavorably receijv. ed by the committee, Hion.: W. ..J. Hanna pointing out that it would be unfair to make a man who did not use electric light pay for the erections of standards and underground wirgs. Mr. T. E. Meredith of London urged that if these were not put under the local improvement section of the as.. sessment act any '"dog in the man-- ger'" could hold up a whole street which wanted to lay wires -- under-- ground. The bill was held over to be considered at the next meeting of the committee. The clause in Mr. Ellis' bread bill to empower municipalities to license and regulate bakers' premises _ was struck out on the Eround that the li-- censing of bakers was a new idea and would require further considcration. Mr. Hanna pointed out that butchers might just as well be licensed _ as bakers. The bill to prevent minors from frequentlng poolrooms was held over, as a provision in another bill to the same, effect is still before the House, i _ The two town planning bills intro-- :duced in the Legislature by Mr. W. D. i McPherson (West Toronto) and Mr. J. A. Ellis (Woest Ottawa) will not be passed this session, but will be con-- sidered by the same special commit-- tee of the House to be appointed to make investigations regarding tax re-- form during the summer recess. Thel bills came before the Municipal Com-' \ mittee yesterday morning, and with-l out discussion were referred to the | \ Committee on Tax Reform. The clause in the Toronto bill intro-- duced by Mr. George H. Gooderham, giving the city power to prescribe the width of new streets to be laid out, was also referred to the same com-- mittee in spitt of the protests of TA x TOWN PLANNING BLLL3 TO SPECIAL COMMITTEE 1X¥ REFORM COMMITTSE wiur COoNsIDER MATTERs DUKRING THE sUMMER. P iocuripemna raminichietintrane / 3 451 an education to attend some school. !Those children who may be emploved ,shall. if the majority of the ratepay-- &rs desire it, hbe required to attend a night school, and the _ employers shall be required to allow them a sufficient number of hours off from work to attend such schools. . Such laws were in force, Dr. Pyne explain-- ed, in France, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland. and other European coun-- tries. The act he proposed wauld he Operative as soon as the child is free from the provigion of the truancy act.' 'lnsuran('e Bill Amended. ' [ With the exception of twao sections| | the insurance bi}}] Wwas passed through Committee of the Whole, Myr. Rowei called attention tn a lack of clear.-- ness in the section providing that an insurance company once having dis. )puted a claim on the merits of theip Ccase cannot also claim immunit_\f." from payment on the ground of a| technicality. Myr. Rowell also point-- ; ed out tkat under certain cnnditinns? the section requiring a Pperiod of sixty | days to elapse after the proofs of ]oss,! are sent in before the settlement of| a claim for insurance may be unfair' to, the molicyholder. -- He advocated | reducing the period to ten days. Thel two sections were held over and will be amended. Hon. Dr escent sch came up fr act is to gi\ "SPECIAL COMMITTEE A special medical committee of the Legislature will consider the amend-- ment to the medical act introduced by Dr. D. Jamieson (South Grev) to provide for interprovincial registra-- tion of medicai practitioners, and for the recognition of the > practise: of osteopathy. . pr., Jamiecson explained his bill in the House yesterday, and moved that it be referreq to a com-- miitee composed of Dr. Resuwmas ' ¥Nlwil JAMIESOXN'S _ AMEXDAEXT WILL BE so cox. SIDERED. ent on the sround of _ _ Mr. Rowel also pp _ under certain conditi reduIrIing a Beriod nf e }. FOR MEDICAL ACT ) & lack of clear.-- providing that an _ once having dis. the merits of theip e ic nds © ofn, <-- Or, Jessop, Dr. Thompson, Mar-- Johnston, Bowman, ome school, be employed the ratepay--