m I M . veeper R ? uie Ainlnalnttiniiinicn's : > icb " " m meemeengmentt "ael i: Co un h ,x; TL _ + n ons > Aenefits of local option as 1t nad oper-- | f h shoe t 4) ated in his 'riding. (There had been' x» AN UUTHAGE UN HIGHTS *#A : a marked change 'since local option . e had been introduced and from ex-- h $3 perience in that direction he could ' UF TURUNTU RAILWAY find ne warrant for supposing that ' the treating system would be eff;e_ctive idns oidhoege peifnt nneered iedz i --evi iquor Oe' NC 1 "elastil Of he y' WITH THIS REMARK MR. FuEM. ING CONSENTS TO INTER. 64 6c » % a *# Progressive Legislation.' CHANGE OP TRAFFIC, Mr. Albert Grigg (Algoma) said he would take second place to no man mmmmanenmmmmmn 'in the House as an advocate of tem-| With the exception that he char-- | perance. But, hesaid, there had not| acterized the bill as an "outrage on been advanced in this Provincée such! the +% * y i as a progressive legislative measure as; 1e rights of the lnrruntu Railway that brought forward by the Gov-- Company,'"' Mr. R. J. Fleming offered | ernment. .l i¥at. it id t Ie. no opposition to the passing of the ' Mr. Gri said -- tha wou ake s uce rhey w UnE aAPri l e 14. 0 in !a sgong gfivcrnment to enforcee this bill _lJPU\ldlng for an |'nt(,u,ln'm,v,u of Haw, and he had every confidence in | traffic on the electric railway lines, by f ?tho present Government. If the bar the Railway Committee of the Legis-- | were abolished a: premium would be| ,'Inturu yesterday morning. p]ahc[i';.d, ;'}l:'i;;tt(l-gn(ll'::'l;h(lln%hnt he < had ! The bill provides that where there not been convinced that. the, three-- | are-- in the same municipality two or | fifths clause was. the. best lhing' for !mnru- electric street railways each of the Province, but in making inquiries i oprnavratianse." «1 ; . j 'he found that it was favored as creat-- :,'CI'"';.":\1":,';\'.1";-:::,'""\'.h"}f,,. ';]r,f:_mlw{"?:,'_ ine permaneney. * change of traffic and running rights 'Tribute to Sir George Ross. over its lines. If the corporations s + * § are unable to agree as to terms, that;. Mr. Sam (l;n'!\'('_ (West .'\nrthllnl- matter shall be arbitrated upon by berland) paid a tribute to Sir George the Ontario Railway and Municipal! W. Ross, who had favored -- prohibi-- Board. The act will-- come i'ntu "m'_'_. tion while he was in power, but his on proclamation by the I/-vfii«-nnnt- policy had not been accepted by the l(hv\'(-rnur in Council. ' Liberal party. j | '"'The question is whether one rail-- s lf.'-\".\,. th\"l'c was a mz}n of honest l""'v company may hold up several M cmn-]cu«m:\-, it was 'Sn- George V'I{nss. municipalities or other -- companies," The Prime Minister, Mr. (_larke said Mr. H. L. Drayton, representing P said, had taken second place in the the city of Toronto. ""It will pre-- House _\'('att"l'(];{'.\- to the leader of the vent a }nunicipalitv holding up a rail-- Opposition. . When the leader of the . way." * Opposition announced his policy the "So far as. we 'Aro concerned." Prime Minister had spent all his time gaid> Mr. I"lfmin:'.. "there '\\ill cLe 1;" ever since in wondering what he was opposition th 'the. XMAL | axt ept that going to do. Mr. Clarke would like .i! is an outrage s C (he to have a shorthand report of the rights of the 'l'nrnnl"- RailWay Com. caucus of the Conservative party, at ljmn\'." It was. further a complicts which the policy was decided on. The ll'f'\tll'sul of Hn'l' city's policy as 1.":."-- Prime Minister said he was going to |"N_,I againgt 1i|.nl Tadiale in ;';M abolish the treating system, but he I years. The city has steadily refus--, had not said when he would do it. {ed 1b consent to'an agreemem for an Would Banish by Education,. interchange of trathc. """-i""»' """'?]"_ f include the radials, and now the cit Mr. W. K. McNaught said if '"ban-- wanted to force an interchange with] & ish the bar" meant to take the liquor radials. | out of the hotels and put it into the The bill was reported. | dining--rooms of the houses or into | wl mm mmemmemen e | illicit dives, he must hbe counted 1 against it. HMHe said his experience in Portland. Maine, was that in several hotels he. with some friends, were able to get alk the spirituous liauor they wanted. He hbelieved in ban-- ishing the bar, with all hisg heart. % | not by coercion. but by education, \ WHULEBALERS CUNFER which would cause it to stay han-l I ished. He claimed the record of t W the Government in this matter was| R ITH LEGAL CUMMITTEE the best of anyvy Government. He I | would never believe in awbolition of + ¥ M eeeeecet ! the bar without compensation. Mr. BULK sLES ACT FOR-- PROTECL-- McNaught claimed more credit him-- N 'p 6 ags un . 131 Satoscotenel ' self for the amendment introduced "U'\, ',\'("",f\bl FRAUDULENT } by the Premier than the leader of DEBTORS Is REPORTED. | the Opposition. as six years ago, im-- munitisime en ipecgepmmmriepnmrore | mediately after his entering _ the n on inss ; ; | House, he had introduced a bill to Kepresentatives of a number of To-- | abolish treating, and had withdrawn ronto wholesale firms attended the it on request as lb"i"'f in :«})d\'ance of mesting of the Legal Committese of »ublic opinion, but had been com-- e artimwd ce # f ,'w)limnme.'l by a number of, persons on the L'Lg"\jld[u"' vesterday morning KUI introducing such a bill. HMe believed confer with the committce during the the legislation proposed by the Gov-- consideration of Mr. W. b. .\ll'l'hcz-l ertnment was just, was best for the son's "bullk sales Aact'" a 4h a JUPTE: struck at. the root of the evil, not fraudulent debtors 4s! | the branches. :The record of the pre-- 'The ) 111 providés f (inilapes vious 'Government, he alleged, had shall llt)tl(,]isll)](:;\e"'c:i~ "'113;"[ \:'(}'_'","'."\'f been one of flimflamming and gold-- bulk ~Avithout ];I'U\i!ling'\ o \\}..i\nltl': § hri('kin;:' the p('()])l(' on VthiS ques-- slatement of their liZi"i]ilié"-' ,"ll':..l_'_a tion,.. while, the . present Covernment curing the consent of mm-eull'nll'i fif.| ' had done much for temperance ad-- ty per cent. of the 4'r4'~li'(u~-u C ""']'2 ' --vancement,; <and the Premier could 3. J. FoyS who. was \'clcv't;'d Chnair . i; | be relied on to do what he said> he of the committee at the "{«tdlnlg:-itj' would. ing, presided. las *4 vih 1 No Class Legislation es nanntinineaeneammemne Mr. Allan Studholme (East Hamil-- | ton) said he was going to hold the leader of the Opposition to his pro-- mise that he would stand for thei abolition of club licenses as well a.s' bar licenses. It would be class legis-- # lation to deprive. the \mrkingman| from buying a-- drink of beer at a $ bar and stil permitting a member of a club to go there and have a high-- s ball. He did not think Mr. Rowell was politician enough to go out and 'say he did not mean that. Every 4 \ member of a licensed club, he gaid, 5 ' | was becoming.a partner in the 1i-- 'quor business, and the Government, b | too, he said, was becoming a part-- | ner in taking: five per.gopf. of he ; lbar receipts. $ . f f d f & 1; 3