,I:,.A.; «/ C P f e d W ecenl... The attempt of the Private Bills Committee lot' the Legislature to force the City Council of Ottawa to pay a disputed claim of $22,000 now in the courts for the construction of a grand 'stand as a condition prior to the passage of a bill authorizing the issue of debentures for the 'erection of a new and much--needed smallpox | hospital is inducing Congervative papers to speak 'right out in meeting. The Toronto World says: '"'May we ask Chairman Lucas and the members of the Private Bills Committee who it is that controls this claim and is to get the $22,000? Why is this person or firm unable to collect the money through the courts? Is there a nigger in the woodpile, and what is the name of the color2d-- gentleman? Upon what meat does he feed that he is able to turn the Ontario Legislature into a debt--collecting agency?" Whenr questions like these are publicly asked they demand a public answer. Mr. Lucas has the floor. + Fitindat