_ ""MW 12. THURSDAY. APRIL 11. 19 S Mr. Elliott too make one clause ) ead that all municipalities should UB eceive the same proportion of pay-- f nent --was lost on the same division, [ ind the bill was given a third read--| ! S | ng. | lTHE MUNIU]PAL]TIE t rovernment Not Unanimous. j 1 I | | That there was opposition -- amons | | rmuevmmmmemetme: newne=y on | he members of the Government to : lon. Mr. Hanna's b'l" to provide for: | ? ompulsory vaceination was evident 'Ml'. Rowe" SOUth an Amend' rom the large number of absentees| ! P s A t [ rom the Government benches when| | o he vote was taken on Dr. MsQuecen's| | ment to Highways Ac i mendment. Mr. J. A. Hilis (West: | } Pitawa) spoke in the House against| { teemessuusass he bill, saying that the City Council| I | a Ottawa had passed a resolution ; FOR FA'R TREATM ENT | pposing it. Neither Mr. Hllis nor Mr.: PLAN I fepoleon -- Champazne (East Otta--, I fa) was in the House when the vote| t o pesielyrcatteaits use ward e un 6 ras taken. | t f Following are the others who did ' P inge tot vote:----Messrs. Goodernham,. -- Dun-- i.\m(""ll.'f'nt "ful)ON'd to (nn\Dul"Ol.' ap, Godfr(l.\., G. CH. ')erguson' &]"!1_: | Vaccination tot--Pr. _ McQueen an. Hogarth, Peck, McEl)roy, Mechin, | | 'arscallen, Nixon, MaciKay. Proud--| ' Aimed -- ito Make Vaccination Op-- Pot, W. R. Ferguson, McDonald and;» 1 * utherland. { vional. The vote was 66 to 18 against tho? 1 mendment, a majority of only forty--| | y rontsa"*= ight for the Government. The (Go--~-- | rnment majority on the highways| In order to hasten the conclusion o mprovement bill was fitty--eigzht. The| of the session the Legisiature spent Tiginal motion passed its third read--| _ o ng on the same division. | the whole of yestevday from 11.390 } in the morning until late last night Jeasure Too Drastic. | in an endesasvor to lfinish up all of \\'her:l t(liu', third reading of the bil} ~« R e llredk Are a l tas called, Dr. MceQueen (North | the Government -- husiness, 'v\ Lngo: ventwortn): moved an amendment} ;numb(-r of hbills were dealt with,. man;s i m1aking it optional instsad of com-- Ianmndmwnlfi were maved in --bills : ulsory for the municipal boards to: y Fhuk Rezas ty F readin«s na | raé--» general vaccination where there} i(d"( d for their th rd' nr.1 ling .'a'v d! i ab SUthreak. of smanlbos.. 418 org. those amendments which were m-)\mlé' d tBhat there might be ons one cagsa'l by members of the Opposition were | i & municipality, from which there! promptly squelched by the -- House.| right l.wl no"dan[gi:er '\'-.'hut;'-\'](l»r. Ac-- rp gs *gh livisions s e i vraing 0 Mr. anna's il}, every flrere were Iwo «ifisions during A!!* I erson in the municipality would have '"ft('rnnnn: on an amendment by Mr.;: » be vaccinated on account of the| !'linwvll to the highways improvement | ne case. He would also place the ;l'ill, and} on an amendment by Dr.} na!_m!thoru_\' in the hands of the I e . n antfea L1 $ | 'rovincial Board of Health, and pro-- 'l\lchlt""' to the vaccination bil}. TTI(-'.-) ide that an order for gencral vac-- Government majorities were 58 and ination on the part of a municipal *"' feepectively. 'r ovard must receive the endorsation | To Relieve Municipalities. } 1 the Provincial Board. | f ; ' | Mlr. Hanna admitted that in a case _ On the third reading of the bill j there there were only one or itwo Ifor the improvement of the high-i ases of smallpox this bill might| ways Mr. Rowell moved an amend-' sem arbitratry, but the bill was «harn-! ment which provided that t-(mtrihu--! d in such a.wa.\' that the ufinhiuip&l tions to highway improvement un-- odies would excrcise their powers as' der the act shall continue as at pre-- | easonable men. and act on the ad--! sent. so far as the Province is ('on-g ice of the medical men who might} cerned--namely, one--third :; but in-{ e on them. * <--| stead of the municipalities contribut-- Mr. J. A.. Eilis 'es awa)| Ing two--thirds, one--third should be vinted out that" a :ll\:jfxl'i1\'U(L)lfd'.\tl';r'> conitributed out of the moneys re-i eople of Ottawa were "";",;qed Lo ceived from the PDominion Govern--| his measure, and that the 'Una\\'a ment and one--third by the Jocal| founcil had passed a resolution ex--| municipalities. . That wouild involve | ressing disapproval of n ' | (I no greater tax upon the Province, but| b * . it would relieve the municipalities nff '*revent Spread of Weeds, : one--half the h')Tde 1?'9.\'317'? now un-- | Mr. J. G. Anderson (South Bruce) der, and would act as a Mrm_)g;" in--| poved an amendment to Hon. Mr dAUCOmGIll }0 have uth"!'. municipal-- | Puff's 'bill to prevent the spread -- of | ties come in under the highway im-- loxious weeds. to provide for the ap-- rrovement scheme. wintment of Provincial} inspectors {u' Mr. Howell was sglad to see that se tlhat the provisions of the lav\-"ar(_? he Government had so {far adopted arried out. The law in this rémn-d | lhe principle of the good roads re-- nmd Mr. Anderson, was not b'einwoi-'tr', 'olution presented earlicr in the ses-- fed out, and Provincial ixwv:z-ri:)r;; ion, that the moneys received from tould eorrect this, l i he Dominion Government should be Hon. Mr. Duft pointed out that this| ised by the Department of Public fould mean the appointmeut -- of Norks as part of the general fund 'rqvincial inspectior in every (0{.-nd" 'or highway development. He did hip. _ As proposed in the bill, anc 10t agree that the lLicutenant--Gov-- ty farmers can get tugethet: :"a' rnor in Council should have author-- Hve a municipal inspector ap int F ty to vary the proportion to be con-- d for the purpose. He ur ellputl? -I ributed by the municipality, the here had been in recent %_,.' rs d,t Province and the Dominion, as it reat improvement in the ('3.1-:.dl:1'_'d. yould be possible to treat the muni-- i¥ farmers to prevent thke spr ,'r':":i. lpalities dGifferently. 1. weeds, spreading | It might not be the intention of es it rs s | he Government io do so, but the oncerning Exemptions, | tct. should be clear on that point. Mr. 4 < y j The clause should make perfectis ;[,:f" 0'\1)1;:(151&2".;1;113113;" (Rast Ham.i' ilear the amounts to be contributed te the Y. M. C. A. of T't(? incorpor-- J¥ each of the three parties, and i t_yA._\A+ + OL J'ort *WillHlam, hat could not be 'done the act at east should state that all muni-- rfipalities should be trested on t ame basis. 'reat All Alike. PDr. Reaume assured the lHouse hat the Government was disposed to reat all muntcipalities alike. As the foderal grant would not be available his year, the proportion of contribu-- fons will not be affected. Mean-- vhile, if it was found necessary to pecify the amount, the act could be amended at a subsequent session. The amendment was lost on a vote KS to' .I7:; : % l'urtl'xer amendment L