: # + :A sal R t i art o make such condition @ -- misde-- ' TTA 1t nntnn® anr2; | f méanor under the act. HIGH'PRICED DRUGS I Hotels in local option municipalities | ' f 'will be brought under supervision by x the license inspector, and the inspec-- UbED lN ASYLUMS tor is given power to enter these pre-- | mises for the purpose of his office.l *m--omer--smemsuts whether or not gmperT'ctall-lasLi beeh HAMILTONX DRUGGIST sAYsS Hp secured from the, l6 fersse WOULD LIKE ; s Card. C TO SELL To \ No Liquor on Public Works, ' covEnyMeEytr. r The power now exercised ~by _ the t s Federal authorities to prohibit the.l | I should like to setl] a lot of it at ' '| sale of liquor in a district where any fUlat price," was the comment of Mr. important public work is under con-- J. T. Hennessey, a druggist of Hamil-- tion is extended to the Lieuten-- 'ton, called h strtu((.'_'o"ernor in Council | , Called as an expert witness be. ' anT-h:3 yerm "public work" shall'in. ffore the Public Accounts Committee 'lelude, according to the definition, any 3t?f the Legislature yvesterday to testi-- ,| railway, canal, road, bridge or other \fy as to the prices of certain drugs '| work of any kind, or any lumbering | purchased by vari rovi | a ation carried on. The]|: ous Provincial in. \ or mining opera stitutions proclamation, however, will have no| A effect within the limits of any city. The remark was applied to an While this proclamation remains in amount of '"cascara'" which had been ' * force, no person within the district purchased by one of the Government * shall have any liquor in his posses-- ayslums at from $5.50 to 306.50 per 1 sion whatever, except under the order gallon. This was considerably higher . slof a practitioner, beyond -- what a than the usual jobbers' price, said Mr. ! chemist may carry in connection with Hennessey, which was about $5. Casg. }| his business. Cl e tsjée pOe, O2 s Algo Peen purchased at : Violation of the provisions of this 1'.60 per case, and, when questioned section makes one liable to a penalty <by Mr. Charles Bowman (North | of $1090, and not more than -- $500, .Bru(:e),' Mr. Hennessey said that the | with imprisonment for four months. . Jobbers' price was $3.15 per case. In | . Sas Where . !'a number of o'ther cases the witness 1 Must Say . | regarded the prices paid for drugs as To drive fear into the hearts of i higher than the current prices, local option law--breakers, it will he $ e W*}'?" questioned by Mr. T. w Mc-- constituted an offence under the act t{xarr_}. Mr. Hennessey said that he by any person who is found, in a § nfii'W nothing of the quality of the local option municipality, in any pub-- "ti;;t cles which had been purchased for lic place in an intoxicated condition, | { e?«;mstitutions. and was speaking as and upon a prosecution shall be com--| {* y prices only from his general | | peliable to state the person --from| jxv?lolw edge of the drug business. Ha | whom and the place in which he ob--| 4 1 iappear before . the Committee' tained the liquor, and in case of his| | again this morning. | refrsal '"he shall be imprisoned for © e en | a period not exceeding three months j or until he discloses such informa-- | tion."* A A clause with respect to hotfling' ldeclared that no person, other than the manufacturer of the liquor, sha.ll' °_ cause any label or device to be put on the bottle or container to showl _Ithe name of the manufacturer. us J