M xo y FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1912 aovennenpensenmmemmmnentinmreunememctmmemmenemmenmememeesmssccscl c > =n~40mmininemmktmse * , 8 a ® e + Opposition Takes Vigorous Objection to Placing Expen-- ® * ¢ ditures With Executive--Debate on ® & ¢ ® ® ex North Ontario Appropriation. im rmmmmm s se oo n mm mmmmamag Sha'rp words characterized the de-- would work that policy out.. Havingl bate in the Legislature yesterday af--| got the men there the House would ternoon over the proposal of the Gov-- | che?'r;'plly %ti\'e _them' the tmv::tn_ey. % -- "This matter is so important," con-- ernmgut o bpen'd th? $°'900'000 ap--| tinued --Mr. Rowell, '"that I may say propriated for New Ontario develop-- that the CGovernment would be justi-- ment by order in Council. The Op-- filed in creating a whol(ia_ new depart-- it & ti is 9 g ; ment for the work of opening up PosiGoh fool Ane ground that thls; Northern Ontario. If it had a Min-- money, and _ subsequent _ grants, ister who could give the whole of should be authorized by the Legisla-- his time to that work we would get ture from year to year, and the clause . some very practical and l)enehmall s * & P s results if there was a wise man at' . in the bill vesting power in the Lleu-' the hnexsd of it.'" tenant--Governor in Council was de-- s o j T h l i es : | Did Not Understand. priving the House of its right to con-- s . trol the finances of the Province. | _ The Government, he said, was iry-- M m artiis addtes | ing to deal with a situation which In an able and effective a (_rEks it did not understand and which it Mr. N. W. Rowell said this proviston had not worked out. There was no in the bill was the most vicious piece §tated periog ?)})ero ;\(')hich tthe spten((l]- * of legislati a ad t j oduc-- ing of the $5,000,000 was to extend. 4 fglalatmn tA hdd, veenAmtrn. 'flL What good reason was there for thus ed in recent years. 'The Opposition taking away from the Legislature the was in hearty accord with the pro-- right to appropriate each year the posal to spend the money on devel-- amou'nt to be spent for this pur-- | ; 4 g ose ? opment in the north country, but the 1"" had been instanced ~as a' preal right of the Legislature to control all; cedent the action of the Federal} public expenditure nad been won by Government _ in .umm'mrli-tlnt;.'r' artl ¢ 1 arty 4d 2 cs 'ar-- amount for exploring the Northwest j ;'?ced I(:L:el(:il'lerpjilntfie t 196 4 ic l ofet Territories without actually stating ; ic E & 'C. ¢ rles Arle ag p >, The The Minister of Lands, Forests and "4h?=i \\\\'(:111:' \'\":: :;.»{r.':'(kl'lon;_lm Mr. 3 P + j + 4 ; » FG« cases ere d Fe *d, se a * }llgpes. 1'n? dr}-',\dnrl)mra-tt?gn b(l»)[?e:rl:é (':S- Rowell. Nothing had hbeen known p']e.d' fhat the" enfsci M t "its 4 at that time of the Northwest Terri-- osition was not an earnest of its in-- -- ) Pobil! sn' uy Crvar in i tories, whereas Ontario had now been tention to aid the Government in its o s atln. aeninpasd _ ks -- nrecedent o 'Ork At the best only partly explored. The only preceden 'le\'eAlL'pE}}Vent O"Orf' id : ised' this Mr. Rowell could find was a simi-- Qh"","t "\l"'»o_'o .0 (l(.iu,. .]'de a';{)ut thre; lar appropriation made by the Sand-- year, This would build abou i field Macdonald Government, where nundred miles of ].Udds' 9pen. l_up it attempted to take the power of about three--quarters of a mil x.u'n spending money away from . the acres of land and provide some five House. _ The |result . was 'That the thousand farms. Foydaran on y o Amauie r 3 " O Hi y Mi M Government had -- to resign. The ).Ir. J. C. P',!l'mlt'(\\ est "Mx'ddlese:\)t principle which the Liberal-- party said the policy of 1h€ (JU\ewrpmixl fought for in 1872 was the right of was hazy, and the Prime -- Minister the Legislative Assembly to control argued that the people of the Fro-- the expending of its money. That vince were 1!!'6})&1'0(] ,tO, G,ntrUSt t.'h-& rad become part of the constitution. Government with any such expendi-- Since that time no money had been ture. placed in the hands of the Executive, Approve of Development. 11-12 spend without the approval of the House. Mr. Rowell commenced . by | ex-- "I venture to suggest that if the pressing approval of the policy of de-- control of this money is placed in veloping and opening up Northern the hands of the Executive, in place Ontario. It was a policy necessary in of having one Elk Lake telegram we the interests of the .Province, and will have no one knows how many." particularly in the interests of that Mr. Rowell also pointed to the' north country. He was glaq'tu. s British Parliament. where the power that after many years the ' Govern-- of spending money was always re-- ment had awakened to the fact, and served fto the House of Commons, suggested th'(ft.a 1'ecent"lneet'ing at The only case in which money was fcenora 'at which a desire (was; ex< placed in the hands of the Executive pressed to have that section uf.the was in case of emergency, such as Province annexed to Manitobha might \\ai' s § * f ___J have ljeer'l hgl;l P ent " \.":r':' in ?vz(ilkingf' Mr. Rowell said he did not propose tlhpe tr?sl't(r;t»\elntnent to e needs 0o to block the second reading of the L g < & ' £ £ ater age > W Tke voline of 45 000,000 | f0f Ahis :;11:)]\"61):1'11 z;:ne!ndlx':'xtetln Stluhi.t s ie purpose was an acknowledgment that f s the Government had not bheen awake Would Use Federal Grant. to the needs of that country in the a s past. '"The Government has at last The _ most pressing need of the awakened. ~It desires to do some-- north country, explained .\Ir.' Hearst, thing, but it does not know what to was good roads to help the settler in do. It desires some money to spend, with his effects a.nd.uut \\'ll'h his pro-- but it does not know how it wants ducts, and to assist in opening up the to spend it. 'The Government is like land. It was the intention of the Gov-- a man who wakes out of a dream, ernment to use the whole Ul.' t.he ex-- and has not yet got its bearings, nor pected grant frupl the L)(,n}nnwn for found out where it is." good roadssm fae\v ()marl?. which was about $350,000, hut unfortunate-- rlks:" it is '--"h" $5,000,0007 ly, through the action of the Sen-- According to a statement of the ate, t}le money would not be a\'ail-' Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, able for another year at least. The, $350,000 was all the Government pro-? Government was anxious that there posed to spend this year for that pur--| should be no delay, and work would pose, and yet the Government was be commenced as soon as practicable. . as;kmg the House to vote a sum of This would provide employment at| $5,000,000. What was needed in | remunerative wages to settlers. Con--, Northern Ontario was-- not so-- much siderable attention would, of course,| a loan of $5,000,000 as a comprehen-- be paid to the Temiskaming district, sive policy for the settlement of that ---- country--as getting good settlers who