'Tend to slevate the standard of public PR If ' 0t i mm oT _ Tt * | moralll mk?;:on f!bfih.' Norfolk) re-- y , AL SSIUN Col. his own experiences with the H lc'i"eg'rovmchl Treasurer as a militia FUR NURTHER.N RUADS o.fil.éer. While Col.. Matheson himself , f was sensitive to crit:cltsgxt :w b:lg::rts WnibiviiWfeemrnstiecemetininintreciuenies & did that wmcgoge J&Ofi art and had ENGINEERS TO GET sUcGEst-- Ptvaohg fecling for his brother-- ' 1ONS FROM THE UNITED _ _ F an." was Col. Atkinson's tribute. STATES, a | Ht')n Thomas Crawford, -- former § [ r of the House, also added a wl _2 z_ _2z R e | Speeke' .2 1 tribute «a - $ | few words of persona r o riber Sor | This is the biggest propositien } Y > Mr._S. iH. fi:({';gg:giomms fHlonor ever undertaken by a Government of : Teedi 1 ¢ n 8 * j +» h § f 3:}{,11::90k1'\1mahaffy. was introduced bYl flf"ta"io- said Sir James Whitney to & iHor'w. H. Hearst and Mr. S. 1.| he Globe last night, in discussing! _ " | Hart (East Simeoe), L i | the plans of the Government for the: .'Mr.n%-"g- OF{?";S bflfi':g gtr:\ae:g) }t'::l |improvement of the highways of the Je g'l.o:gr wehicles act to provide for a f Province, as outlined in the speech; _' | reciprocal mtemh'?nge ?)f licer{?es lée]- from the Throne on Tuesday. % tween Ontario and Quebec. Mr. * [ ~__It s understood that the Govern. a lis explained that this bill ;'s introdue» Ment is ready just as soo0n .ag th ern | C ed at the instance of the _ Ottawa ' < C s the pre--| M | Branch of the Ontario Motor League, } | sent session of the House concludes| ; and has !110t Tefz"';g:ef;';hi;e';:ieio ! to go ahead and make a complete sur-- the proposal to pr T>-- vey of the Province In all p 4 change of licenses with any of the o o y gl proba-- . l oo Anpoimiag 19 seet wiop sreaoone -- 0 ® eal wi ie enti ____Debate on Address . 'l matter. Engineers will be sent mtr(? e The debate on the address in reply | the dgfferent States of the Union to _ _ to the speech from the Throne willl investigate the systems in operation ue commence this afternoon, with Mr.} 3there'. and a year hence a compre-- | ')i, A. H. 'L\I usgrove (North Huron) "Sl h('?\Sl\'e SCheme Will be laid before the -?»'3; mover and Capt. H. A. C. Machin| House. L (Kenora) as seconder. Mr. J. C./ lmix n;nentlon of $5,000,000 in the M R w us aXs All lead off speec rom the Throne is just a Elliott (West Middlesex) will o " for the Opposition. There 1s-.eV81'y :;glr;{)lng,..and thp Government has M xo Pproar h the debate will be Y no conception of what figures f indication that P Mr--| the ultimate expenditure will in-- C spirited and interesting. After Mr. to. Already run in-- 5 1st e h the debate will likely 0 . ready $5,000,000 is being pro-- d o rge vidun map htie'e A vided for New Ontario road 3 be adjourned until next week. tion, but this is only a smal(lzorr)las,trtm:;' \ Many Questions. | th%ger;eral scheme. e R y ominally the wor ( ?4, The Opposition members in trét_a be under tge 1urisdicl:iol: g'f{ptj'lcetel(\ldigo _ | Legislature have alreadyMbecggx\fimaan ister of Public Works, who i be- e | tive inquirers. Mr. C. * Triday responsible to the House for the ex.-- S (North Bruce) will ask on EFrida] penditure involved ' |now much has so far been expended : C -; on the new Government H(?llse, the ~ayre--sper--mmecmenGmmmemmmus estimated cost of completing, and «---- | furnishing, and when the place will "") be ready for 0(.'cupancyt- be made in $ -- A further inquiry is to be e in-- MIDDLE Ro RE ;é » to the conduct of Police _Ma%istratg AD_P FERRED . d Dempsey at Cochrane, which forme Deputation Tell | the subject of a question last year. 'ep Se Inas Minister it Would Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair (South On-- rve Larger Community, g ) tario) will ask flor qt'opif's tflf dautrei' Hon. J. O. Reaume, Minister of 4 ports made by the Superintendent o Pub 3 Provincial -- Police, all _ complaints i dllcf Wortks. iheard a deputation yes--| s from any person, all prosecutions car-- erday, protesting against the selection ; ried on before Superintendent Rogers of the Lake Shore route for the pro-- _' | as Provincial Magistrate, and all pro-- l posed trunk road between Toronto §\ tests filed with the Government. l and Hamilton. They advocated the 8 Mr. Marshall (I\{Ionk) will | ask |. '"middle road" as a better proposition s about mining royalties. He wants to lbecauSe it was shorter -- and woul«i ' know what mines are under obliga--| serve a larger community en route. 9. tion by agreement or otherwise to pay' It was also stated that the land along y royalties to the Government or to the the way would be more amenable E| Timiskaming and Northern Ontario| to the frontage tax. t Railway Commission; what are the{ Dr. Reaume stated that the Gov-- 4 amounts received from this source ernment would not commit itself to ? during the past five years, and what either project until both had been in-- t changes have been made? vestigated . M Mr. Mageau (Sturgeon Falls) wil) nnmonmyertummemmmemsmanmmmemis .: ask about the agreement with Willis o eZ s K. Jackson of Buffalo; what is the _ | extent and character of the timber 3 on the townships affected, and what + 6 information the Government has upon t this timber? \| Mr. Proudfoot (Centre Huron» comes back with a request for the Sf amount paid so far to the Statute Revision Commission for fees, meals t, and refreshments, and if the Com-- § mission has completed its work. | . Mr. Sinclair has another question, 4 whether the Provincial Government d has made any application to the Do-- a minion for an increased subsidy on | the basis of that granted to Manitoba ' last year. h 'i | en oescoemmencememnpemenmmamen mes [ 4 [