3 '4;-:'" 1 K * l eram * * M y R i l " +~vef s s . -- vas made to extort money mmng 6 l : \~ ?'!'"'t.empt L': the License Inspector The member for Ni\ Bruce h.fl' (onk H . ." will also -- inquire been bold to declare that there was E. ie G"d""";}'s'misfilfi of the Chairman no demand in the Province for tax ' 6 3 ';:.:3 ,It:;;) e:',tOl' of the Lic%nse Board. reform. -- If so, what meaning did he A : Mr Marshall'!.Monck\ will ask _re-- place upon the petitions from news--. 3ar:ding the delay in proclaiming the papers Qf l)otgh sides of politics, mer-- 4 f s C > judicial district of chants and imanufacturers and far-- is act creating the J | &1 ' who hat appeal Timiskaming. mers organ'!zatlons, who had app h- The Opposition are on another tack ed to the Government to amend the now after the famous Elk Lake tele-- pregsent act. The .fucL tha,f) t.-hel'e gram. Mr. Elliott has placed a ques-- were municipalitles in t,h'e Province tion on the order paper asking if f'h_"{ where the exemption -- of improve-- Priime Minister or any one on _!MiS, ments would work a hardship was behalf received a telegram during U""E the strongest possible argument for ~ cemberi--i1. 1911, from one Rowland-- | the introduction of the principle of son of Hlk Leke, with reférence to | local option. So in the newer and the construction of the Ek: Lake| sparsely--settled parts the people who branch of the T., & N. O,, and what | had the burden of taxation' to bear was the nature and contents of the | should have the largest say as to how reply. j 'the money should be raised. | f P ' ce | In -- his first grand--stand play for $ Mr. Uiliott Commencees, | Applause from -- 'the (Tf()nser\'a.tivef C3 Mr. J. ©C. Elliott commencing, de--; benches, Mr. T. W. McGarry (South, clared that the substance . of the | [Renfrew) fell a victim of hi3 own] speeches of the mover and seconder| wit at the hands of Mr. Elliott. l of the address was largely an eulogy j . _ "If the honorable leader of the Op--| a of the Provincial Secrpetary, an eulogy [)f)Si"()n had been l')resent to-night I' of the "Minister of Power" and an} am 3ure the House would not have! apology for the shortcomings of the| been treated to a re--hash of the cam--! * Prime Minister. ] paign oratory of the East Middlesex| 'Straightaway Afr. Slliott ""11"'\*"15 ],yo-elv.("t,inn." said Mr. McGarry. F the speech from the Throne, accept--| Mr. Elliott promptly reminded the ing the statement that the staple in-} Speaker that he had not taken the dustry of agriculture was prospering slivghtest part in the East Middlesex; in the Province under the: aegis ul'l l campaign, nor any other clection dur--] ' the present Government. . Why, tl'u-n{ |in;:' the past year. was there a falling off in the ratio i Mr. MceGarry laughed off the re-- s that the amount expended on a;:l'iwul-@ tort by remarking that at least the ' ture to the total expenditure of the j previous speaker had read well the Province showed such a falling off?| | newspaper reports of that election, In 1904 the percentage devoted . to | ! then he turned to the Hydro--electric! agriculture out of the total revenue | topic, and 'asked pertinently what the' |was $.476, in 1911 it was 4.8591, and | Liberals had done towards advancing & during the same period the total ex-- this policy to its present state of suc-- * penditure of the Province had in--| cess. The member for South Ren-- creased 163.94 per cent., and that on \frew then sought to justify the Gov-- agricuiture only 52.32 per cent. | ernment's delay for ~not hfl-\gng »p C / FPIPLHPCS | |brought in workmen's compensation Produace Figurcs. i !]eg'isla.tiun, by recalling the fact that Replying to Mr. Musgrove's Sl&]l?-' | the Liberals had sat in government . ment that the Opposition was pur-- for 32 years prior to the advent of suing a qguerilla warfare towards the! 'tho present Administration _ without : Hydro--electric . power scheme, Mr.l Iavailing itself of such an opportunity. f Elliott affirmed that the members of | \'He todk the same refuge with refer-- P the Opposition had always favored| [ ence to the question of tax reform. Iti any scheme that would bring cheap| I was necessary to go slow, he said, in power to the consumers. Fault, how--| making laws of such import. | ever, was found with the fact that| | __""When the members of the (}ov-! k * the accounts of the Commission had} ernment -- have . repeatedly received| -- I -- not bheen made public to the members| isuch convincing evidence of the peo-' & of the House and to the people of | | ple's belief in the soundness of the} , " the Province. If that had been done! !Prime Minister's judgment, can theyl ~ on a recent occasion when a criti-- / [ be blamed for standing behind him} cism had been made against the | 'when he says the time is not yet ripe! f scheme the citizens would have been ifor tax reform?" he concluded. | in a position to know the facts and F % l s f to reply to them. The speech from Gamey Gets Answer, the Throne, continued -- Mr. EHlliott,} * ; was singularly silent on |the uxtf:n-' _ Before the orders of the day were sion of the Hydro service to the farm-- Lcalled Mr. R. I. Gamey (Manitoulin) ing community and the equipment Of? Lrepudiated a story in The Mail and ® cheap transportation to the rural dis-f Empire that the import of the ques--, tricts of the Province.. '"Is the Gov--} tionrns he had placed on the paper: ernment opposed to these extensions," | were preparatory to a uupdemnation' h'e asked, '"are the members of the| he would make of the Governmeqt: : Commission not in harmony with the | for having neglected to make a soil} Chairman?" | survey of northern Ontario. s | In the absence of Hon. W. H. ¥ Ek Lake Boundary. : Hearst, Sir James Whitney ilx)nswexf'edg Mr go a'« ihals tA Wl the questions of the member 'or| Ts 9'14;4!['1'(,::11;-','.220(]':b '"."?"U"'d remarks on | Manitoulin as they were called. (1) in In s 1. ooo "o ND Ol _ a noomeringe No investigation would be made by| f in the hands or the member for West 'overnty i x ts Middlesex. It was admitted on both the (,m\t-lnmemt fnto the btatt'amevn 8| sides, said Mr. Elliott that honesty i recently made by Dr. Fernow, "h()} p glections was ztltx)zfét11tfr- 'I'(.'Nf;"_":'l 1":" was not employed to make any ex--| is But was the present Governnrent «nc amination of the soils of northern: -- w64 "Aeve present Government any | Ontario. Dr. Fernow was not an em--] s improvement on its predecessor in | s f caov t but. that! '"8 that respect ? Railways and colon--| pioxee :)( the _x?\eeren nex . > ization roads were necessary j tie ! some of the statements he had made' * development of the pr,,:n'm 11n> t"f", they believed. _ Some -- seventy ori § marked with a look towar Ava'a C "";' | eighty samples of the soil of north-- catmi ho ol OO L Leward the. plact 1 ern _ Ontario had been examined| f ie O oo Soii ooo on for Aimigk. hemically and physically at the On-- aming (Mr. Shillington), and _ were} y e mre esd _A * cawa ugtially 'decided after matlure conain.1 Iturm Agricultural College,. cration. But was / the --F dl onsid--| Mr. Gamey was also informed that Saturday before an elsct! iCs "'; | Mr. J. IC. Whitson had been appoint-- per: time to make the ','I'l"" Hie pro--| |ed by the Government to carry out of an important (.\;t('mfii noufm'eme_nt the £5,000,000 development scheme in : way * The suggestion 'h,oél ol a rail« northern Ontario, and that he was peen made 'Ahat the El'l'( Lpr'"'i"'u""-' proceeding under a definite plan. . | 4 o Te o hernne ake tele-- A large number of statute revision gram was a forgery, but had the At. bills were introduced and read a first! :]..1;1;293 .;l,?netr,uls t t!'u:pa,l-unem _'-,,L! time. 'These will probably be given iade any attempt to punish the per--| s Putrator on the Trawd 3 Tok the foc| mt ie oc nc in vile y that the Elk Lake branch was buiilt] alis wi n er 2 would alinot lead to the ('(\»;;élu:i](l,lxg come up in committee of the whole «5 that the sender of the telegram \\'a.s' House. i a good guesser. on maomeaean 21 Where is Anti--treating. E ) 'As, Another omission -- in the speeoh' s * was a reference to the Government's lz anti--treating propogals. _ Mr. Elliott y xM quotes from remarks by the Prime ** Minister a year ago that if the treating habit was stopped in five years the ezlls of the drink traftfic would be <<f -- overcome. Over a year had passed M . now and nothing had been done. _ If o the Government made no better pro-- s gress in anti--treating than in statute K revision the young men would have ' :3 passed off the scene before any at--