"--m -_ . P , T SATURDAY. FEBRCARN 15, 1013. 1o.trtteeyet,,e,s,yu,'itttar."'t Bo tar a plete was at"? geen. expended on 2ycr'Wse 0mm house. which would t e er . I n . ation ear y be ready for occug stimate en no e 1914. There yy1 e niahms. _ - made for tr N. Sinclair (South On -------_ fo') "e'uvéd the DammitV case at _ - taro r , ( , when a man T fi1",2,ti'l"4r tl/re,",:',?,,'"?,'.'.,':' and acquitted . A a s. . al Declines to Say Whether He ggmfhe local 1iije,iisttg'eerftridltr"n'a/ . liquor selling, an t Bog- Rece'ved Telegram convicted iii(i.etnei1'ar"r1r,1'ir,t'1e' has e rov '. ' ' ' for a return of all corres'. ' l F nint- ' . . the case. Mr. Simian' p . WANTS MOTION FOR RETURN £39332" 3:." a l"d"i,t,2o'i'nr,ce" 1',r.i11,1,i/,ttelat,1' an offence out: __-r 7 . k " ,. . J marge, and as e _---------.-...- __ again on the. same (. d Mr Rogers sat . thority ha l , on what all f tl decision of Magis- in review o le U" . , Will Not be Bound by Precedent l n-at- t traNtIer Bazaar pointed out that this ed When lie Was. in Opposition - l constituted a runaway}; o11,t1e,'.?tl; Mr. Bowman Gets Information; While not contesting? Chic-"two setn 'ii' , " f' CABC, o - . ' I _ ' . About Government. House Site. ', $015311"! to be accepted; either Mtg]; i istrnte Dempsey way, not comp; H. W" i in hold oft1tsst, or if he had acted n thin q l his authority his decision should not i . Frt - wav o Once again the Eli; [.an telegram: have 1been upset, except by y , formed the subject of an Pt'."" '"'r'rl'i'd"Attorme.v-tvntr.a) allowed f the eating discussion in the J.egis-- order to pass, omitting that; clauses lature yesterday afternoon. Mr. milling for tin: reports (as: :111plttt'er;§; r. c. Elliott (West Middlesos) moved ',,r"g1ettcarvs1 '1i,ffi.ide,,t'Ln, and could! in an answer to his question, "did the "at be made publir. 3 Prime Minister. or anyone on his he- Mr. Hanna pouredpil on the Wong}: 3 half, receive a telegram purporting My waters in" plolintling (ixuncihitd by: , , 'a.' had orig na F' men ., _.-. to be from one. Rowlandson of ilk 11:11:: Superintendent Rogers. Magis-l Lhke between the, Ist and 11th dnys trate Dempsey sat on the ease in al of December. 1911, addressed to llw mistaken view. of tho law, and when; Prime Minister, with reference to the he was not properly seized Old "Vii building of the Elk Lake branch of evidence tsattwa}; 321310 1332mm}: ' - ' Suwrinten en "r ( 's. ' L' tile Timiskaming & Northern Ontario Vic-1w," continued Mr. Hanna, "MIX: Railway?" Rogers believed that tho court had; Sir James Whitney flatly re- been imposed upon." The result w'rttdl fused to answer. He wanted that the prot'eeuinE? . before MI": ti 011an ted to a Dempsey were l nullity. . . i the cums on . ge A number of bills will he introduced l motion for a return. Sevtwal days Ir,' members of the Opposition "mu; airo he suggested this to Mr. Elliott, week to amend existing legislation.! but the matter was allowed to stand. Mr. Sinclair will seek to. Change 8:04 On this occasion the mcmber for West law nespecting 81:110118 43mm, t l , - . 11855.0. Railway to enable suits Middlesex appealed to Mr. b'ptr'alier'. to be instituted without secur-é "I would ask my hon. friend," inter- his a tint from the "lt/gil',))'",'-,'.,','.',,";,','",), I . -- " - , . . South ruce wants in e the Prime Minister, to suggest Mr. Aty1otson. fs . - l aig,thtt I refuse to answer. I may be raise the hams on which statute labor! compelled to answer," adding that it is computed from Tty), to $1.50 per, did not matter what the Speaker or' day. Mr. McDonald if Mitre Bruce) anybody else said, he would not an-z would amend the election act to en- swer the question. i able persons commar of age within Mr. Speaker's ruling was: "No Min-l the calendar year to havo their 111111105 ister is obliged to answer any ques- put on the municipal voters list. Mr. tion whatever." Rowen will ask to amend the act When moving his question, Mr. with reference to the expenditure of Elliott pointed out that a similar ques- the $5,000,009 voted for Northern On- tion had been allowed last year, and tario to provide that m future all ap- the Prime Minister himself, when in: propriations be voted by the Legisla- Opposition, had asked such questionsl tive Assembly Mr. Munro (Glen- of the Ministry. garry) wants to change the assess- Sir James replied that he was not Jnent act to provide for the taxation bound by that precedent. if the of lands held by the Timiskaming & question had been allowed at the. time, . Northern Ontario Railway on the it was the fault of those oceupymgI some basis as lands of other railways the Treasury benches. "My hon.' _ 'S-e'erel'fe-"e'he're'WLTerereett . friend asks for the contents of a writ-1 ten document. I will not argue this. matter at all. If it is put on the) order paper in the proper way, and . a return called for, I will give him, a copy of it." Speaker's Ruling. Appealing to the Speaker, Mr. El- liott said he was prepared to have the motion for a return stand, but he) would like to ask the Prime Minister. the simple question, which only re-f quared a "yes or no" answer. I "For the reasons I have given, I do not propose. to answer this dues-i tion. I am ready to answer in the proper way," continued the Primef Minister. i Add Bacteriology. 'i, Mr. Jas. Torrance (South Perth)) introduced a. bill it amend the phar- macy act to provi e tor an increase in the per diem allowance of the, members of the Council. This at pre- 1 sent is only " a day, and it is pro-', posed to raise it to $10. It will not prove any hardship on the funds of , the institution. Another clause will, add bacteriology to the list of sub-i jects in the curriculum. i Cost of Government House. i, Mr. C. M. Bowman (North Bruce)" was informed that the site of the new Government House at Chorley Park . cost $i46,880.60, and 376.452.33 had been spent in laying out the grounds,