. 'rr . ed Ware f Mutton against the 1tt,','r,f'f,L' not. Association under the co de- but this along with the other. WM ferred. ' Married Women's Votes. I The House spent the remainder ot the sitting in committee on the re: vised municipal tict. When the 018."? 88 defining who were entitled to 1,:)fi' were under consideration. Mr. Row;1 proposed an amendment to ena , imarried women holding property to (have the municipal franchise, but Mr. _Hatttta took the ground that this in- volved an amendment that could not he introduced at the committee Stag". and the bill would have to tro to the third reading. when the amendment could be moved. and if allowed, the bill sent hack to committee. " ' Mr. Rowell stated that Mr. Elliott had n hill pmepars'd to make this change, and was ready to introduce it. A little humor was introduced into the tedious routine by Mr. Allan Studholme (East Hamilton). who moved that the property nuuhfuytiorl for election to a seat in a City Coun- cil must be $1,000 freehold or $2.000 leasehold. Mr. w. S. Brewstelr (South Brant) seconded the motion. When the vote was taken the only one saying "Aye" was the member for East Hamilton. Most of the House cried "No." Mr. Studholme then said he thought his seconder did not vote, though favoring his mo- tion. He wanted due record to be made of the vote. "I do not want to be deprived of my vote. It was too hard to get," he added. "This is evidently not a democratic country," commented Sir James. More questions. Another grist of questions has found its way from the Opposition query mill. Mr. Sinclair will further probe the combine prosecutions. This time he wants all correspondence and other papers in connection with the indictments against the Canadian '. Washing Machine Manufacturing _ Company and the Canadian Clothes- wrlnger Manufacturing Associa- -- tion. Mr. Mageau (Sturgeon Falls) ' will ask about the Hyd.ro-electrie election in North Bay, the ex- . penses of the election and all persons employed by the Hydro-elect.ric Pow- er Commission who visited the town at the time, as well as certain state-; ments by Hon. Adam Beck. The; member toy Sturgeon Falls also; wants the number of all passes ltr. sued by the T. & N. o. from July. 1911, to July, 1912, and the names of the parties. Mr. Proudfoot (Centre Huron) wants to know if the wateir- power lease of rights on the Winni- peg River is still in force win the town of Kenora. The report of the special eommit- tee on assessment. which considered the tax reform proposal last fall, was tabled. A discussion will likely en- sue later in the session, when a min- omity report will be offered for adop- tion. Before adjournment Sir James con- tradicted a report in a Toronto pa- per, that the Hydro-electric Power Commission was preparing plans fo.r a system of radial railways in the Province. The fact was that several municipalities had asked the Hydro- electric Commission for plans and es- timates of certain lines, and that request was still before the Commis- sion, but no action has yet been taken on a completed scheme.