bal x 0 e s L le ce nnparegatemeci ns ) a 'LIEUT.-(';OVERNOR x covrco |© wHoy xot INTEEFERE WITH JUDGMENTS OoF RY. BOARD. nnrmmresmmaicremsnonprrvarsrentatemns: ' A large part of the afternoon and * evening session Of the jl('gisl(\ture "'-'as passed in committee on the URailway and Ontario -- Railway and Municipal Board bills. An important provision from the Federal -- statute giving the Lieutenant--Governor in '('ouncil power lo rescind or vary any lordcr or regulation of the board was !dropped. Col. Hendrie, who was in |charge of the bills, stated that noth-- 'ing further would be heard of this clause. Mr. Alian Studholme made an in-- effectual attempt to_smp 'the adop-- tion of the clause givin® railway com-- panies the power tg fine' an employee up to $40 for infraction of a regulation. t'1'ms; was not applying a right prin-- ciple to an employee and should not be allowed. The clause was passed without amendment. . No monopoly is to be given for one type of "P--a@--y--e* cars. The clauses relating to the approval of this type of car are to be further -- amended, and Col. Mendric thought their ap-- plication should net be restricted to cities over 100,000 population, but they might apply to any city in the 'Province. A provision in the bill for the board 'to have power to order interchange of traffic between contiguous or in-- ';tersvcting lines will be altered at a 'Uater stage. It also permits of an 'order being issued giving one road 'running rights aver another under \proper safeguards. Mr. Proudfoot wanted the author-- 'ity of the board extended to all regu-- 'tations of a company, and not those 'of a private or domestic nature ex-- cepted. This clause will come up again. { Sromemmestinmmmmemmmmmesmaces i | LEGISLATURE -- HELPLESS-- RE-- | GARDING GRAND TRUNK AGREEMENT. Brockville got only an expression of sympathy when Mr. A. E. Donovan a.l)pea're.d' in behalf of the city before| the.Pri\'ate Bills Committee of thel imglsl:%ture yesterday, opposing a mu' :_o r.szy an agreement entered into :)(':\eon the Grand Trunk Railwu.\'[ cll:tt the town of Prescott, whereby thc( the e(; "ads to raise $35,000 to induce rand Trunk to move its t point frc ul C erminal A Bitt wil e reported Reppoit the city of g, on CC InU bitmilting by debentures to make u; r;;geoss,qo(,l j a shoe factory "'hi*\}{ p $45,000 for build and lease ch the city is to ever, in an agree nso was made, how-- gan Central Pwu]?\)ent with the Michi-- for a fixed asses ay, which provided ten years "j'l S?n?nt of $100,000 for to five ye 1e agreement is limited years, and with 'isi F a ten--year agr 1 provision for s ers approve eelnent: if the l'atepay- In approvin bi ; British Emrairg '?"rbl" authorizing the ted, capitalized 'tUSt ol apy, t to open offices indo nearly $4,000,000, e sose ot making investments. it way . provided that th nvestments, it was \|nor in Council mif hLieutenant-GovGr- _ quire the C,,m,,an'? t at any time re-- :jof shareholders y to produce its list| ~'t 4 mm mmmmmmmeme. t