MP. Prouris solution, mid 1sHt5 "ml "587 942.115. that fr was a satisl'am 936.0l. Tm. was ordornd In February 'dd), I $113,084.15; g Comparison ol' "as not ashamed o "Mum roticiou, Um "crown-d qu rr-spm fur Hm Immuhcs and thr'i'ommission. ' clrrotg,os. had her" slrrum-rollerou" thr, Sihlm will] In of tho Houso Jolie" by tho . ed In he ml rr~frrrr>d pointedly to tho omission} thts year. So long had the work] tum-n that when it was completed it! "mum In) nur'vssary to start all ovorl again. He characterized the proccod-I ing as H' SUN of "perpetual motion,"} and rim-larva that public interests had) suffered greatly because of tho Malawi A grout man)- impnrtant vhangos had; Fron "stotrt-ollerrd" through the lit-1150 uithnut amphn opportunity be- ing giro" fur consideration. Ruth thrs J'rimn Minister and Attor- 1!Pwrwds of" $200,000. pointmg out that Fo far HORNY $6.800 had been spent Illrt"tt lunches and r'ntcrtainmrnt for the Couintission. Public Interests Suffer. Air. Rmml! vallm'l the attention of tho lluuso to suavessivo promises in spew-hes from the Throne in regard to the vumph-Iinn or the work. and Although no mention was made of the rovision of 1hn statutes in the FIN-"Mt from tht: Throne, the Upposi~ tion took ocwstun in the Legislature .hr.,lt rd;!)' "ftcrnoon tit [Hm-$5 upon the (la-\t-rlnm'nt tho "0"" for the speedy t-umplntum of this work. In 1"tew u: tht- 11iutiuulrruss cost that the Work tnxnIH-tt and 11n- contusion t'v'sulting to litigants from the revision being untmtuttotl. Mr. W. Proudfoot tCen- tz'u Huron) moved that an address lu- presented to the Lieutenant-Gov- Clttttt' that instrut-tions be issued to the. Stututt- ttuvismn t'ommission to "Implylt' its wopli without further arm-r. and not later than April I. Mr. I'vourlfVsot supported his 'art",,) mvnt by (:mnparisons with the cost of turn-Hons revisions, and ventured the mums: that this tivision would cost ASK GOVERNMENT TO ACT Urge Need for Completion of Revision of Statutes and 1887 (just 25, that of IS!) a satisfactury r 0| . Tno gnu-so 't'otuifoot. M.P.P., of Ceutvv Huron. Mun-(i That an Address be Present- ed to 'ueutvnintiovevno,. lo In- struct Commission to Finish Wovli. WHEY AND (2llifljlillly l'mulfum o', I mw-sc-nt revision, which 1 JUN, 1906, had up to 1912. cost tho Province "HM that an addition- tlw stululp revision ot Cort . 'st the Province $79,- Ih'07, which,- he sand, "y revision. cost $76,- in mowing his LTURDAY. MARCH 1, 1913. Mr. Howell said the House had in, right to know why the delay had been permitted. and when tho work would he completed. The Law Ag.. Suf'iatiOIlS of the Province had protest- ed against the delay. and the different Magistrates ware greatly inteonvenixmu, ed in their work. The inlprosts Of the general public had sufforr-d fr"- vorel,v,'and the Government had fail- ed to show why the work had not been completed. Many changes made by the Commission had lie-on "sit-am- mllorcd" through the "once. which. tho leader of the Crpposition declared. was "co'ntrary to the spirit of British institutions." lion, J. J. For. replying to the nwmhr'r for Contra Huron. said: "This work has cost some money. You can- not got good iron; from eminent men for nothing. The compensation has been moderate. and now the work is nearly all coihpleted." Mr. Foy said that am comparison of cost of revi- sion was in favor of the work of the present Commission. He declared that the statute' revision of ion years ago "was bungled. and Van'simply u svis- sors and paste revision, Tho Commis- sion left everythinr tangled up, with too:ttnitormity, whereas the Ul'lSCllt revision is thorough and complete, so much so that the next rm'isiOn work will ho a inert: trifle." (Ho, 5?le that tho matter of paying for the Judges' lonvhcons was a precedent set up by former Governments. T ' Mr. T. rt. Atkinson (North Norfulki said the delay in the prPSent revision was a very serious one. and demand- 0d the careful consideration of the Government. Mr. Allan Studholme (East Hamilton) deplored the amount of money's spent on lunvhcons and on- tertainmont for the Judges. He said it was an injustice to tho wago-work- or who was warning the money to spend it in this way. Mr. Thomas Marshall (Mom-k) spoke of the many protests from all parts of tho Prov- inch regarding tho delay in the rP-i vision. l it Bttttr of $21.44§§18, Making the total known expenditure to date 3169.4 $32.33. This éxpense, he Said, was rather startling when what was yet to lw done was takcn into consider- ation. Giving some of the items of expenditure on the present revision, siir. ""roudroot showed that seven Judges (tho numhm' was later reduced to six) had lwmi paid altogether $62.- soo. Tho public accounts, he maid, hm] shown that, each of the six Judges had since boon paid an ad- ditimial $2,000. As those Judgos had nthr~r and onerous dutirs to perform, thc "ark ol' rm'isirm had been seri- mmly delayed. rtr'ferritttt' to tho sum ol' $¢i.7.'l7.80 vii-argod to lunches and taller nntvrtuinmmit of the Judges, Mr. Prnndt'nm asked why the public should 1w uskvd to pay such bills. hicissors and Paste. "The Goretnmont should not have al- hm'nd this," hc said. He charged that the Judges had usurped the du.. tios of tho legislators of the Pro- viuco, :1an haul. instvad of simply re- rnmn'Ir-mling (rcrtain changes. actually madc- them.