A _'--------. 7 . " ' V, , _ ' _ . . ' 'rnunsnAY. MARCH_ li. Lilo. . MW"...-- -------2-----4 __.____-.._ -------------------------- Cer----------------, , 4W6! The Liberal Leader 8 Second q o The Liberal Pulley J] Challenge " Met by a ' i o o l Negative Attitude (I) The immediate abolition of the bar, including therein the abolition of all hotel and club licenses, and therewith the treating t -r_-------- Bytttettt" (2) Such other restrictions upon the remduc ot the liquor I traffic tth' experience mav show to be necessary to limit its f,,'i'f,Q,"if,,'t SIR JAMES SILENT ' CEN' .'"' A I C".. - xv , 'tion to he maintaino as ' ' ' C t T ctivo. to remedy its mils. Local op . 7 . . qrr l 3115:5331. wiping out. the residue of the retail sale, wlimo the clettolb i DURING DEBA TE Gur.rr,. (ll) The strict. enforcement; Mine-law by o..1ti.cia.ls. It will: i' pathr fifth law ont'ot'crtrmmi, and the "i,ir"riJdi/'Jcf,' 'laohtiir1l,,,id)t2C of l "----------- '"". i,,,'c.te.s4,' . '. (it nutritional "V8. from the administration ot the lam a N H "at , t . '" - all houses of Dublie, txntrwtainment, so as to lllblllt. itasonablt accom l; t A d l ,. I . . _ O I) e rnmen men ment modatiou for tho travelling [whim l . . I l ---.- 7 _ Rests on Anti-treating and THE GOVERNMENTS SUHY4'rrr1 TE. , . . o . . Re t . Administrative Record Moved by MP. Hanna, seconded by .I)r. taun1p, . t-, . rd be t That all the words in the motion after the. first wo t . . ----. ---- i Struck out and tho following substituted therefor "T . . l, " This House fullv recognizes the duty cast upon It to autumn/.9 as ' . . . . I far as posqihlp the epvil effects of' the drink habit by Wise restrictions Once e'ltr'RIn tho line has We" ""8" ll upon the tva/ti/ in intoxicating liquors. . . l, tho "gm, in almmh (h" If". H 'tu This House also rm-ognizos that, having regard to the decisions Ti1l.oin 'r"','"'".'"."""" Limit" NW- of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as to the respective ty ill tho Legislature has clizillwx-uwl jurisdiction or the Dominion and the Provinces. it, is impossible for the Government to 1lsilurrs iis rrra,i- the people of the Province through the Legislature, to abolish oi' con,-. tion on this' advanced inwisuru ,," , . ifacturc within or the importation into lite Prownce ot tornpevanco reform, and twin: has it» trol the manu , , . ti l I intoxicating liquors 2 that great good has l'eslllted I")? tile fur?) "in Government nogativmi tin: Drilptvr'u7. l and operation of local y,t,i/,,",.U"1,.,d,e',' the 1ellf'/t1s,',1s.ollti" t/il',1ioi'i',irt1fie'alsa"eit, Th" Jaimie yrsterday "my h:, rrlly j. J-c lation in that behalf, by thi.ch m the 1oea iti.es atop. t g . ' rf b f .' momentous than that or April C', i;v~., intoxicating liquors. both in bars and shops, is abolished , mat to 0.1- who 1lt. J'owdl "NI ("WNW l .3 _' bid the sale of such liquors in bars, while permitting: SW41 sale YI _ l w e ' [.1 t f , I'.' _ . "..r' r)) shops would be disastrous in the extreme, and would increase the evils pr, " 5. l le llm-i oi tho Hou.co on) resulting from the, trafO and the habit , that this House reaffirms its ull tho gulleries were crowtrui ii ltn ifCiiiii as to the evil effects of the treating habit, which should be out minor and mil-nine lino-nary. and at. i an end to if possible bv means of legislation or by ttny other SilliS' timvs tht. friling run SH hirrh thut, ttlr: factory action. rules of tho House were oft'sstulerl and THE LICNNOX AMENDMENT. i'll'nlztus" law-la: out. _ 'i, Mr. lion'cll's t'xvosi_ or tit,. _ F-, l, Moved in amendment to the amendment by II), Latinos}, ',"1-",'e,led. l rsrul Maw," mm mm, and "ii',' _ i by Mr. McNaught, that the following words be at '0d o tlie amen - iAtlllliiilll}: that the t"t ils of lilt- istwiri, I meat .-..-. l trutru. WC'li' Hf ll rm". "r,, . , t . . - . . . . . . C l ' ugmawl, th, Mil-'1' I This House desires to put on record its appt'eciation ot the good iHtt?sticrn "as how best to cutt:ili thw- i work done by the present, Government. and the Province during the I ,'iric'. \f " _.',C,,'. _',",'..'.,",. 1' C,' ' f] f I past eight rears by the earnest, faithful. and non-partisan administra- C'VI '." . tt "H'Ommw' prrsn '"rri '1 tion of the liquor license law, and the desirablo and effective improve.. br. follosved, but PtuoRtiss Irtrt!id ""1. Cy ments which have been added thereto; and this House denim-ates the to lw- marl" fit-'1' lry >401).~ H" 'ils. attempts that have been made and are being made by Interested persons , wart-Ml with Sir James Wlaitnw, Ic si, - to bring what has been called the temperance question into the arena t'lul'tltiun that the rising tities of r"riv- ' . . . lit. fueling was no circular than lt, ' n- P ities. - a . of party pol U Nears "Ao, and went 0') I" Saw" "MM--W ,1 - , , ,. ---------' that thw growth oi lot-at option wit?!- nwnt in (Hilario during {no WWI it" Swan's was suttrr"ient warrant for Hm total 'abolition of the opt-n bar. t The liquor tttttfit' was stl'ttllul' 'vi'-. lirent'hmi behind the law, and i.' lilt- lilal' was abolished with it would an tht- admitted mils of tho ll'F'dllilL" limb". As to the necessity tor in _ mediato action. a united Housw was" ! ed on that question last ywur. Ar inc- itimo n was declared that tits, C-, iernment had trailed its colors 'r, ill" i masthead. and the position no" look- ';ed as, if those colors had i't'l'll da- , sortod. ' _Mr. Hanna in Defence. l Hon Mr. Hanna took up tin? , t-udgcls in defence of the Ho's- ivrnment. Local option "as her:- ::1nd would remain on tho str- tutu books of thr. Provinc, . .Refcrring to Mr. Rou'ell's resolution {that "the public interest demands." iMr. Hanna wanted to know how will t Hit: opinion could he understood f'l- {cept by what was disclosed at tlie lpolls. What with the abolition of 1110 'bar. local option to operate against shop licenses and the Scott act in ill! organized districts. the Proviniml ;Secretary declared there would he lendless confusion in administering the law and a great deal of overlap- ping. The time had come whon the three-fitths clause required no do- (once, while in the matter of law on- ifoi-cement the Government could point to a record of omciency from '[the tirst Year it took office. Cutler ' the late Government not a dollar had . :been Spent 1n special attention to Icompiaints under the license act, but. ilast year the expenditure under this ,.hoad had been $28,000. It was the