'----v __ __ " ,', com 1aint7i" but' during The Conservative Position- 1it,1,"'ili,'g,, not 'd,',',', than $28,000 had "It is unnecessary for the to say been provided to assist. in the en- one word in this House as to the. posi- forrement of. the law. ' Wo 1,1,"! only . tion the Conservative party Groupie-f} _ give. it our personal attention, he (law with regard to the liquor truet."ion: .1, l "but the others of the, de- began Hon. Mr. Hanna. "ft Is my k arm. trwho are charged with that ineceasary to repeat what has been Faring} me end of the Province said on former occasions. both in the duty, "out i thorotlghi" understand House and out of the House,"henro- to tho, "9103'. to br ,nn- compromise ceeded. "When we introduced on that their lc, "ttl remit-'1 to the 0". March R, 1902, an amendment to a with arm'm" WI ',. ., ta'nnservaiiV" resolution then before the House. the forionsont. M thr, iH,ss. Conservative party gave the country cheers.) assurance that thri' would in no Wm; People Will Judi-{0- 1rt,1g',', the restrictions on the sale it l ln- Ja was McQueen (North "pm. ur. i . I'.C1."....C,' I .. ' - q"That to-diu' is the position of the": ip,t',y,,tt11.e,tyyr,'iini'iii1.r,t/"U,"'rri'g','th" (2:231:11 . Government, Hon:, Mr. Hminnd ("PIN to -'is:d-i( "solution of 1tnfitir'sntt in tinufyi. "Isocal option has an l? l 1'yl'lii,'U, lnni on the strength of a - continue to in"? a PM?" on the 'it/f) l'rii'tV' (irjnnitv but that VfarV 'dt'iillil tute books of this Pronnt'o: That "as rr", id 'lf/if,"') thorn within the judg- the position of the l onrtrvyti1y' "at." I 1'10" fling in of tho r'l'4|\"llll'('. when in Opposition. and it is the Irers'l- tfmm I.' thr "mp " 1 out WHS' to tion of the Conservative to-dHy. UM)" l 'ih/'inrr1i.1t'ir'f,d"iJ/op.'f'T"i'1t, vii-irr- . ' t s u C . - r - plagisgig mun-h J'ustifiyation is thorn for! . toil thy Pvovitiial :1'1rtt/y?. 'vllh""(l,1- some of the statements in this r/sol flit: mat-vumtv sititvmvuts t Ii s'i') tion submitted hi the honorable! /t1"/l to the position "If" .Y '1 leader of the Liberal party?" he ask-l rifowrjil Upon the t,,T1"y."y1.r,", /,11"'C, God. "That in tho ooinion of thisl [lion ill 1911, in tht.fr", platohntt) House.' it says. 'the "tiiillil' intorostI {Liberal t-onx'pntion "us Ity. Bl" demands, first, the allulilinn of tho! dour. "nil in the second place. at .10 har.' How are no in judsro of \x'hnll 1,iHye,l convention in 1904 Mr. the publii- interest donmlnls. ONCF'l'lfi limwt-il'huti openly arirm-atpd further hy what the pu'olit- say when thoy SO 7'."'",'"'1V'.['"""' "Wm. 1.h'Clifsy"," traffit". . to tho polls" (Applause) I _,-,x'r',",ll,"-s'c'r"'s,j,',u,r"'.:/)i',',rits.?, 1W,yi""Tjl, Whence Ptthtlc Demand. (Primo Minister hail Enron way to Mr. "Lot its paw-0 when this lulltl .(iomallt' lithium in lt-m'] tr,tl"?",rrtom,"nt form's came," tho slvmikor prrwomim'l. "The ill) iiltf imitate: . 1fly.lt has lmvomo of . Public interost (imnniniod the aholi- (tht, Prime Mimsmr; h'".pske.d.. . tion of the intr whrn? IVhott did tho: I 1lavc " littlc Ivrilienii," rerplipd 5" 1lpposition lim'niiiv coniinliu thorn; H".ttts. , . . , was this loud t-au': It "till scat-weir l... is C"',',.,.',",',"','??:?] _:1"s'y1.11r1 not he said of the "unnmmp lpadpl' of tho :Sdilhiit'iti with tho inf-smitnt'mn or the l.ilwrnl part) that he know just cv- ""5" fide yr iho Print!" Minister last. actly where ho himself stood. (Loud [3"'Hi'v' ('Hllijlllird Up. Mt,-in:-n. "and applause.) But the pulVltos known 11l.i,ily,.",,t,' himself in strenztiinu tho- . tho position of the Prime Minister ,\\'uhhlm;.: 1085'" tho Government'."' ever since he came- i"iu power. and '(LaiightnrJ what iiid the nu'nlit- interest sai in 'a', Dr. M'QUPNI WNW"! Hatiinst the June, 190S? 'Wrs r-ndurse what ion /l.;,t',"y",",t.t.y,u1t, its films that tho hilt- , are doing." (Loud applause) inunt' 'f-rnis had failed to plum t-nrtrii'iates to sav that when tho public 1oted in " tho y.e-ortTti_yos of this! Middlru June. 190S, the public was not do- "'th" and No.r.ip Wntrarlrrn, Ly askinLr manding that the liars should "c' i'YhY Was "nti-treiitinu- tuluooed by all wiped out. Not only that. but in Den f(:0.\'9rnmont stouliors in those vam- cemher. loll shortly aftor tho l.iii- {pal-3'15" 3f" " wopd had boon utter- era] Crmivntion in the city of Toronto. fed Itt urging tho anti-treating IWH'T we had unuther elm-Hon. and if tht- iUDOn tho fM'm'alIit' t'onsidoration of public was demanding than) that tho who P'rople. 'fiztrs he wiry-d out. I want to . . A, . . War that public intorcst was not. ,Mcrieoun l"'nutdsiGovernmettt, (itt wry "lost" ' touch with the . Mr. c. it. Mrlieown iDufforin) said 'l,iliernl r'onltstition." tin-ind an- that the Littoral attitude in the past jplnusat hHld hem] to "lay hold at" anv oltl t . po icy tr, Real its a; is ., . . , _Thv (In!) 1vrttct,titrtt. the somr' practicel V"thtti'tierlr,tctii; ( rtisitstititc: tho [liberal .iurorvssyra, llmtiositit'iti at Ottawa. "When they l Mi". Hanna mid his hon. frimul Mir, cannot do anything they are willing' i Ron's") had is" ,1",ng to tho GCI- to? do ex'erfthing. The policy of the iernment hut tho shops. Ho "harm. Vilnius-y Government had been and terized as int-orrm-t tho statement was a PFOgrqsslx-o .volirlv. The action ,that the Whitney Government had of the-Ontario fillinm-e T.nvpntion in legaiized the sale of liquor in clubs. Endorsmg the. .Pyyall policy was not land Went. on to show that as, a result 'tn,'),',-",.,,),),"'): of 1lnanlmous opinion. No lot legal 'locisirtns,' in England Sir ','f,',tl"/'idttc9"1,.2C present Ifo.vernment itNiver Mowat had introduncd an _ an?" tJi,1,e1)'eitt"t., frommisstoners to V iatnendmnnt to the lint-man atf't al. itil',',',; "for? J, WHS' "POW" that thruir lowing the sale of liquor in social "priiliJ.d, bias 'fi' J/ef,"? érfPNPd' by clubs. Up to the time the present missiunor ii.ri, boon 3811132190??? (mn- , Goxernment assumed Power no vountv of Dufferin m. ti( 1RP, 1119' phat-go had been made against clubs that g'p(.|.emr\. for this' , w Provin, for the privilege of selling liquor. H, not "pressmfv. ho which"??? J ":"S charge which thoy properly should oral members to toll the'iloi l p ru'h, may. and so tho "cruise fee had been evil offer-ts or Hit-nilu] e'i,iCr1,l"t,,:,'C,t,.'y. introdur'ed. mom was alive in its o.\il ':a'ire).'/1)"..'0/; Tho Prrvsinrial Semrotary indulzm'l was doing' all that was possiblo "J, l in 80le humor at the rxpensc- of tho Wards its eradication. h ty- _ Liberals by puinting to tho ow. .The member did not lioiip\.o in the F elections last fall in East Middlesex itr-onsp systsmn. If the sale of liquor and North Watorlnn, declaring that 1vns " good thing for the c'ommunitv the electors camp to their support in svery man should he allowed to sell "shoals" to such an o\tf'nt that public it: if tt "as a had thing it should opinion WHS' coming thelr Way. and lv, Cut out 'arrsolutPiy. He hoped next year titoy "mild im ahlo to (aka the day. would soon come When the " further stop. all"); llizonse would he wiped out of ' "I ' "tiitl , cr t , C- t, roy1.,r"'e completely. lphold I tree is an e. ', The Liberal leader said he Opposed Assuming that the Liberal policy tho tlyttytifths clause to-day," sgm , wore adopted. Mr. [Janna pointh "ml Mr Mcheown, ."and that is Just . l - that thrstus would bo great overlap-' spire} "s,,tT,tl ""5 years ago. but t V l ping and vontusion. (me Proposal wag tti',",.), j.l-.'.iiit.e changed . my attitud'e to l to wipe out the bar. Local option dnr.§ hills] (pd-"'5'" I 1mm" it eminently just , i ing tho past ten years had neon pret-' 1"//s,s',"'tfie, bl, is one of the greatest '2 ty nearly "hat the people of the Pro,. got an!" .tl iCml',,t,f/,1,y,,c',t People ever . Vince wanted. The time had come: sion Mr Mil-K roxinco. in conclu, when the thrste-titths clause rerluir-: 'lj)':,,.',",',,',,,,',"? re',"",', said the DTCPent I ed no detain-a. In a yet-om instance mgré bars in its done. HWay with ' "hen delegates were being sent to 'than the; formerelgm; years of power. attend the meetings of the Dominion, lits thirtr wharf. 9t91 ernment did in, Alliance at [mamington they were? l . . . C H I f told to lens the three-Mths clause' 'ime for Advance. j _ alone. l i Mr. R. J. Moth). . . . t l t On the question of the adtninis.t,,a/ iionl said ho i"id"Jl1'i'itf,),"ie,/:at,e,rc- ' i 1 tion of tho liquor license law, Mini Home when the Pl'OVinr-o sl',,,',',',',',"' had! T i Hanna t'ontrttttt'sd the amount spent indium-e in the Ji'/1.r'fo'/"oddn,et,rl' f t in providing for 'special work by of! i perance reform as well as o.' tom." I l fV'ers of the department ('Otnpared {directions The "n. bro 'Mm othor i with what had heen spent hy tho thy local option in 'rerentg 3t1S made . , f0"nerd 2',or1";,r,,1,""g,,t,: Prior to 190:i (the strongest indication 0351111338: . t P. 0 ar ad heen H its . .' r . . ' " no pp d to In, [or more. advanced temperance "ltd.')