* ¥ < %5 Q DAY. MARCH 18. 1913 * POWER OF EXECUTIVE' | Noi ids toor iiotintrine on tirentnchaee ® # # a ?Premter Opposed to Allowing Lieutenant--Governor ml | s C % s j Council to Override Ontario Railway Board of ' & | Its Own Volition | ' Wohile recognizing that the Laeuten--, vited to do so by one of the parties | ant--Governor in -- Council I»l'l')l)alwl)" i'I""l'ICJSted. ]hut I think ]prn'r:"ision | ues Neke it ye m ; R s should he made for an appceal. here-- never wull (l'..\n... of its own motion fore ~ T owill suggest "'1'(:_ following [ to vary or rescind any order, deci--| amendment: 'The Lieutenant--Govern-- sion, rule or regulation of the On--| or in Council may at any time, up-- tario Railway and Municipal Board,| On the petition of any party, person| Sir Janies Whitney moved vesteraay| °V Compuny interested, all parties| pI¥. JAMeS 1 y * ** ""\ | having been first heard, vary or 1-9-' while the House was in committee an| seind any order, decision, etc. " | | amendment to Col. Hendrie's _ new The change suggested by the ]'-'rf*-l Ontamo Railway and Municipal Boardl The 'ne fll"L":'r.fln\.g]y made. e is hy & . . The penalty it is proposed electric| [ act, whith deprives the Lieutenant. railway companies may prescribe fm'i [ Governor in Council of sweeping pow. the violation of their by--laws by em--} ' ers given to it in the original draft ployces was reduced from $40 to of the hill. $25, upon the suggestion of Captain| | The Premior explained that he was| Machin (Kenora). The by--laws for| not in the House when section 47 of| the violation of which the penalty | | the bill in question, giving the Lieut--] may be imposed relate to timetables, | | enant--Governor in Council _ power] the smoking of tobacco and similar| "'.. vary or rescind orders and regu-- "niuisances." | ' lations of the Railway Board, was Mr.-- Proudfoot (Centre lluron)l I first read. MHe pointed out that the| suggested that the Ontario Railway | clause gave the Lieutenant--Governor| and Municipal Board might be cm-l in Council power to step in at| powered to regulate the s'tock issues ! any moment @and throw out any} of incorporated compatics. The L:nriler or decision made by the On--] suggestion was not considered, the | tario <Railway Board. "and that, of| Premier contending that it was not | course, could not be allowed." Sec--| in order. ! tion 47, he thought, was mlgndbd The proposed bulk sales act. intro-- | merely to provide for the arbitraryl duced by Mr. W. D. McPherson, | stepping in of the Lmu!c'pam-G(.\\- which has hee.n up for (hsc:ussmn on eraor in Council. '"The Licutenant--~! previous oceasions, was given a sec-- Governor will never desire. 1 feel | ond reading, and was referred to lh(-' <7u|'r~, to interfere unless he is in--~; Legal Committee. '