The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Apr 1913, p. 3

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The bill as presented to the i10usc is somewhat changed from the draft discussed by representatives of -- the workmen, manufacturers and insur-- ance companies two weeks ago. The act still adheres to the individual li-- 'ability principle, but there have been \tacked on to it schedules designedl to | apply to a collective system. Sche-- dule 1 defines what industries are to 'be grouped, in which tkere are over forty. Schedule 2 defines those indus-- tries which are not to be grouped. In this latter schedule are municipal and public: utility corporations, railways of all kinds with the shops and works incidental thereto, telephone and tele-- \graph companies, steam vessels and iworks connected with their construc-- 'tion and operation. "Does my hon. friend expect to re-- ceive the final report in time for leg-- islation this session?" asked _ Mr. Rowell. Sir James said if the House was in session there was no doubt the GoVv-- errll);nlent. would be able to introduce A 11. Mr. Allan Studholme advocated & special session to consider a work-- men's compensation bill. h e '"So far as we on this side of the House are concerned we are prepared to sit here long enough to receive the final report and pass a work-- men's compensation act this session," remarked Mr. Rowell. "The workmen have waited with a great deal of patience," continued the Opposition leader. "They were prom-- ised an act this session. . Anybody who has knowledge knows that the report can be brought down in time this session. If the Government has taken six years and cannot make up its mind, how much longer have we to wait?"" said Mr. clusion. Draft Bill Changed. WOs t s n ee e ow C the preceding three years. Where total disability follows the result of uin injury the workman is entitled to 3820 per month for life with a similar allowance for the children, but if this amount does not equal 55 per cent. of the average salary, then the compensation may be scaled up to ithat point. In the case of death if 'the $40 per month is above the 55 |per cent. it must be scaled down. _ _ There is more or less overlapping 'in the act. In cases where the wife 'has been the breadwinner and meets lwith fatai injuries the act feelingly \refers to the '"invalid husband."' The 'rha{c'}{in"ery for the collective liability principle is undeveloped in the act. schedule of Benefits. Some of the blanks in the first draft have been filled in. The sche-- dule of benefits provides a minimum payment of $20 per month to a widow and $5 per month for each child 'up to four until they attain the age of sixteen years, when the compensation ceases. In no case must the aggre-- gate amount of $40 per month exceed 55 per cent. of the average wage for s PE sn aiP mt TKFL wlA ime we will give this :a;'ggul attention," he sa as presented to the House said Mr. Rowell in con-- .\ (GOT MURALT TENDER FOR &' | _ HYDRO WORK WITHDRA W A 12% ~ a s k o Y + & "'mfi"sz 0 ¢H<°°"5h 1M o o & --#~] w 5 3 o 4 0 avg SGE"QM 5 8 = € in ® m s $ & sb o Ontario Motor -- League . members supported the amendment, which was suggested by Mr. George H. Gooder-- ham, and which, briefly, means that 20,000 automobiles now in use in various parts of the Province will be subject to a complete system-- of registration, and that each member of a famBfly as well as private owners who drive cars other than "cars for hire, pay or gain" will be compelled to carry an official license, This is provided for in a sweeping amendment to the motor vehicles act adopted yesterday by the Municipal Committee of the Legislature follow-- ing a stormy discussion. | In future every driver of a niotor-.' ham to prevent the use _ o l o rince must carry a |8°archlights on automobiles (_'"' in the Provinc s C iy streets were only partially s license and be prepared to produce Mr. Gooderham has a bill it when asked to do so by officers of | the municipal act by provid the Jaw. Councils of municinalities + Sweeping Amendment to Motor Vehicles Act Adopted by Legislative Committee--Other Important Changes Made EVERY AUTOMOBILE DRIVER MUST CARRY A LICENSE Efforts put forward by Mr. Gooder-- at the price of its own tender. Last week a comparison of these tenders was made, and it was shown that the McGuigan lump tender was about $145,000 higher than the Muralt ten-- der, but the equalization was brought about by the adding of $40,000 for contingencies . On one point Mr. McGuigan con-- tradicted _ hiinself. In reply to a question by Mr. Rowell, he stated that he knew the camount of the various tenders before the time set for opening them, but later denied Mr. F H. McGuigan of the Mc-- Guigan Construction Company was a witness before the Public Accounts Committee of the Legislature yester-- day in connection with the investiga-- tion into the contract for the con-- struction of the Hydro--electric Ni-- agara transmission line. Mr. Mc-- (Guigan was a careful witness, and was not able to give Mr. Rowell a great deal of information about the granting of the contract. The Opposition leader, however, did elicit the fact that an agreement had been made with the A. B. Muralt Company, whereby the tender of that concern was withdra wn in order that the contract might be secured by the McGuigan Company, to be later sub--let to the Muralt Company L o + 5:.:::53 o * mage Eg .. tw L.E'Sg?r.: 58@505.; @E-Qdc"" :ME°' is ;:-805"38: . H. McGuigan Arranged Agreement by Which He Got Contract and Sublet It at Price Quoted by Competing Company 5 &A $ ba he smm mo w 9 :ogg:».as 3 a o# °.9 0 o $56 RH o & m};;f- 2 0 17'5 #m © 0 . :ARAo4Gt 2 2 . ts © e " :g ~ w a s h 4 & wcgogz:""'si'.". ::m:oBOOUS L TL Reo smm £ a 0 bo © > p] 8 ~ 4 SE zfosnv Provincial reciprocity was provid.-- ed for without a dissenting voice. Loud objections were made -- con-- cerning the clause that compels all vehicles to halt before coming to standing street cars, and it was held over. By the adoption of another clause, persons convicted . of violating -- the rules of the act three times forfeit their permit. sedrcniights on automobiles in city ' streets were only partially successful.| Mr. Gooderham has a bill to amend! the municipal act by providing that| Councils of municipalities that have| power to regulate traffic may compell all vehicles to carry lights after night-- fall, and the committee took the view| that this power should be extended : to searchlights, and declined to make! a general provision in the act. | teciprocity with the United States| in auto licenses was exceedingly un--| pepular. t 0 A 5 03 s in A a < E_Ex Before leaving Mr. McGuigan said: "If the hardship has been on any-- body in this matter it has been on me. T am the principal sufferer, I feel that the Government of the Province of Ontario does not want to rob anybody, but they have robbed me." this, with the statement that he knew nothing whatever about them. Mr. McGuigan paid. no attention to the other tenderers, except Muralt. He was not afraid of their competi-- tion, hbecause they were unfamiliar with work of such magnitude, but the Muralt Company was used to such large contracts, and he feared their competition. He went to Mr. Enge of the Muralt firm and ascertalned' from him the amount of their ten--; der, and this opened the way for the' nmegotiations to withdraw their ten--| der. 8 Mr. McGuigan assured the Oppo-- sition leader that there was nothing in the agreement or sub--contract that would throw any light upon the in-- vestigation, as he understood it, but Mr. Rowell asked for the pro. duction of these documents. He did not discuss his agreement with Mur-- alt with anybody but the late Mr, Cecil B. Smith. "The Opposition are trying to make out that you have robbed the Government," said Mr. McGarry. Feared Muralt Company . 0 L o g+~ g o 4# * g MJ 30 54 ted d se . HSSEOE: o M ho e o 8 w 5.;_2,'26'. ~o~kasge<pu @®d°m=302 offkte _ @f 3 * 4A 8 8%T o a 6k s C Br£48§"~ o 9"::':590 Q"'S""::,_.o:' S",EB2IHEE *~*" > og k4 o r a El ie B c q 56 ) _A Hilee ----é uk. ud 8 u*..o'c_"; " 46 &a g4© zo"°°flog ho'--- 3 3 C +R H _4 o #oros o § 5x s a C J 3 Wm*~ 0 -- 3 *~ 1 o <+-- & 6 o 42 C:Ec s 4.4 9 g -- _ 2 o a C 0 g of g glaring

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