[egreconts . :3 ~AERARRRREL EL >3 0e oomne a ¥ WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9. 193. IPO WER FOR FARMERS | *A sammae se iedienennnne on eoeataiit onl t 0 1 un f f " Liberals Criticize Govern-- | ment for Failure to Push Hydro ( 'QUESTIOI.V NOT ONE | OF PARTY POLITICS invanininstoecitnirniiremeniecrs % * %Origmated at a Public Meet-- i' ing in Toronto -- W hat «> l Liberdls Have Done In the Legislature yesterday the Liberal Opposition took up the ques-- tion of Hydro--electric power, criticiz-- ced the CGovernment for its failure to hasten the extension to farming com-- munities, and incidentally knocked the underpinning from the oft--repeated arguments that the -- Hydro--electric Power Commission was the child of the Conservative party. Mr.-- Rowel!l |pnim<~d out that even Mr. Becek's first | official relation with the Commission | was due to Liberal legislation. » ' The debate arose on a motion by A | Mr. Thos. Marshall (Monck) that the l (Governmenti' should extend the Hydro electric benefits to the farms and fav-- oring the proposal to construct clec-- tric railways in the rural districts of the Province to affora easy and rapid transportation between the agricul-- etural sections and the markets. There i were thirteen speakers in all on the imotion. with :jn*x(;ndm(-ms moved -- hy | Hon. Adam Beck and Col. T. R. May: 'horr'y. There was no vote, the Gov-- ' ernment amendment being declared to | have been carried on division. Need For Extension. In a telling speech urging upon the Government the need for the exten-- sion of Hydro--electric power and light | services throughout rural Ontario, and ltho provision of cheap and convenient it'*lo(-tric railway transportation facili-- 'Ues. especially in the farming sections, l.\]i'. Thomas Marshall (Monck) de-- clared that it takes the farmers of the 'Pro\'im-o too-- long to get to market |with their produce. He knew of some farmers not fifty miles from Toronto who had to set out for the Hamilton market in the small hours of the morning in order to obtain a good ,positinn. In Detroit it was different. The farmer simply telephoned _ the '\\'holesal(- dealer, made a bargain,. loaded his produce on the -- electric cars, rode into the city with his wife * in the passenger compartment, went .to the matinee perhaps, and got home in time to milk the cows in the even-- 'mg. (Laughter.) Thus, Mr. Marshall continued, he was relieved of the drudgery of farm life, Could any-- thing more pleasant be imagined ? 'When you take all these things into consideration," the member for Monck concluded, "does it not warrant us in planning to utilize the Hydro--electric power of Niagara for all the farm '\\'ork in which it may be used, and al-- tso to improve the transportation fa-- | cilities of the Province?" Mr. Beck Calls It an Old Sstory. Hon. Adam Beck replied. The Gov-- ernment received ithe speech of the hon. member for Monck with a con-- I siderable amount of satisfaction. Mr. ; 'Bm-k said it was prarticarlt- the pro-- § | position submitted to the Houge cleven