hnd had taken--steps with the view .of i l . h::"nmt the number _ of accidents. "clectric underground service at the | ,dm""-" '"n"ct.?" had . been ap-- Parliament buildings is to be install-- 1 tl.)l? ie B on ie mway provisions »of ed at a cost of $1,200 and a fire alarm f e~law,; publicity® was resortedto in equipment for $3,500. . New dorml-i l}e case of accidents, the regulations tories for the Deaf and Dumb Insti--} were modified from time to time to tution at Belleville ard the Institu--| N meet changing conditions, while min-- tion for the Blind at Brantford are| [ A ers themséelves were instructed by of-- to cost $20,000 each. Hydro--electric; . ficials in the use and handling of ex-- + installation in the Ontario Agricul--} | plosives . _ ' tural College runs into $3,400. | | Rowell Would> Safeguard Miners. | For Bridges and Roads. ! a | Mr. Rowell said he was glad the} $ 3 § h 3 | blic Works Department! | investigation made by the Govern-- & Is?;rr:hsf 1$L11;);.".1'(900 is set aspide for | | " :I'l]ent'idu'ring s rowsd a o confirmedl new bridges and repairs to existing : é e view he expressed a year ago as ; bridges in the unorganized districts, | to the desirability of the measure ./ and $337,4132.42 for -- colonization 3 The principle of an eight--hour day for : roads, which make up a total for this ; miners had been one of the planks pranch of $170,332.43. The grant for ir} the Liberal platform of 1911. They | colonization roads is somewhat less c welcomed the adoption by the Gov--| (han that of last year, due more or, | -- ernment of the plankk in (hat plai-- less to the work being conducted by . | f form. It was a very moderate eight-- Mr. J. F. Whitson under the $5,000,--| | hour bill, and he thought it might be | 000 appropriation, which will amount|! | 4 amended by eliminating some of the| to about $1,000,000 this year. The | f elements of unceriainty. | The powers| colonization road work is organized | ( of the mine inspector were not clear--| under four headings: North Divis--| ly -- defined . Underground _ miners! lon, $150,592.55; West Division, $35,--| i should come to the surface for their| 073.8$7; East Division, $100,766; Tim-- \ meals, and Saturday should not be any | iskaming, $51,902.37. | longer than the other days. In con--i FWor charges on Crown lands there ' clusion the Opposition leader . said is an additional vote of _ $15,000; credit was due to Mr. Roebuck of $4,000 of this is for the purchase of | New Liskeard, who had matermially as-- launches for forest reserve work, and| sisted those interested in securing the $10,000 for investigation and pur--; legislation . : tisss chase of lands, nursery work, . re--} "It is a very fair proposition," was planting, labor, purchase of seeds| Ns i the verdict of Mr. Allan Studholme, and stock. | (East Hamilton) . I Under the charge administration; I 5 s y * | Univers Must Wait. ; of justice the Attorney--Geenral _ _re--} [ Ilnlursity Sf f f ceives an additional sum of $16,--j h | _ The second reading of the bill to | 292.19. Of this amount $1,200 is for| i remove . the "eSt{'"'ti""S on College! ¢ a Police Magistrate at Porcupine and | street property formerly owned by $4,000 additional for the maintenance | It)w University was deferred . of prisoners; $500 is to maintain a ' I mmnnaeermmnazeeemetemet Police Magistrate at Matheson. | | i 4 j The additional amount required by ' |I the Department of Education is $5,-- f | 967. | g | Among the miscellaneous items| » | there are a number of gratuities. Dt'.l ol . 14 000 000I Helen MacMurchy gets $450 for a re--; , , | port on the feeble--minded, and a : further amount of $5,000 is to be vot-- m ooo D Sm« } ed for enforcing the liquor act. F Exceed Those of the Previ. supplementary Revenue Act. | Y On the motion to go into Committee & ouUs ear by | of Supply on the further supplemen-- j tary estimates Mr. Rowell pointed out . $1,174,859 | that the apparent deht, with the $2,-- | 500,000 it was proposed to spend on l | $ 1 the Hydro--electric, was $6,000,000. He -- ye--nmmameommtisoat would like to know where the Acting Provincial Treasurer proposed to get A HYDRO COMMISSION es y | 0+ ' Hon. Mr. Lucas explained that the S | estimates for 1913 showed an _ in-- ' 1 GETS $2,500,000: creased expenditure of $437,902 as | | compared with last year. He intimat-- | + * | ed that a supplementary revenue act ( N nebinenyring | 4. | would be introduced by the Govern-- $ k s | ment shortly. They were always on ) Brldges and Roads n Unor- the lookout rfnr additional sources of ) revenue, and proposed taxing inter-- | § > f ests which at present were not con-- 5 gan"zed DlSlrlCts to COS' tributing their share to the Province. The House adjourned at midnight L $470'332 after passing the further supplemen-- & [ | tary estimates, with the exception of rtrerisidiexistaaa it Hacuca } the Hydro--electric appropriation andi | | a portion of the colonization road j ¥s 6 grant. | -- Winal estimates presented to the wn racke c mmmmcemme e mm e mm to $13,748,345.88. This is the total,| expenditure for the year 1912--13 up? to. $13,748,345.88. This is the totalz | excluding the amounts to be spent| * under statutory provision which are' u0t required to be voted from year| to year.. The increase over the total| | estimates for 1911--12 is $1,l74,859.97,| | « which amounted to $12,573,756.09. The largest item in the supplemen-- taries is $2,500,000 for the Hydro-- | electric Power Commission, which in-' l . cludes $150,000 for a new oilfice build-| | ing to be erected in the vicinity of| 3 | the Parliament buildings, which will| | j contain offices, laboratories and test-- ' ing equipment to carry on work that 1 now is scattered in several places. There is another large item of| $95,000, representing a refund _ of timber dues to the Algoma Central Railway under an agreement dated | December 7, 1905. C Further appropriations are to be§ ; made to enable the immediate organ--| ization of the new judicial district ofl + Timiskaming. The equipment of the | registry office at Haileybury is to cost| | | $3,500. The registry office itself will ; cost $8,000. The sum of $20,000 isl ' to be voted for a new court house for | the district of Rainy -- River, and} $2,000 for a new registry office for the district of Kenora. A Hydro-- P e