PSE in gevisigs ns tas P 6 NV e f rants. _ ) the unfair-- * 4 grants. He -- Oobje¢ted to Nfi--m ESTIfiATI"N ness of the resolution, which said that | the rural decline had been 100,000 i in the lust ten years; as a matter of l oN"lTI"N fact, it had only been 62,000. -- Mr. i Duff thougbt it was a matter of ;n'idq that Ontario's loss Should have result, nags's [ ed in such a gain to the west. l Mr. Allan Studholme (East Hamil-- I | ton) criticized the methods of the de-- Government Relects ReSO'utlpnf partment for failing !u keep tr'u('tk'uf' b ] | the immigrants. Little or nothing PP | '\ was known of the people that came Of Mr. May e y | out, while the Salvation Army and ; ' other organizations were able to keep e a | trace of their people for years. DEBATE IN LEGISLATURE! | Me, MeDonalta's Amendment. i | An amendment to that mn\'('d' by miy cmecmmmennmesemenmmemmmemce ( ' Mr. Duff wags brought in by Mr. Wm. t | MeDonald -- (Centre Brm\';{), l'l'"mfin'g' § ~ T | | the terms of Mr. J. . Flavelle's| Mtember tor South Osford Shows ai, j famous letter to the Minister of Agri-- - Affairs ------ Hon.; uiture: 'i arlni" Stal(' ')f .\"dl"h l j cu e; y « f a ario is l'opulat-i ! '""This House expresses the .earn(/sl fir Pufl Glad Cniaf!0 !s | | hope that the Government will tz_lke es | | active measures to cope with the siiu-- ue the NVCSl | 'minn, so that the Minister of Agri-- wnn n nzan ce in | culture will no longer be open tul & n the grave charge that 'You have per-- 5 l mitted, you are now permitting, thnu-! Another attempt to shoulder blame : | sands of youung Ontario farmers, thc-; upon the Dominion Government for !(']'(-;lnl of our agricultural people, to Provincial negligence was witnessed | leave their own, Province for ,thfi" es uy re last evening, when ; west, while by your inertia you indi-- in the Leglskllu.e ast e ®» s | cate you are not cognizant of th« the Government negatived the te-- | advantages of continued residence in solution of Mr. Mayberry (South Ux~. this Province, if full »a.r'l\'umage is tak-- ford) for an investigation into the en of the opportunities which open Caus;'S of rural depopulation. | in response to intelligent effort. k m 1 The member for South ()-\'101"--1! Te Un n amnmtntennre | ' moved the resolution: '"That in view | ' of the alarming decrease of approXxi--} 7 i e x lation | x M i aralgs Car 8 \ mately 100,000 in the rural ))'ODU 1.' t ' THE LQUOR LICENSE AMENXDMENT ACt. w in the counties of old Ontario, during | | the period of ten years, as disclosed | | The Provincial Secretary secured yesterday by the Dominion census of 1911; and | 'from the Legislative Assembly a second reading in view of the general EL'?H_'C"Y),(';';' 'for his insignificant bill amending. the Liquor : & € 5 ario, whic | | j 3 {,(1)?,:01';20;:'1;:0;:;:htulrxltd:)(nf;il'"td grave | License Act of the Province. He made no speech 1 concern to the farmers of the l'r_o-g {in moving the second reading, and no other mem-- ""'cie' aind has {fisul:"ii:gn"m'";{"(;::::lé |ber on the Government side made any reply to n in e agric P ~ s 3{11?"1(1)1: 3)1' the Provi;me, this House | jthe spirited protests and appeals put up by mem-- is of the opinion that a Selt('ct C'"'""' « bers of the Opposition. This was in accordance ' or a Commis--| Paves s back A im aet ' ;'i'f,',f"gf ogr.:pgmgo:xns:n ;;ro:ld be ap--| with the practice of the Ministerial majority for j0in to inquire into the whole | [some weeks past. Challenges from the other side p ted 4 j | | snua{)iontalr()dl r':?ofi r':'ié?, '('):,ldltn?g';;?(s |are ignored and arguments go uncontested. can be taken to re 1 ( C j C existing conditions." | There is apparently a concerted purpose in this The problem of semtnrlngi SUmCi'",'g 'policy of silence, but the effect of it on the public t 8 ous, said [ us o s . f'\?:mwiz;tg(;;rywas;{;nzgmz?lr with the| \mind is naturally to create the impression that: ' statement of the late Deputy Minister | 'arguments are allowed to go unrefuted because f > ?i%!fggécg;\gii;h;x;ut]}&e tfi;"'m'f';';g:'é&. there is no refutation available. | \ 100 per cent. if proper methods W(;re} Mr. Proudfoot rallied the Government, and i employgd.i It w(alas um:hthmgtht_o gl\t'g'; especially the Premier, on their failure to make| ' * 7 } anc er ng | 5 L . g:;:'ly ?t :)lrte u?lger exi;ting labor con-- | any attempt at redeeming their pledge to bring | % 1 & a s s +1 s s s '. \ ditions. Farming was the .most | in this session a bill to prohibit treating. Sir| ' f ? ince ; ho A | 't](fi%i';"ann':{l}mgg;t"fi,:'ntnhe ;1;35'13([;' James Whitney takes notice of such an attack never 'brought such a high I)I'il'u." only to make a general eulogy on his Govern-' %;ve:dwe{_e o f""]m-'; .f"i't'ms f(;'rl f'""- ment's record for excellent administration of the , e option of electricity an abor-- s 4 s saving nlu)achinery had produced little license law, and yet just a day earlier Mr. Hanna! ofi* ino results to solve the problem. admitted that liquor was hbabitually and illegally | airymen were not increasing their e en t rhys aas a ¥ i ie | herds, because adequate iabor was sold on railway trains and stgamb9ats \ntlf the | unobtainable. knowledge and therefore the connivance of the | Work for the Government. Government, and that the "blind--pig" traffic in Another loss to the rural Gistricts Northern Ontario is beyond the power of the t was that the men who were taking Government to suppress. | z}i'te;eglz:efhgr\\E:-]s?tsiv;??tin\:;i?)tcr??n«th(; | Mr. Sam Clarke gave the Provincial Secretary | $ & » § @ CC s w | in Ontario farming methods. _ The la bad quarter of an hour on his attempt* to | erishiced. . As on ""8 hhaly, Inex-- iShOI'ten the drinking day by cutting off the hours erienced . 3 )ng ; ses 'are s i " ; | gatd to societibesl( tno° b'i,:'g("}fl;'f"i,,'}:;fi'; ifrom six to eight in the morning, when <--very grants it mattered little what the little drinking is done, instead of the hours from x;gg:'at:gns W('rtf;.f It{esult:: \\huuld be nine to eleven at night, when the bars are allg ore satisfactory if the Gov-- M 4 I ernment took up dlrccyt immi;:'r:'tinn running full blast with the throttle open. L\h"i work igself. That the farmers were iMoDonald expressed his rqpproval of the amend--; 32;:32,182:? '\'wl;h I:ll:l(f\';rr]lml})])?dfhgf ffh('z ments as an installment o%. a reform long overdue, > ® ac + is that Grey county had sent its own 'bUt regretted it was so little. Mr. Rowell closed g';pre;eu"nt::"('le tf" rE"g'lf":)g to bring out lthe debate with a reasoned and forcible appeal e e a aborers, i & § f Wis advisable f()rmthe far(r'r';zrs tf)f d'("' :to the Government not to. disappoint temperance this, it was desrable that the Gov-z reformers with so insignificant a measure after S:'rxl\;nelr'xrtles't'xm:;gi?p%ol:;tng;:c?cm wl promising so much last session. To all these immigration . o assist speeches on the subject the Premier turned a deaf HH°"i t.b:lmes S. tI;"ff spoke briefly. ear, and his well--disciplined followers showed} e pointed out at there was a themgelves ill at ease s i it h: | shortage in all trades, and declareq but afraid to hit back. that the Government had been un-- | o en ateaieam ceasing in its efforts to procure ,mm,,,