.. ""'""""""T""'*"""'mlr!.ll),qrr-rr"re" "v" m I "ll: .. t"" "e' 're -"r"rt','t'f' l - -- T . . ."'t, , _-','s _ 6 t Bf cm .", . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1914. .3 ' l" .1"? ,-,.it.. i""" ".1" ' - ', e ' _-------- . _ ". a l _. f f N l 1 F-' 'grIalfliNlllllftlillllll A _ DBYLIB 'IV . I'l _ . , . -------'"'. i , MB. For mas ARGUMENT ON', . EVAN I UREL S PUSH] GIVING VOTE FOR MARRIED l "'O'MEN. . _ . u m---------"'" _------ D "Wo are up with the City Council, D I q AemerGeneral For Gives not . - " uncil with us. asking eve O ments tn " . . the City f." r Hints of Possible Pro. tor the municipal referendum for h te . I C _ marri d 1 " id Dr Margaret t tt 'eagytare a" ' - r te Wt men, FN . l "6r, V "cution l Gordon, lining tho first of the one- ---..-- e L, _ minute speeches with which the TC'! [liberal members "lei. brain-one .-"...__.._.___ quest that the refererdum passed on morning and resolved L / ' January 1 should become legislation. elude Mr. Evanturel no. "l o Posmo was placed before the Legislature. the caucus. P N CAUCUS The delegation, which was received 1' Mr. lilvunturel refuses to re- CUTS HIM ADRIFT; by Hon. J. J. Fay, and politely listen- I sign his Heal. ( ed to by a number of other legislators, ll Hon. J. J. Foy, acting Premier, ----- l "is introduced by Mayor I-locken. I: said the. Government will I W o spoke of the majority of 13.910 It take some action to preserve . Votes polled in Toronto on January l the dignity of the. House. Reported That Mr. Rowelll 1 in favor of the municipal franchise- l Mi. N. W. Howell. Liberal Ad . . t . I merit of married Women. Controller I leader. said Mr. l'lvanturel V1868 His R'esig. Simpson said that from the three can no longm' it? vecom1izy1 . I tstandpoints of intellectual qualitlca- i as entitled to take part in natio ' . l . . . n l tum, spirit of patriotism and sympa- , tho deliberations of the Lib- thy with projects for the uplift of i oral members of the Legis- humanity, "(mien were just as cap- I luturc. ulld IS lllld¢§Sl00d to ,,,,,,___________M able to vote as men. Controller Mc- l have advised M." luvanturel annuity Sullt'llllo did not think thett'Zov; ; . 's,,';,;?,:','),),.."'"" reyipination to the Crowded galleries in the Legisia- t mom " ieved in taxation. wi on I k Pt "i . . . a sr-T. . H _ lr,; ' representation, yet in Toronto be- , w" ----- fl _7 __, ti-t-e----m-e _...__._...,,c, l?f y.""1'u'das Cagtl'l) al1ifil'a/ed the tween eight and ten million dollars/l "'O'msed explanation hy Mr. GUStaYel worth of property is owned by wo- Fruanturet (Prescott) of his connec- 32)}: who pay taxes on it, but connot tion with the letter read-by MP. G.' - " liowavd 1"E'l'guson (Grenville) solicit- "Onions Ono-minute Speeches. his a retainer from the liquor inter- "After "he ishort address by} 1hr. "cts in this Pvorin,re. But the crowd i argaret _i0rtt0n, originator o t e was disappointed. Mp "'-v Ttrr, . referendum campaign and President not a , ' " _," . 'denthl did of tho Toronto Sumatra! Association. CL pleat, ante the expected state- Mrs. Flora Mach. I'etilsiin of the Do.. ment is still outstanding. The mat- glirion 'l",'."'?,",'",),"" -xssgcliutiond slim}?i a ter, Jaowever, is not to he allowed to .w worts, uni was o ion-e y " rs. .th '. , . . lu. A. Hamilton, President of the nd, and "Hort adiournmrM Hon. Equal Franchise League and Secre- J. J. Foy, srooaltitog rot. the Govern- tury of the Referendum Committee. ment, said that the whole incident Mrs. Hamilton is disc t-losely com is to he considered, and in default of heeled with "omen 3 Institute work, . satisf . , -... . . and said she believed that, while the l Ii'""""..'?"."-"-' explanation some av: women in rural districts had not such "0" will be takeu to safeguard the Opportunities for organization as the! dignity of the House and vesaint thel _ cltv Women, ther were verv much in insult it has I' c .... __.'. ' . . _ t _ l s , en . l . '. sympathy with the enfranchisementl N" ll' , e ed a n Ctlis m ot married Women. . . V. Rowell, leader Ok the Opposi- Mrs. A. M. Huestis represented the Tion, concurred. and promised hearty int-til Courcil /f,lf,1t't1t,1: which, in "o-operation with any proper meth-' urn, rcpresen s . y- our women's ' ds th itr ' organizations, which stand behind it S at mu?) tle adopted. l most of the good movements of the lt was evident that the counter-' city, 21nd, through the National Coun- blast which Mr. Ferguson had pian- c , o the country. Mrs. littestis said :ied had in his ouini n rored im. this was the third time they had come f . . ", . __.' ' o p 0 i, to the Governinert. and she hoped effective. Following a statement oy they would not he compelled to con- Mr. Howell disassociating the Liberal "all: 'iT,','."',',',",.',',, inl this way Itinl- party in the House from any further, w to t or llllE it )8 using to at vant- ,. , . .'.i, . . n t age in the home or the Stnte. Iunnettion with Mr. Evanturel, Mini Mr. ll. J. Stevenson spoke for the "Hanson vainly attempted to turn a Trades and Labor Council. and Rev. ""3"" corner and fasten on the Lib- Father Minehan was called upon for oral party. responsibility _for . the a short address. I whole affair. and characterized it as Mr. F'oy expressed his Interest ml an. atteinpt_to secure a large cam- tho arguments that had been brought he?" ('ontrlhutlon from the "liquor forward. and promised to submit the interests. t ""3 t" Oh, oh. and matter to the lltillsu zit the earliest rotten greeted his remarks. convenient oIv,sot'ttinitv. , rhe Speaker interrupted to rule Mr. [ ".-LL--.LL.., ', Ferguson out of order, and quickly l , TDIG SPIRIT made the situation worse. Mr. Fer- ( = l a tuson explained he was only reply- l [ng to Mr. Home". The Speaker in- gL----------'--_'_--:_--.::_--_--'--~W_--'----:t:;-----*____m _-..._*--1:;::'--;_"'--__,"--:;::.---'_~"'"m__::: sisted that the disc ussion was irrele- "' " . . , ' . . d J . l 'am. Mr. Foy. who was leading the f'he Eraiijiuuxl iliettitsrit in Hip Legislature pcswrtlau' should; Home. in quiet tones thought 3",: ' . . ' - ' '., ' t t , . l . l"enqruson might be allowed to pro- tlto Libeval Lt-odor' at his lit'hl. lie '.'f't't9,u'1llZi'tl lll( sliellgill ol reed. as the debate all throglzh Iliad; . I' - ' . ar.trc' S' " u; v. . .,.. f sr is rli w. llo ni, tril Ute covered a wide range. The 'peater. the doom y)"""""'; (ill istll "'j.Tn 1 his pint, .1 . l , however, was not to he dissuaded to the ptwsisstraios and tho Itvttrt, oi the opponents oi tempet'anoe from Dialling" a ruling. and he quoted r" P,. l. ' , _ . 4 . l f ., l i. ' .' le .. May to support. his point. That Pe- reform. the laminate; ll'llt'l' "us xo lulu HIT, tmo1het nu .ntt "Ned him of his trouble, ander. . . . I I . MM) . ot the incl: that "othinu would be loll undone that could hi: r'erguson was allowed to I3t'0C t done to stem the tide of isunpei';tnee reform. Liberal Leader Tells l Mr. Rowell does not (ll'RpiSt', his antagonists, but he wf of Evanturel'sExclusmm comes the Cmpl'2'runee of tho issue. "I would rather 2'0 down to Mr. Rowen. who opened thedinci'l . . .. " _ le, . . . _ bt . . ", ' . ., ' 'ient in the afternoon, said: "I esire defeat. "as his declination. lighting the liqiim interests than lrNetty to supplement the statement I: " twentv vietovieo, wi i,, G _ TV pq made in the House yesterday_ in re-i "In "* . it. vith theh mppovt. . ference to the letter read m the Bravo words. hoiiosilv spoken. The 1empei'ar1ee men lll cou- House by the honorable member for ' . . . ' T , Grenville (Mr. Ferguson). I regret vention assmnlilod will not hour them unmoved. IN hen ( "ttFUN"- lo say that the explanations fl,v,egl, mt? . , . .. ' t . . by the honorable member for resco .vative lempet'anee men we own memluws of ihe Legislation have not removed the unfqvorablef' bum lo 811 i) 'r i - ' f. . . . -. . . w... on impression created to the minds 0 V cho . 1 I Oil Ilr. Rouell falling "Wh.) on tlu tom} tan- my colleagues am? myself by the read- question they must feel that iluw. loo must speedily make it lug of the letter in the House. . . . . q . . . . . "i am sure the honorable member ehoiee and put their Iwineiples before party. Poliiieal allegiance for Prescott in applying minI the pos; ' . . _ . tion of organizer forspeca. interes .4098 not emmi for much in the 'r1nij-tou1peranee camp. Why outside the House could not have .,r,ii,i,:j,'tr,iPld it among tompevanee men t ' realized what he was doing when hot '1};"l.' _ V A