The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1914, p. 3

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I! 11',fi.i, a private ono, and "it 6W'"W Hmr*mhd'e dr that fact. and he' , I in: attributed to thoughtleuneu and Ith than yet not attempted to repudiate V I "Y iishness on TU,",,"',', in 1,ags he it." ' . I r, [ construction w c was po . to j 'lplace upon its wording. .Attucks Mt Rowen. . l It T had any criminal intention to ' Mr. Ferguson then went on to state .ms'. i do anything wrong at tho time I wrote that Mr. Rowen had frequently re- l (those tettorg, and if T had any inten- terred in the House to the fact that ' i "ion to you mv influence in the House, his party was a unit on the tempers '0? if 1 intended 1n any way to affect ance question. amryet had made no [the dignity ot tho House, surely the attempt to explain why one ot his . imemhere of this House and the people party, opposed to him on the matter {Of this Province will admit that I of temperance. had been paired. (could deal in a, more confidential and "The point I wish to make, Mr. secret way, t loudly and openly ttsk. Speaker, is that this action just shows ed for n position and financial sup- how much in earnest the leader of WON- T have tu3ver approached any the Opposition is, how much sincerity of those srentlrmen of tho association there is attached to the policy he is' T')ersottall.v, PCNPr know them. All advocating throughout the Province". that I did was to write tho letter pro- This was the "f am holler than thou"; tinned. and some others similar. and policy, declared the member for; nothing: more. Nothing came out Grenville, and he again brought upi of it. _ T Mr. RoweWa connection)! with b'l'he Realized ms Offence. fj,1e1t"ietu,lt1',..et2Titlgtta' ed his a ol i T reuliz» now, Mr. Speaker. and I w, ' - l 'hau- to admit it. that my action was Mr. Ferguson a. PetiiMrttist. l acuinst the dignity of tho House. and o y , f l wi 11 t might have brought dishonor to my co,7).:',1)r,dth'1ti, ingiiloentnfn thep H032; irmmty. If, Mr. Speaker. the sincerity. the 3:11" day what must the House ihonesty and frankness. which have in- and the country believe? They find {mired this statement. have. some him with a man who has been open- ' t'woight in this House and the Prov.. lv' opposed to himself and his party, 'ince. I trust that my apology to.the they 'GU' him taking that man into House as a 1Ndslator, to tho Province his counsels taking him into his bots. as. a citizen. and to .my constituency om and iro"'Giiirir' in him, they find as their representrrtivo, will he at» him announcing again and again that rented. T regret an action oommitted 'tiii,', party is a. unit on his temperance unintentionally, and I desire tn appear uolic . and they find him repudiatingi before this House as any straight and that 551a,! now only when exposure rhonest man should do in similar cir- comes in. this House. And I suppose, cumstancet. s ,1 er. that he will not repudi- l, When Mr. Evanturel sat down there je,') 51:: {othPi' members of his party twee no Sound or demonstration ot nnv to whom the hon. member from Pres.. ii'ind from his fellow-members. .He colt has referred until they are ex- 'hzid read without apparent emotion, osed in the House, and if the party and when he resumed his, seat. his face T0225 on being decimated from time was almost expressionless. :0 time in tiiis way it seems as if Mr. Ferguson Commends Frankness. it wmiid only be '9. {hauler at tsirgt: As Mr. Evanturel had spoken on a until'the pait'y P11s y m ay L' nutrition of ttrivileete, Mr. G. Howard I in tho: Prot-mtc. l Ferguson (Grenville) cskcd pnrmis- minim move. the adjournment of tho ' TWO Party Leaders l House to oontinue the dittteustssion. He ' . . _ "cotnmerurad the member for Prescott! Mk for Resiimatiorr( join his struightforwardness in udmit- "This {a a very wrgmm and a, veryi' min: that ho wrote the letter and in' wave mutter." said Hon. J. J. Foy, istatingr fully and frankly his position ' twin) spoke on the conclusion of Mr. (with regard to his leader's policy 0"! Ferguson's remarks. "The honorable i"hnnish the bar." lie noticed that} member tor Prescott, deserves credit! Mr. livnnturol had referred to otheri for seeing now the error of his ways} members of the Liberal party who! in having written the letter referred (were of the some mind as himself in l to He has apologized to the House .conneotion With that poltey, and h"; fir what he thinks was an indiscre- wanted to congratulate hin. on having tion but which we think was far . the courage to take a position which More serious than an indiscretion. the? apparently did not have. He has at-kmm'ledged also very frank- i "The hon. gentleman referred to the lv that he wrote the letter, 50 that {question cf his helm: paired with the the matter is: now before the House. ihon, member for Manitoulin tMr. No two interpretations can be put (Gamer), tWort which T touched the upon it. It is or. attack on the (lig- iother day, and I gather from his niiv of the Legislature, of which he gstntoment to-day that Itt! loft for the (might to have been an unholder. i Whip of his party n. writtrm state~ "Sir. i am not going to say anything I 5nwnt. in which "Crs explained that he that will mid to the distress ot the, 'was nimble to support the Ohm-sition honorable member in consequence ofi ion that question and was withzirnwing- his hut-ing- written that letter. I have a sfrunl Cue Florrsi. Notnvititeuntiitlit" no annixt'that every member of the! ' iii-mt 'y1,"m.erit: "9 TITS pvired---ituis House will rousiric-r that the aDOIOSYI [apparently to the {net that .thu Whip Us UOt sttfficicnt to meet the case: '(im not y:et Ts 1otter itt time. Shit ISomething more ought to come from} 11h," YV, 'r,v/1,t'. 'y/,ry,Cy"/C1ro.te fp- ihim. I myself think that he ought; mtg." "'3". If?" "am": VT")? to the Ito resign his seat in the House. He! i ' I?) rr ,u..i.i.i.n.<: tht, (murmur and re, 1 (should consider whether he should 9 I" f, lit! Han. Ito \\'.0€, shimmy-t tho iuo that or not, and, if not, it will bel L 1'C,c.1r'ji','ro'rl 'i'?" Tr'rltvmndit= him 1 (the duty of the House, and primarily f") 31?." 'ill'), ',""_ h" ICI'-', "filled him." 'of' the Government. to take some ac- _Fd . C.' ..l.,lli'l 'a1otidor) '""1ri't11esi.v,ce. flit)" in the matter. bhnitturr.t Aluays ()pginsmi, L "The form it will take I cannot at ', Mr. than ;lt in' W. hrm l f itho moment Say. Until T heard the _""' I ' Et ' .__. haunt] i, . _ . . , . the: YVillp admitted it 1m, other day. statement Just read I did not 1',t2, Them I should like to ask my hon. _ tt),"'.a1C,r,"ct1t., fe/o/lem/y/tep" $33215; friend a further question. I gathered to C :'if toe -- . . J, fro ' . ' ' . now the House itself had no positive com his statomrm to-day that he is . 'h' l iid I has now opposed to his bead s" (and his leader proof. ot. n at. to Ill '.', y, "c and his {vino hare know , ) proof; we have the statement from temperance, duosdonn Is l t, fe,,that the honorable gentleman. That hav- Mr. litr'nntlirol-;I can. b 1"?" ing been established, it, therefore, I have "mm": furthn (in y any that rests with the House to take what ac- statement I; h'il.l, mg?" " odd :0 the tion is proper in the matter. in the House. A ue to-day rt? the meantime l would ask the honorable " lgentleman whether he ought to, go i [uranium] Twice Paired. ' 'further than an apology, Tf,', con.slder _ w .r . fwhuther he. should lender is Peh'lgtla-. Spgghor '?"iiei",ei,or,t, -- Because, Mr. tion in due course as member for the _ . ' "(a n that the non. gen-I county of Prescott." 1tlemim Intends to take that position} i ( lirogitihe statement that he has just! ;A Digniiicd Position. I i ca l ' . , . I . icase, Kim} [82551531] 8""; fnil,tdt the 1 Mr. Howell, who followed, spoke in! {House wouli i,), iCtui/'dfu..1'l'nnt 3110 "he following terms: "The acting i'Province would be very much int re iPrime Minister has dealt with this icstcdwin knowing why the hon 3:": ' unfortunate matter which has come 'tlenian was paired on a very similar before the House in the serious and 'occasion just a. week or ten dav- after dignified manner in which I am sure [ he had triven the Whip notice ~that he all the honorable members feel a. mat- did not DurDose supporting his party ter so vitally affecting: the House and "Sgt tdht.i,,k'-n,i"i,i?r,(ii,; question and did its honor should be dealt with. I lcat" ; I thi'j I) m paired, only say that I exliresal my comp cc 'rednto :vnitance Mr. Ferguson roter- concurrence in the remarks of the 310" to 1ti//.ee, later in that BBS-' honorable the. Attorney-beneral and 'cenSes t: [fd,',? 'te granting of ii- in the suggestion he has tendered to man, the 12ty, The hon. gentler the honorable member for Prescott. has sat in t f")',' ot the 1',i"n"g',"i,tiarl 7 I have already conveyed that intima- e"-'""" he House ever since wt It,

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