the msverititiuittrrist, stt,rtni,t,tes.l 'fllitill$u'lRllliMl'it. money set aside for a 8900150 o The I _ oi the House for 0th? '",,'2"r",e,',1il a . _ Government started t 0 year wt al..,' N RlllNl'll cash balance of 81,439,000, bu "I" I most 31.200.000 of that MW"; the borrowed from the proceeds o io - I loan authorized for i)',:',"?,;';'.,,,?'),',:'.',',) _ . l; development. At the end o . " k 't . . " on hand to ta " ssure 3:; $5155? tT/e"Ti',,ftl',l,,')ls'lt"ed expert" Northern Ontario Gets Pre diture in Northern Ontario under the C for Ottawa I 35,000,000 grant, but during the "a". T the Government borrowed more. The;I I I situation finally was that at the. out i I - "_-_'-.-.'.---.--- of the last f1stutl year iho girsvmgi ' [GUS und actually $681, i PY,.! "l 1tie,,datlli2et cash on hand, or $2,815,- AR. HOWELL CAUT ' 000 in all. ; These were facts on which he char. - '. - len ed correction. . , . .. . t ll an" a while I will art8WPt "' Advises That Such Action 13 Outside _ "IC)':, te1,y?",'i,plied Mr. Rowen. "Ii Province of Legislature-Games, ' hope my hon. friend will tellf us how; Resolution Passes, Though Divid- he utrtifiess raising money or (YY'. . Durgose and applying it for another ing Parts Lines. and one entirely unauthorized by tho Legislature or the statute." tAp- ------- plause.) I . l Referring tn the Treasury? "TL Northern Ontario had its innings mates of mm"? Ind "WWW?" 0 , in the Legislature last night when the t the present year, Mr. Home" went on! . I to point out that the figures were en- resolution of Mr. R. R. Gamey (Mani- I tirely misleading. ' toulin) urging upon the Federal Gov- _ . . . ,. " int.r Treats N " _. Frank. 1 ernment the necessity for grant Mrer Claims to be i aid to develop the iron reso'urcos of Mr. I ucas in reply said M had been t e -ou w V. . d e b a told aghin and again that the thaw, h f, "r. " ps " opt d t y cial statement lacked frankness and: non-party division. It was a non- honesty. After listening to all. this; contentious proposal that found q from the OPPOSitiOn leader he did not: supporters on both sides of the i feel a bit riled; in fact. he felt rather} I I . _ I pleasant, but his hon. friend Ieemedi l, louse, and gave Hon. W. H. I to be a bit riled. lie (Mr. Lucas); ,licarst an opportunity tn present an 't'f,'1te't1ed,,,1i,','",'v11, $112: 2t, 2:10;??? finteresting and instructive survey of " l I . . ' . . . :nolst always wrong. He submited that' I the Possibilities for putting this indus- the statement )vl1'i?,r,11t,rl."lr1,'t,e, [1)?er! , try on a permanent basis and main- H use. and w ic i r. owe 'a. , ' . ' in): pgesent to hear, "as fair audi tein?yr a Prosperous community in frank Mr. Rowen appeared to haveI the North country. gathered a great deal of information I In discussing his motion Mr. Gamay from the Public accounts. The)" pointed out that although there were seemed to show everything to him. large deposits of iron ore in Ontario He knew exactly what. the deficit anIdIthe other Provinces of the Do- would be; he km"; 't"Sitervg.3h.ttie'd1,'; Iminli'on no'w lying idle or but little win s were; e , wor ed, t e rea . - Egg: his]. and Yet he supported a re- mand for "of and ye, 2210:2150 tt _ ttolution which says thesef .'2,1t3, tfi; i, demand for iron ore for smelting pur? ( counts were not presented ran t y all I poses were. largely met by importation honestly to the people. Mr. Rowen s f h _ . . J"", . 'ei ht. mm a road, and especially from the; ' tcriticism did not carry in wettt I, l 1 because he used strong lan- [United Mates. He advocated a meaa-l i gage}, He must point out in what ' lire ot assistance by the Parliament of', particular it. was not a frank and hon. l Canada that would place the iron and . est statement of the finances of the; steel industry on an assured footing.) Province. l Mr. D. M. Hogarth (Port Arthur); B . seconded Mr. Gamey's motion, . firu' . ' in? i When Did Donuts eg I -Mr. Hearst Cautious. Examining one, or two pomts or Mr. l Howell's statement, the Treasurer saidi ! I Hon. Mr. Hearst quoted astatement h started out by asserting that the, ~Sh0Wlng that Europe had an iron mo, 'lt, Government. 'befnr-i: 1905 aiwaysi serve ot 4,733,000,ir00 tons and Am-t had sufficient to pay its: way, to pay! Ierica. 'r,154,000,000.' It was itttpoterible: not onlv the current but. the capital ;to accurately say at the present day! expenditure of the Province. what amount of ore they had in the! Mr. lit-well here. jumped to his feet, I; different bodies in Canada, but there} . and def'lari'd he. made no such stare. i 3 was aIxt'ery larget deposit Io! low grade: 1? merit. What ho said was that for the; ore. . was no surprsng that the , last thrve years "tivious to 1903 thero' I] Canadian iron industry was not pro- . was an aVr'tai,'f? surplus. I I greasing with rapidity, because the t Mr. Lucas said his hon. friend sl f quality of the ores as compared with; statement. was exactly in line with mo] i the south shore of Lake Superior was- argumeut or the member for "West, touch as to handicap it. These ores; . . Middlesex and with some editorianl might be successfully treated, as was ' that had appeared in The Globe, the: evidenced by what had been accom- meaning of which was that they Wereé plished in other countries, suCh u placing certain assets of this Provinr-el Germany. He was not going to dis- itt t2t,/t1'i.P1it"' that properly belonged or?" thigh", it was right or proper! to cam " . t at t in . ominion Govern e i . Mr. Lucas said that the Opposition! give aid in the way of /,l'/'/',ttie,o"t.'/ , leader Was "M (Iorreg't m Ali! tstatc- anything ot that kind, but he wanted ment that the. school grunts had been to point out this, that if aid Should . cut by 28 new. Iiitt. the grant was be given at all the Dominion G v - the same as last year. in other di- ment was th o ern ".' b., 5 7- . e proper source from rections Mr. lumen had not taken which that aid sh ' ' .- . . . ' . ould be obtained. note of ccrtuitt transfers that had Mr Pr df . ,, " one " if.. I ' . on oot (Centre Huron) was t been made. m \rtllUllS ounces to di f . I q . , avorable to what was proposed to I ferent departments. I . :stimulate the. iron industry, but also t thought that the Legislature should _ do something by way of assistance, Mr. T. IT. McGarry (South Rea. frew), Mr. Machin (Kenora) and Mr. Allan Studholme (Hamilton) favored -e t i 1 , _J__