y oi y!~ DT 17 1914 s f 'Blm AY, MA RoH -.??l'f'! > " 4 .. TAXES 6O ON FOREVER -- I M . ' 'I.'. s Hon. Mr. Foy Says Government f is Not Ready for It | $ y MR.IOHNSON's DRASTIC BILLl Would Prevent Municipalities lm'cst-' ing Sinking Funds in Their Own Debentures--Mr. Anderson W'ith-l draws Bill Concerning Autos. | Three bills advanced to the second reading and sent on to the Municipal Committee constituted the bulk of the VWO!'k performed by the Legislature vesterday. The expected dehbate on Mr. MceCormack's bill to give munici-- palities local option in taxation did not come up, Mr. Foy stating that the Government was not ready. Mr. Hanna intimated that the Govern-- ment would wait until a convenient. time in the session and have all pro-i posed amendments to the municipali and assessments act considered to»i gether, as economizing both time and' effort. Mr. J. G. Anderson (South Bruce) secured a second reading of his bill to enable township' Councils to de-- liver tax notices by mail instead of having the collector deliver them in person. He seeks to place the town-- ships on the same basis as cities, towns and villages. Investment of Sinking Funds. A bill by Mr. J. W. Johnson (West Hastings) to prevent municipalities investing sinking funds in their own debentures was sent on to the Muni-- cipal Committee. The Provincial Sec-- ret&y was somewhat dubious about the effect of the bill, claiming that the present act, if honestly observed. would give the original debenture holders ample protection. Mr. John-- son contended these were trust funds and should not be subjéct to manipu-- lation by Town Clerks, but the Pro-- vincial Secretary pointed out that ; sinking funds in the bank only drew a low rate of interest, while the muni-- cipality, if it could not use that money would have to pay much higher rates for what it had to borrow. Mr. J. McFarlan (East Middlesex) enjoys the distinction of having a bill to amend the municipal act given a second reading during his first session in the House. The bill, while a gen-- eral amendment, applies to a local situation in Middlesex county, and 'provides for the extension of boun-- daries of police villages. Owing to a preponderance of feel-- \ing against giving -- County Coun-- cils the power to prohibit auto-- mobiles from using country roads 'twenty--four -- hours in _ the week. Mr. Anderson (South Bruce) with-- drew a_ Pill containing . this pro-- sal. Since introducing . the _ bill g:, Anderson frankly stated that he'hld no hope of even getting the | House to consent to a six--hour prohi-- pition. tion C $118 j --__A number of other questions were '- n Cost 022. E Wlmenw_l Sta .022 allowed to stand over, although Mr.' 3 When the questions by members| Rowell urged that answers be given & ere called, Mr. Anderson was in--| as members were anxious to deal E : rmed that the Jordan Harbor Ex--|]| with the information. oflmental Station had cost to date --In reply to an inquiry of the 3 p:" g22, and Mr. Allan Studholme] leader--of the Opposition when the E. :mut Hamilton) was told that 2,240| redistribution bill would be ready, --1 aomestic servants were admitted to| Mr. Foy was unable to say definitely. _ | tne Province 1" respect of the money | The Government was working on the $4. th ded for bonuses and advances to| measure, but he had no idea when it A Zwents 2094 organizations. would be given to the House. f