1 11 V V _ '1 t '5' Ie'" _, [Br; V T 1 . - Y" "w 5.. , y C) - -'. - . IlrgE5rgl1lErrC" C "." A. T??' C l . r,' 11 C . . 'tttttey only " CS8R _ it". N "WC m. t. '4'! 1. . C. " I ' a . .. 5.: "i.2.: 1 ... aiiiE fe-rs -- 1 F 7 ( t'llt't,tePtattLt'e.esttf "tttttll" j lf fill') EN "C541" . . . 9 Boats Administration. _'., 1iy" at? g, . , C Not Bullies-like. _ .-"v,'sp,iifi'e');)fis?s',i_'i','"r'l's_ I . C J Mr. Hush Munro (Glen j","' . . I Kflillllllill m Wltllt 1 T we Brourd that the s1l'o'b'l'ned'i'?dtt l 1 as no different from an annual l, 1', . Ekatement given to a. meeting or -'""'------ . . ;'l't"tl"et'g', _,'ePghmran,,s,i; It could , - i one at a statement in- . . . , F M 'd',,',",,',",?,.? as to details would be, ac- Private Bills Committee Defers w 'r, "69:33"ng any hint" of ibusiness men. V to El t . r 1f 'erniiien ," teclared Mr. lk t1/,e,.st.y,o, is nothing but good busi- , ea crate , Bl for. In the abserce of proper in- l . . li; mation the Province might his "_---.-..-- fl flee {fr millions about which the r 2 e n ' V ' 1 w nothing. 0F OTTAWA AND HAMILTON 2 Mr. Rowen's Apt Contrast. l Mr. Rowen showed what the com-3 f, '""_""""""'" C . 3103: Statement of finances would be . M I -. T" me or followed " / - .C, . l, u, . C it' Tillman Minister of Finance.3 as: Jlp. 3 8pm": Water Problem " Vexed One .1. IF; at; 12153? 21533113639 gol'nier Treasurer, C -Windsor's Growth Responsible * Rr: a e. ssumin t ' . " Ne "' Tt W111 t statutory expeenditure (ll'/,yrtfda,t,,at/e i or Setual Bills - Dock at the} , Ity, as Ifl§t year, and was added to the heattit. a Mit"' $11,263,o00 of estimated disburse- , C, 11g: merits, there would be a total esti. - . - Tllt mated expenditure for the current m rr , Near, without even further supple- There "r' . . _ Th' tnentarles, of $15,957.000. If they T' " was ample demonstration of 1 k' turned to the estimated receipts, leav- the "Heme feeling which reigns in ' - 1 ing out cash on hand, borrowed Ottawa on the t'Pspeetivr. ' " . limney. they arrived at a 1i ' 4' O water t r '"' ., - sure of schemes when ti hi . . ' , $9,79:i.000, showing a nominal deficit w . ' m 1ill standing In Mr. . 2 of $6.164,000. Ellis name came before the Private ' " . Commenting on this. Mr. Howell Ems C'orurnitteuy of the Legislature 2 ', said: 'One can readily understand yesterday. Both gaps in the 11121.1 when you look, at these figures why versy Were. linnd - ' contra- g: my hon. friend the Provincial Trea- w" , I - Trp, and a goodly s13. 5 surer did not include in his tlnanciat Pot w" of the room was taken up by "ill.: statement the statutory expenditure. large deputations from Ottawa Mr 2 K, because if my hon. friend show) in Ellis:' Supporters made thliiJi,i,')', ' th. " , his statement a. nominal deficit of $6,. more Drainine t . T _ b es e C , 1 000,000, ,Which would have to be met " - "I by displaying badges _ I, by borrowed money or increased tax- with lhe Inscription: "We Back Ellis . ?li01\ or J't,1et"i!i., expenditure, the. and 31-31116 Lake." a , 'rovince \vou d sit up and take no- The 'i-, Ci _ s . . . . . tice, and it would quicken public in- Whetherlbiug "jaw. largely one of w... 2.1 terest. in the financial affairs of the . C aJority of the people or U iNjir"r. Province and in the manner in which Ottawa were in favor of getting al (.e,ll's,'it,.w they were administered. We Say the water supply from CI-mile Lake ori' 11.? people ot this Province are entitled from the Ottawa River and t , 1'ri.rsr' to know all the facts regarding the, this oi t . .. _ .' l o settle few finances of the Province." f 11011112111): 1': sub-committee was ap- __' .r.f -. , - _ 3 o raw up the form i . 12 r',":'," Statements Untmsinessmce. i the question should be hallogd'VhiCh f j, y in discussing his amendment Mr. Mr. Ellis (West Ottaw sis- - C i ( 5,31 Bowman challenged the Judgment of} they were simply askingathztrttii: '33:! , ihrri any member in the House that as ai million dollars which was voted last d , ( matter of o.r.dinary business 1audl Fear should be increased to eighiC ,2 banking practice a ttnancial State-l millions to meet the increased cost: I I ment should be accurate to the last now estimated, b "Ci-.77» . cent; there should be no omissions, Mr. Champagne (East Ottawa." all'. the amounts of the various items took the position that poor people i _t,'r9f' should be properly given, and the had a perfect right to vote for the 1'i1t, whole arrangement should be frank; cheaper scheme, and he considered "-,'_1 c! and clear f'" that any person ordin- they should be consulted as to wheth- 1er?t urilv familiar with figures could reachi er the. eight million or the two mil- , .itrlit. a proper conclusion. A business maul lion (filtration) scheme was, to De - if? going to a banker for the purpose on adOpted. . . . _,. obtaining credit would have to pre- A hill authorizing the city of Ham. Mig, sent a statement of his assets and lia- llton to purchase. its. own stone quarry . i ' 1 hilities in such a way that would give with an expenditure of $75.000 was! , tll i tty, bankers general idea of the state if???" the vote ot the people 0f! i i ot the business and how it was car. at. cuty. 2Fft(i, 1 it'iedhion.1 "if any business man gives Windsor's Expansion. . PF/if'? T s Jan er a statement which is . ' _ . - ' td2fi;, ' 'r---. . .1 T The expansion of the city of Wintr. _,ii,ii!,il_,(,_', 'acf"irft2r,iir1,t,11it's "819d. as a basis sor was reflected in three hills which! i it'si'i')t" l found to be iiioorrea:n hls ~afterw9rd3 f were appro\ ed by the committee. One: 11.1111 1v places himself u-Cd-- e immediate- authorizes the city to purchase lands} t i, "21;". lo} the crimi i n er the operation ' for factory sites, to he sold to manu- y I tit) 1 na code. l lecturers. another tixes the Detroit] 'lllEci tunnel assessment at $1,000,000 for ' li.',' the next fourteen years, and the 'l' It, property of the Michigan Central , 'll" Railway at $450,000, while the third Cw: permits the city to raise money up ai.. to one million dollars on debentures d ' for the equipment and betterment. of T the Waterworks. , l Dunnville's bill authorizing the, . raising ot money for municipal pur- ( i. . poses was reported, as was also a bill ' E. permitting the town of Orangeviliu ' - to loan $30,000 to a knitting factory 'Ill E, by way of a bonus. and to " the rate it . . of taxation and water rates for . . twenty years. d' ' " Sault's New Dock Company. , Ei, An agreement between the city of Irlll , Sault Ste. Marie and Francis H.' BM Clergiie and the Lake Superior Dock! 1iME . & Construction Co. was ratified. Un- 1 "reps-Ts," .der this the assessment is fixed at 9-K "750,000, on which taxes tor school .111. 'rates will be paid for twentv-years. _ '- IThe city will also pay the company We '3201000 for a period of twenty years. - Ii From 1921 to 1925 the assessments i T r [for general taxes will be $500,000. 1 f o----------"-'"'" t _ 1 1 , . ' .3. 1,, .