en en o en oo P eeogee t SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1914. -- wrrenrefencend ic iG ie ies Ees it i reatea e esc uiestsc aaaiaen _ AT LUNCHEON y ; & Mr. S. H. Wolfe's Address on Work-- ] + t men's Compensation. In order that the employers of this Province should have their regsponsi--~. bilities in the proposed Workmen's Compbensation Aet fully explained to ti'l-'vm.i ' the Board of 'Trade arranged for a lunch on, at which Mr. S. H. Wolfe, Conf--. 1 sultingy Actuary of New York City, spoke Qn the dev, lopments of the Work-- ' men's Comnensation ideas in various countries' His addtess. was as follows:;:---- You have very courteously extend-- ea--to me &n invitation to appear be fore you and speak on the subject of the proposed workmen's compens: tion act in this Province. The very faci that you @esire to have thi subject @iscussed before you is an indication of the realization of the changed con-- ditions which have taken place in the relation between master and servant, | '<between employer and empnloyee. For | many years <«employors' liabilitr ir:-! surance has heen an accepied fact. | and that form of protection was ,m-l deubtedly the natural and logical out-- l Erowth of industrial conditions. ts | dominating ideg waus / that the ocms i)li).\'t'l' should bae nratec'ed -- aeaingt--<