M ; [said if this Commission® was to be | Ontério, no place where the rapidiy 'of giving a man a big ':'s:lsary and a ing public was growing more rapidly, soft job he was against it. If the ; | yet they were faced with a normal s Commisgion was one that was willing decline in the rural population. The to go into this work and give their h motion aimed at a systematic study services free he was in favor. Ra. } of the problem. It would be a good ferring to the Minister of Agricul. thing if a Commission were appoint-- ture's speech, Mr. Studholme said they 'ed to gather data and take other had done too much for the northwest steps. That would be a good starting [and too little for themselves. point for better and remedial meas-- The House divided at 11 o'clock, | 'ures. He instanced the case of the the result being that Hon. Mr. Duit's -- United States, where rural Commis-- amendment was carried by 51 to 16. sions had been tackling:u('h DI'O_hle'(?;]S- Liquor Law in Waterloo, I st six years the area in the a y I,Pr:'ot\'};:c:?a producing food. showed a r'l he motion of Dr. McQueen (North | substantial diminution. | "entwort'h') for a return referring to | the administration -- of _ the liquor \Lack of Feeders, ' license law in North Waterloo drew | It was a serious situation that with from Hon. Mr. Hanna -- a promised an increasing city population the food | fiatement as to the advisability of products upon which these people live | giving information along certain lines. ! had been diminishing. -- Referring to| The Provincial Secretary held that t'm;i agricultural training, the Oppuh'iti(m} greater part of the question went | leader said the Agricultural College directly against the spirit of the liquor | ' only met the needs 'of a portion ut' license act and to what had been j ' the agricultural> community of this practically the universal practice of Province. It seemed to him sumethin;.:l the department with regard to such l like havying a university withou*t hav--| information. It had been the practice | ing a high school or public school| of the department, and furthermore, system as a feeder to the university.| it was the statutory duty imposed upon They should have in different smui every officer of the department charg-- ' tions of the Province . agricultural ed with the enforcement of the liquor | 'high schools, or whatever they might license act, to treat as confidential | call them, similar to those in I)on-l any information that was given to | mark, Germany and other countries| him bearing on the violation of the in Hurope. | act. He took the point not because Mr. Pattinson (South Waterloo) ' this happened to be North Waterloo, said the initroduction of district rep--| and he would say in justice to the resentatives was a greai step. I Inspector for North Waterloo and in' 4 C n 1 justice to that constituency that there Tariff® Favors Cities., | was nothing reflecting upon *the ;ul-' Mr. W. McDonald (Centre ~Bruce) | ministration of the liquor license act. said 28 counties in Ontario had de--| With regard to the request for the | creased in population uuring the la.sli' report of the Provincial License In--/! ten years. 'The decrease in the rural| ¥ spector in 1913, the Provincial Se<~-l part. had been in round | numbers retary stated there was no inspector | 4v.908 0. who visited North Waterloo for any| During the last ten years the only{ | such purpose in that year. { places that have increasea in popu--| C * p * 4 lation are the cities, New Ontario and' | Conduct of Inspectors, i the fruit--growing districts. 'The cause Mr. Rowell said the amount of heat had been due to the tariff policy ut' which his hon. friend exhibited show-- | the country, which tends to puild up ed that there was something at the | the industrial centres and depupul:uof back of the motion giving him~--*~-_; the rural counties. The lure of the | The sentence was not allowed to be | west had also boen a large contribut-- completed, the Provincial Secretary | ing factor. 'The scarcity of farm help rising and indignantly remarking, [l could be remedied by a wis»-- ixnn]igra-' expressly stated there was nothing | tion poli¢y, a matter largely of Fed-- aut the back of this motion. I now u::k{ eral conctern, but it could be greatly | the hon. gentleman to accept? my | stimulated by Provincial co--opera-- | statement." Mr. Roweli said he \\'(Hll(l' tion. The decline in rural population | accept the statement that the Pro-- | meant a distinct loss in political vincial Secretary's statement was such | power, which was seen in "the pend--| on general principles. Mr. Rowell | inz Federal redistribution. | said hbe auite recognized that in the | The remedy, Mr. McDonald pointed admini.'a'ti':niun of the law the officers | out, was not to preach to matured should me permitted to treatcomplaints | men and women. The start must be as confidential. This motion, how--| made with the boys and giris. '"The ever, was not dealing with an individ-- ; iv.x of ine farm must be taught in * val complaint of vliolation of the law; j the public schools." Interest in the it was dealing with the conduct of thel work must be stimulated by more inspectors, and in framing that it may | generous prizes to schools and county be the lgmguage was broad because of | ilairs. & the desire to secure all information | "It grieves my heart to see the relating to the conduct of the inspm;-f money that is being wasted on that tore. . -- | castle in Rosedale when vyou are Mr. Hanna declared that no letter starving the farms, the rural schools, of a slanderous nature -- would bf'j and the country fairs,"" said Mr. Mc-- tabled, and added that in the light of Donald amid applause. Radial rail-- what had been said he did not think' ways, good roads, and the Hydro--el-- there would be any misconception in ectric service would receive the cor-- appreciating the question. dial.support of the Liberal members. | Dr. McQueen remarked that evi-- ; folll;l)eu;;g;)e::s'sfi(;kg::;'(;)l:-isej I\a';"thho l\i]'::: i'glent]_\.' a touch--up on license admin-- | tance that Mr. Duff had a:'m away in' BPe Stlrwi.d P sor.ne S oo M mi his speech from the question of agri-- | the House.. If the Cox ernmdent had culture. The Minister of Agriculture | | done what the» promised to do when made no attempt to show <the Pro-- | | in Opposition, to remove the lxcen_se ' vince a way out of the difficulty. | system from under the party spoils + * system, they would have saved a good Poor Departmental Mcthods. | deal of trouble. Mr. Hugh Munro (Glengarry) | Return on Bilinguals. thought the business methods of the s aint f 4 Department of Agriculture were at Mr. Racine (RussellL m0\ed'f0r a fault, and he was satisfied that the return _ showing the English--F rench Province was not getting -- adequate or hbilingual schools in the Provm_ce. value for its expenditure., He can-- both public and separate, from which | -- trasted -- conditions in Ontario with the Government grant has been with-- those in Quebec, where the rural pop-- held during the years 1912 and 1913, ulation had actually increased, while and the grounds upon which these for the same period in Ontario it had | had been withheld. Hon. Dr. Pyne fallen away behind. ' said a return would be brought down. Mr. Kohler asked if the amount of Winter Rural Schools. compensation to be paid Sir William R o K Meredith as Commissioner: on the. Mr. J. G. Anderson (South Bruce) . workmen's compensation act had been believed they should have winter | fixed. The reply was in the negative.. schools in Ontario for the larger boys | mmb ee c ioen t iropniihy nonmemercathoetommnaice and girls. The tariff was a matter' wessinmmainionine nemnemains which might be inquired into by a Commission. He was of the oplnion! ' that the tendency of a protective po-- i licy had been to draw from the rural ' ' districts to the industrial centres,. He also thought that together with the. large college at Guelph they should have smaller schools, presided over' by the district representatives. A demonstration farm was another thing '(which Mr. Anderson advocated. 'Labor Member's Criticism. }_Mr.' Studholme (East Hamilton) /