E/ § m ® e 1 -- STREET RA ' \ | _ B HYDRO--RADIAL SCHEME: OPERATE BEACH LINE y 4 Es s ORGANIZATION UR i 'f CARSs MoEST RUYXY -- THROCGH TO GED | UMUNRO PARK,. SAYS LEGISLA-- j ' TURE COMMITTEE. 22 | mmmnt esns D From Principal Ontario Cities Ask ! late . o (Fike ranou ons hh is 4. elegates From Principal Ontario Cities As mmediate : Action R ding Plan f blicl d Electri ind after & ;l....,_',v'\»'m lively discus-- ction Regarding Plan for Publicly--owne ectric $ h iailway Committee in the s ® . pegislature sesierday accided ibat the Railways to Serve Whole Province ' S Foronto-- Railway Company continue i their Queen -- street east -- service ; praviastiesvey t | hrough ito Munro Park, near the | h 4 3 { | town Iine. between the c:ity and l'm"_g To exiend the scope of the cam-- ; endorsing the proposal for a "l'adial! ciip Of Searhors art of which had |-- PAign for Hydro--electric radiat rail--| railway syflem built by the people, | } [ SCar ro', a part of whis had t f R , . j owned by the people, and for the hben. | fcankt Ei f k «y | ways in Ontario a large deputation, Sf +1 * * Hhens prooe erpvognl 4 weein discortinued after having be Cl A C x: ® C t 1""' of the people. There were many j 4 perated fof eight®en yeuars, l'fm,-i representing all the municipalitie '"'; sections of the Province where 7'!'0-' t fest of operaling. this portion will. 3c | the Hydro--radial Union, waited upon | "--'""':«:" ',"_ is actuall; "-"'r'"')'fw;! til?"ml'.':'z]' j: done at the railway company's m,\nll ine Untario Cabinet yesterda """":; ru- 6° PrOper (Fanspotation Magits : *Xpense, the cost of track mainten E tn urge imimediate action on th« 1";!{'.1 Representing th« great middle SCI"-I V ance to be borne by the city. This was! of the CGovernmeut to have the | tion of western Ontario Mayor Gra-- the motion by Mr. W. D. ,\.l«~!\|)<-;-,\.,"! seheme organized and construction | h"}"} of London emphasized the need ind the amendmert, by 'Mr. 'P. H , commeneed The deputation, which| i6 ,]A'?:'h( rail ways :;.'"'t;"'"i""'%' across the ennex, was that the railway com~ | was introduced by Hon. Adam I'..'-v"s..i "Illt'" 1:' '.'l! i" ?W'I,F:ln is' .".h':) Mh:}""" pany be ordered to continue the line | 5 Talma}e and irunk lines. Ahe "}'urol 'o Munro Park. and that the terms of| presented 1 memorial and ll'n(lt"i project did not run counter to the in-- $ jayment and sorvice given for such! agreement setting out the lines upon| terests mr 10e Arker rellware. S".' C portion be loft to the Ontario lHail-- | which the Union would like to u;,,,..:;g perintendents and traffic managers all vay and Muricipal Board. The 1' the matter proceed. i'";'""""} that the scheme would work| suit of the vote evoked corsiderable Mavor Carte: o1 Guelph was | weil for the development of the r"l'al' ipplause, the table--thumping of !hw: sjp0okesman The memnorial thai ].(;i sections of the ecountry members on the majoritv side being | read, which was signed }»: all "":' The midlands district was _sp')ken' $ supported by hand--clapping from the | delegates present, made the follow.| for by Mayor Buller of Peterboro'.| 6 iarge depmation present from the | E. remheats. i This Gistrict had so far not feit lhei ' MisItict --concerned. | 1y "That patmissiou ba. siven to , benefit of the HMydro--electric impulse | A bill to incorporate the 1'1;])(1011," the Hw--dro--eletric Power Commission | as much as other parts of the Prov--| . {trand Bend & Stratford Railway, ufQ to proceed at once with the indus ;ilm-_ but the raiiway project was 111|~! (a which the provisioral directors will | trial ®evelopment of the power at doubtedly popular and would receive| \ be W. _ R. Hillard, .student, George | tns spillway of the new _ \\'vf-lwnl' the hearty support of the people in s Howard Gray and James Joseph Gray. | Canal nnd "-!zl h other points in the j the central portion. | barristers, was carried with some al--| previnee as may be considered ad l Hydro--radials vould solve the terations. The most notable change | +'sgble, and that funds be placed at| much--discussed railway problem in was the deletion of the eclause that ' the disposal of the Commission to | Collingwood, said Mr. M. P. Byrne of the company shall have the right to | pgr,,, cut this project [ that town,. The district was quite ha-\:: HS' cars o t r-atvq ever th('\ 'fi'l ' .l,h;."'th'" £ lqh'w'if'l '_J,,:",',",[',):v," without railway service except along tracks of the electmic railways known | which is submitted. authorizing tha; the lake front, and if the scheme was as the |'u"}\]"'Ilv :4"--*"'1 H::ll\'lx:' and | "\,j,.n',']('.;""'.fi Power Commission | Put under-- way Collingwood, Owen § P London & Port Stanles H'"i"\;"'fi and the. municipalities to enter inteo| Sound and many other towns would H'N' ('za,pxl:'-l» stock of the company i . contraact for 4"..,.. construction ;,nd} come forward in participate. "Let will be $2,000,008, ard the head u}llu'r( SET 19 € mitale un clint as warve 'nal UK NHVA quick action," he said. * k «+ 6 4y atio n o uch radial railways be 1 will be at Stratford. - aAdery (h _' WX s ts renimant | Mr. W,. B. Doherty, St. Phomas,} ThE bill pespectins ths Gueliph | adovy e as a standard agreemen *L En mn iram 11 'has*" it io oY 1ifi ~Pp t a ifes" t Far A¥ipy ind that smuch legislation as is neces-- | Ca®® wHBi 9l e ty in the Nest Radlal Railway Company, for ext« ** arminug e aaliga Tans mama nasspq | eccunty of the Province."" Hydro--elec-- j sion of tim for construction of d sary to legalize th ame be pa ""I:'r'.. h'-:-i been suecesg in St. Thomas. | ; branches, and authority "', construct | .,:.h"',ji:"'-'l.:|,lTl't"1" (aAvarnrnmant m4SK ' \,\'-' 'l;'n-'.w 'I no "'"\:m:- i hy t_';{n.% certain branches. was carried. | t o ) That yous \"A""H'n]"'," ",dA | peonle shonuld not have T 5« i'«i rail~| The Toronto, Darrie & Orillia HRail-- |-- loegislation guarantceing the bonds to | es aq (Rhel ""' S " \" ,.'"'i'fl % £ ,;' way Company, who asked to be 'en--|; -- be issued for the construction of| ""¥ 0l ne't own o nc o ofinigtly abled to issue bonds, debentures) or |-- such radial roads as are approved by j '\\-"HI" e r cce :?j"'-'-' U('"'{"L"' other securities to the extent of $40.-- | the Hydro--electric Commission -- and j m..i" Ne e Onkiis o Pravge ; | 000 ber mile of single track rail-- | the -- municipalities, therebs forming | . M avoyp .\:.-y-r:.' of l'r-ti-,vxt"-i gaid '!m: \\.--|\"2Iil extension of "(il'if! for 'om : a-- security '\\hh'!" will gell im Th"'; :"1",.;1||(|' for Mydro--radinls \'\H:\' ""'? l;u"'nt'pnl'-'.n and eompletion, 'and to | _ markets of the world under the most| "('""'""', to is ClE ;.m'fl'.'" "'-'h"? ar a + wWeorg taol-- + it inns ommunity. Every part of Lambton | operate cars and train on 7'""7:'.%".\ | {avora'le conditions. | enunts? wask keenivy anticinatin® thea arsl far carrvying passengers only, subject | ( 4) That-- your Government 1"3"""; hk i5 s sc CE O S it S Hal l.fi:]]];':,,.;p: thn »o E?It'» osed )1 t he f 1'21,'-]31'"" ;,\]f?ltsn ( i | & f'i\! 1'\-".\(1". 1""": ension l Ointario ',:: Uwas i and -\1'""3_""."- 1; such rtadial roads to be for the peri S'I'grmnu WHi Co--opcerate |'v"'df'd, had their bil put '-hll":!}'.", [ od of"fifty years,. and that no sink t nc §*% * ? sore ansues umm smcs n n moremagts Prscommmmmomemeen | ing fund be provided during the 3"!'-(i" Toronto is prepared to do its full| p ton vear of the life of the t",'i""' part dowards th« realization of the | bonds, theareby enabling the ""'7'"\1""'.: Hydro--radial sehome,' said T'73~")"i trn start under the most' advantag®-- | Haqrken, Toronto had been loral to| ous conditiens i the power npraject ind it would }'»e'w (3) That your Government PASS | squally as lovai to the railway seheme. ! Iegislation -- authorizing . the "f'il"'i Other speaker: yere: *'rj!n)"f'"f:'!'li Commission to divide th |""J'1"'"'" MeCarth: Toronto: \Alderman Ru,--! ' into electoral zones, &( that on£ i savne., At Catharines: Mavor \'(1'!1--! myuynicinalitv or portion thereof could <trong. Campbeliford, and John T'i«"l\'.' < not hindor or delay the constructi0n | Praspjent Cobourg RHRoard of Trade. : . of a radial road that might be cen | Dr. Pyne spoke briofly, remarking} sidered necessary and desired br the| inat (he deputstion looked as if it | & majority. of the other: municipalities, ames from & prosperous coimmunity.| such zones to'be designated by thejpp, projposition subriitted to the Gov-- Commission. t' ornment was, perhaps. the most im-- | Mane» -- Municipalities: Represcnted, portant that h: been i'u'nugh'f e + a "'rr-v;li vears, -- Of course, the financial In support of the inemorial, Maxyor| qspect was one that had to be 4"""Sid-i Carter '»,,.m"»l-] out that the delegates ered. But the GGovernment would Jeal; represented an nbroken chain t G'.; with the maiter according to its I'nt*!'it{ municipalities from Windsor to Pres-- | and importance. | coft. and from the Great Lakes 1"; "AH will be done that can be dJone| (_'}(lf'l"gi'dll };fl?v f in make the j"i")_i"'"' feagibic and lIUF-! Alderman Hannigan of Gneliph de !"lni/'." said Hon. Adam Beck, in re--} clared that the {ydro railway project | sponse to loud calls for "Reck, ,R('"lif'l had grown beyond anticipation d",':i'l; 5 Mr. Hanna was called upon for a fp"" the year, and it kad "cgaught.on. Jn hremarks, but the Provincial ecretary ; every municipality . in "the Proj in"® | declined to add further to the discus--} where it has heen presénied. ".3="l>i-,:w, acquiescing in what had already{' municipalities present were a unit in | been said. x § > > e | i (47d