" ie n CC m en "uls Fy f ing. "election,"" and under the law | f mds : '@s it now exists it takes practically «e | » three months to complete the lists, 80 H EN ; 4 _that the amendment proposed will | 4.make provision for the use of the old | a lists if it is the desire of the party | . h | In power to order an election on short |' S', notice. | Registration Law Changed. snrrengorere nb hsn cce eanuds | Tbe law with respect to the regis-- || x , | tration of manhood suffrage votes is|| Buik of $5'000,000 Ralsed for Northern Ontano Develop.' changed so that the Board of Regis--| | O P tration instead of holding sessions || h I * & ® \ W r Other Purposes--Li W within seven days after the date Oti" ment Was Used fo P beral Whip the writ shall hold their last of four 1 # s , & i sittings not less than ten days before|| EXPOSCS ReprehenSIble Practices the date of the clection. Mr. Hearst pointed out that the time now allow-- soonmnnmnttecnmnsn umss mecantetms oo aesceaen ic ed was too short to make the neces-- sary arrangements and the law was Bond flotations by the Provincial qamount earned out of the grapng [n | being honored in the breach j . j other words, the rural ; 6 ennaxainl * Cavar » rer seussed biy ths + irai public schonts The present law is also amended (","",m""m "P"'.dm -\' f uwis'"mi the entire amount .';',-, to provide that the Registration Board || Public Accounts Committee 01 {ficlency, and while the seyp ','l s shall hold continuous sittings from Legislature _ yesterday. Mr. C. . '.\l'il(u;l.\_ which had earned the '1 "" 9 o'clock in the morning until 10 in Bowman. Chief liberal W hip. who lof the excess, were pai n "_" the evening. Hitherto the hours of vas conductine the $ramination, As-- public schools had to bear the en. recess have been inconvenient, and || Y4S CONCUCUNS gnifart. tire. amount 'of the $120,000 which | occur at a time when a great immany lt"""nl'-n"d from "Mr. (!: 'If;. Sproule Lait ~schools earned in excess of iL } voters are unable to register. It is [| Assistant Provincial Treasurer, that jgrant. 'The total grant was $400.000 ;' f'."'thm. provided that the Deputy ';nl\huuf;'h loans were authorized I but as the proportion of the ex. 'sg ; Registrar shall keep in the registra-- d Yaw . Tan sbecihic BUF-- | chargeable azainst Senaratm tion booth a--eopy of the last revised by _ ine Avegisiatine. 101. SECC f 11 sch#éols was 7 per ceont 1 was 1 voters' list, so that applicants shall | j poses,. the department never actuall¥ | thought that the public schools "W'_'"/ be able to ascertain whether or not :"q'.n'll\ill'l\'("(i" the money, but the pro-- | absorh that amount they are entitled to register. | A A A 6 +1 1 wmwnsiimsnomcemesasncediieendinenrmmstorvmmmen: ' * k A 'eeds from the loans were placed to | ---- } When a Dominion election writ | }fC""C" °!' 4 Ee ie k oA ' bears a date not more than six months | |the credit of the consolidated revenue | after the date at which the last sit-- "t'llnd and used for general purposes. | tings for registration were concluded, | | -- Mr.-- Bowman's examination | was | a new registration shall not be re-- +A f o T\ sfi f n d vards the loan | quirod for the purpose of an clection | !}H.IlllVllb.l"\ dire« d 'i'l\ irds the O | to the Legislative Asserubly. Where j 'nl $5,000,000 authorized two _ years ' the Dominion writ is dated not more | \ago for Northern Ontario -- develop-- | than one year prior to the date of 'llu'nl. Of this authorized hmn.: the last registration, it shall be with-- A s | % -- 1iUS )ee T e M UR ' in the power of the Lieut.--Governor 'N.nm,_uma has been gaised, ',', P | in Council to say whether a new reg-- | | $1,300,000 has been spent on ~New UOn-- | istration shall be necessary. i"'""' Mr. Sproule was quite frank | ' ,\nolh'm"rlullsv increases the fc('SI in his statement that the balance m" : of the NHegistrar | s j 1 -- k R R s [the money had been used for any | N omination of Candidates, : i [gonvr:nl purpose where a vote had | An important change is to be made | lb,..\n made by the House.. Further | 'ecard » § inati 'can -- @ f in regard to the n mination nf_ }'an'; auestioned. by Mr. © Bowman. -- Mr. didates. T'he -- amendment provides | | * 4 C o | that the nominations shall be in writ-- | |Sproule admitted that when the time | 1 ing, on a form to be signed by at! |('n|||¢' to pay this money back to the | least fifty ".'".\' qualified voters "f thei | New Ontario fund an additional loan | 4 electoral district, and the candidate | . Eht "hav 5e authorized . 1 a.' shall be nominated on aA _ separate | | '"'® avye tC (De AdUunof{ OO Mess nomination paper. If the nominator {nli'/.(- the amount. | is not present in person such absence t> Asystem of "paring" grants to | shall be stated, and the nmninatmn | I rural public schools was discovered by | must be accompanied by the written | | Mr, Bowman during his examination | consent of the candidate to such nom-- | jof Mr. J. R. HMumphreys of the De--| ination. If a request is made to the | partinent of Education. In 1912, the | returning oficer he shall make an ex-- I D witness stated. the rural publhec and ' I amination of the nomination paper to separate schools earned $80.000 more 1 Hfl('ertllin if . It: is l'f_:g'lfl}ll'. and his cer-- I]h;ln the grant voted l,\ the House. | tificate in writing shall be final, and :_:md this deficieney was made up by the validity of the nomination shall | the Treasury Board. In 1913, hu"\-! not be epen to 1lll('St10n on any groun(j 'p\'()"' |'|(\ "lll'l'i ""1)""- "nd Hl'i)"l'ilt" l whatever. . f ; [schools earned $120,000 'more than | In cities having a population of Over |; |the grant. Bui this time the Trea-- | 200.000, which means the city of Tor-- Isury Board would not come to the re-- | onto., and in the ridings of East and tief of the Education Department. The ' West York,. the polls shall be opened result was that the department made at 8 o'elock in the fl\\')l'ning. instead ' "iish of one and flesh of another.'"--| of at 9 o'clock, and shall remain open The separate schools received _ their | until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. /~ grant in full, and the public schools | e e / * received only 72 per cent. of lh\*} }; = ww caamzmrmmse mc e macecamamae es mm m rmmmmememamee ~ m mamamn | | STALLION ENROLLMENT ACT | | SOON TO BE AMENDEI]! MINISTER OF -- AGRICULTURE .»\Tl LAST FAVORS IMPROYVEMENT OF LIVE sSPOCK. Under _ legislation introd uced by Hon. Jas. S. Duff, Minister of Agri-- culture, the improvement of live stock in the Province is to be secur-- ed by prohibiting anything but purc-- i bred stallions to be used for service after 1918. Thc stallion enrollment act is to be amended, requiring com-- pulsory inspection -- by "40\'Cl'mm'nt' oficers. 'The various classes of grade stallions are to be eliminated gradu-- |ally, so that only . pure--bred stock . |will be available after the year above named. AnOt-hel' l)l]l, to protect l""'c-bl'ed stock, imposes a fine on the owner of any bull that runs . "at large," which mears that the animal mu: \ ust be attended when it is travelling on the highways or away from its home. , es s is