' LI k 3...). B, .w. é K Cl f ' - 'll5tisttgfiP8'i ' A" lk "ttr " q __ at: , - 'tW%' "iCe'1mlmtt ; hint". tmtttf4lm "mun: 'Y, .-.-,.,.i g , , .m. . "ttt the bill. and Mr. Chum. I _ _ , if" _ "l "' 1' . r" BE . (Eat mu") atmittat. Illlll ' V ll , Adam .5 In Student. ' I ' llllMIri't Sc i, The committee agreed that James l 'George Guys-Basin be regarded as l. ----------.-- ' ' a fourth your law student. and would I . l I now be subject to title thrules and. . . . l re uiations applying it e caBe " l "me iDlsregards Ellis Bill on Ottawa! (mil examination. Hon. Mr. Hanna! l . . . said he thought a strong case. had , I Water (iluestion been made out to let this go through, _ ' I for in the circumstances they should [ - I M.-.-----------'--- 'make an exception. He thought " t . i 'was the' right of every citizen to 'cht 'UTMOST LICENSE URGED} a lawyer. practise law. and give ad-,' - I vice. _ I . , L , gllE, , - ---------_ ; il'llllllNE glhNI'l' IMI Tote Arrays Ottawa "(Withers Against i CANEEL I MII [RANT g; Each crthcr--Fi"tat Solution lie-5 I d I Bllll _ I ql j ponds l'limi ttecotttttttuuitttiott (iii i Mil l i - _------- __ __. - Mi? the I'rmlnciail Board of llcaltli. i l Fiisl ' l . . I liglll l ,' ._ 'e-e -,-_ i i0pinion of Armstrong of Can-1 'iq g The tilt-.uia Water question was tpal Railway of Canada l if? iagaln thrashed out in lixely fashion 's'lijhli ;beforc the I'vivatr Hills: t'ontmittee -- i, _",,":,), ;.Vcstcrda.\' " lion the bills of Mr. Ellis! 1 1 '1'»: land lion. Mr. Hanna were up. Ini, {SUBSID'ES ARE EXPECTED; ,-; ivicw of the. recent vote of thc electors '; i l "it j?: 70f "Haiku aKainst the, til-Mile liakcl i m..-.-__ ' 'rl a l, 'schcmc. lip. Hannah-t bill commanded I l,. . . . i '. 'r' i Salmost the entire attcntion of the! l ice-l Inuit-m ot "w Road "eirlic.tto, 7;. l . ' icommittec, and although tltott wasl . l Hott. W. H. "cars! and hay "is; r . Ir,'".:, (ft"',',',':.'",',)',' to l ill .',r",',',"' 12i1iri' i ("mum") is Fhttitied to Land if: , a o It' PCtttciV I', m" g a f" - l (il'illlls' l'l'mid-l . . 'au. . i til":- itions in sonic (it-tails in a "uh-com-l, ; H rot Year, Avr. i 'iitt'rt,'i.i:'j', l lmittce of Messrs. l'ninlv-ii (North ltcn- l l -7-...-_.....--... l 'ii?l'rti'.li, ifreii t, Mcl'i'ca tSudbury '. llcniiux ( l ( {33.975 3 tNorth York I, Atkinson (North Nor-i t tin-mint." A»... i..i.... t', 1, F'.', .1 t,r,it,/s?,:i,r,4l l 'i'olkl. and Ross :kinnstnnl. with the! .; London. April 16, WWW-mutt-Hip":i Bltllt l {atria-www.- "f..t.hc attorneys on. vitty.'r l'frnmtm'm of the ""mri'l Psuilway or,,' . i isido. [ho bill t'OIIlt'S up again this 'i anadn limb" replies lo lhe stat-l, i [morning lut'uiw being reported. "ptwnts. "mm. in. ll 1sr' . C 3 Hon. Mr. Hanna stated that tori '(l tt .'. . . . l". V. If. "WW". Ithrcc yours tittuwzi had been agitut-: g n "fl? Minister ot Lands. I'V'Il'vsls' flint: about the watt-r quintwn. Th3: titlltl Mines. Mr. Armstrong sails that} line it"! conic whit] the muttcr ta ' this cumpunv. i.' l n. , . irc, , ltt) be s-ttlcd. The pctinlti nf (ittawal 'shni'c cupit." 'C/yt',",.,.'.,',', l anti" 3 fwcre not, and timer would be, agreed : "ll- It; . ' l", " "".""" & "Wit" {with mcgurd to any r.whr.ntts that. was i" l'. tailwuy I William: is crititlwtl in] . . Ieht forward. Tttct ("urric-McVeity lillllld a line Iroisveen Monireul um]: . schcmc was voted on and carried by IUItziwu, ritlter .1". i . b.. 7. " la majority of the people. The PM»! lot-ot. " l Il','.'. A. f" It ll'mfnu" , ' e ivlncial Board ot Health had already! 57f f . . q lit. partly iii Hip 1'rovitice, t imported favorably on an Ottawa lo 3ilturio, (tl' wholly In Qtlclmc. tin-l l River scheme. known as the Hazen idt'l' an act of the old Province of cum? ' schcmc. but he was told by the board i 339w .ircrs'sid llf'l'nt'c the croallon of thel that it did not necessarily follow _tltetl I mun" .of Ottiurio. and that tru,', ithe Currie-MeVeity scheme would be 1"t'mpunt' Is "'ntitlod io land .L'l'unls in) tin the same class. Mr. Hanna stated I'.', .ly/y.Tyot' a Province the line is con-', that his bill was prepared by the i':Y1"l'fr, Crrntvol of the public lands" man who was, debuted by the City i,y,'t.'..rylr1p,iryyl Ly the Provinces of Uri-l: . Council of Ottawa to represent them. 11.f,i.ti,,'1,n/,i Cluersec under the act of the, . -it was more of a suggestion than a 1"i,i,lli:,u,,"T,y of the l nited Kingdom! , gblll. The Currie-McVeity scheme we; '. 1'."1',l as the British North America, l. {subject to the approval of the Pro- r,'f.ir,'zti,r.),)",1,i/',", ."M'l't'SSh' preserves the, , i,r.a lvincial Board of Health. to be given, i'.,',?',',." s] of "ill-f! Parties. :Not.w.ithstanu-. _ 'iiilll (or not, at the season when proper linking" U"h,1s,1.t"". the Legislaturc of g a: examination can be made. It the i'l,)i"i0,.Y lit "191- Passed an act pur- " i Currie-McVeity scheme did qualify. 2:11" Ile, .l,',ryey,"l the land grants. "but. r " the City Council of Ottawa should hi; Ji,eiel,1'iancv: Says yy, Arrys'trorisr! '1 have the widest license to have a Winglishs: 'i)u'1'l,1lren,.,1 1.%nudian and .5:ng scheme that would be satisfactory. rim: 'fi,. "1"e's {that lt. IS? not trump" sa and prevent them coming for legitalis- to thus "1:9,! immmal Jtesris1utyre- "'5 tion to avoid typhoid in the city of Statute "but" (1ntiepaoi1,',ii1oon,,'s, of 'l, _ Q Ottawa. l h" i., .7 . iii) . Cingdom, and; '2gl, (t at this (onipdn) s title to the lantl= M {Asks for Final Decision. y"e.y/' "I 1ri1.l,llyt'SC"e1,y"; 'il tl . _ I 1e APKIS at r ' ; -' ! - all Mr. G. F. Henderson. Ottawa City 'previous . . .~" t. or on.t.y..lo, on a i 1'3. l.. . . l . occasion. he said eu- .;.., zt'ouncil adviser, said it was desirable idcavored to avoid its obligations un- "dB :that t?eryrshould be finality with re- :lrler the acts referred to, and refused; I , gard to this water question. ,to deliver the lands earned by the 7 " Mr. Hanna said that if the Ottawa A'anaua Central l lwav bur the. " River scheme nuallfled that would'; Ycourts of Ontario id that thr. Gov-', MII iend it, but if it did Dot, then it was I jcrnment was lia , and "Y ttrvan,rge-,; tirl for the city of Ottawa to adopt the imam with the company the F/o'i,'i'i?i,..l, . 31 Mile Lake or any other scheme iTenl Daid them the wide of'thc lands 1 I . which had already been approved. {in cash." -', I 'Replying to an objection by Mr. Mc- . . . . 1 'it lGarry, he pointed out that it was i"",',','":,':,',', Subsidies. Al .made clear this was subject to the In consequence of disclaimers " 'iiutrovtyl of the Board of Health. 1 the comments issued on belitlfalxi' Iq i Mr. "(Garry said they might as Premier Borden and Hon. Mr. Hearst q - iwell do away with municipalities it Ihe..company has cirtrularized the sub- =.', Ithe board were to have such favors. (stu/hers to the recent issue ziirridz" an . , an utterance which drew loud dis- it'Dtlohnitn withdraw. Speak-1:2- ("Bum - bent and drove Mr. McGarry to ex- iPomimon subsidies, the circular saysik - . claim: "I am not a bit dismayed by I The Dominion subsidy was received: V the number of interruptors." He sub- , " late as September. and, under a' mitted that as the people had ex- iCOHlI'act with the Government. the ' pressed themselves in favor of the leompany will be entitled to further? l V Ottawa River scheme. it should be il'al'rnents as the necessary works are} I the only one 'dealt with at. present. 1".y.1v/tttl,. While the Premier has Mr. T. H. Lennox thought, in View idmwunced that the Government does of the result of the plebiscite in taro.- In.o.t expe.ct to introduce a subsidv bill ' , ' of the Ottawa River scheme, it was uh," 3883mm this expectation mav ori unfair, " that was not approved by Hwy not be realized. If it is, the re.! the Board-of Health, to obliterate the villi" will be 'that a consideration of; ' Eaten scheme. It was apparent me I e fHllPh.n,s."s application for the. it More did not want to to the length 'Esual subsidies on its main line will 3 or 8.000.000 or $t0,000.tyttlt. Mr. {he delayed. '1'luraeotnpanf, however. q Chsmvatne persisted that a. vote .sashng reason for tFu3pottirttr that any: ' ' should be taken on Mr. Hapnaltrtttil, (Sci u elay would affect the question? ' f receiving the. usual subsidies. fr-Tre-----.,-'