P"'"'" "ll LO UH JNi% ll g 1 Bl muss OVER 25,000 g Mayor liooken said there was a minority in the Council and a minor- tty everywhere infavor of Mr. Good- erham. but he declared it was not tlignitiod for the members of that committee to put themselves in the way of taking the part of a minority tn a purely city controversy. ' After some further talk Mr. Mc- Pherson (West Toronto) moved that. these words /ho, added to Mr. Beck's amendment: "provided that. in the case of emergency the Ontario Railway Municipal Board may on application by the municipal Corporation direct a py-law may be voted'on at any other Mr. Whilesides supported the Beck amendment. Mr. .Studholme was of the opinion that the voters would come out and cast their votes at other times than January 1. on the latter date many would be away to spend the New Year. Hon. Thomas Crawford said the people were away in July, and they would not get a full vote. Mr. McNaught (North Toronto) said no matter when the street railway purchase question came before the people they would come out and vote, and he believed they would have as big a vote in the summer as on the lst of January. In reply to Mr. McPherson, the Mayot sang; that if the com- mittee threw " t thin hill he he- lieved the City, Council would select the 1st of January. He did not think there was any likelihood of an un- fair vote. Outside of July and August they would get as good a vote as at any other time of the year. when with the amendment. Hon. Adam Beck said he did not think it was imperative to have this applied to smaller municipalities. It was not an expensive matter in a vil- lage to take a vote or to bring out a vote, so he felt it should be limited to cities or 25,000, where the purchas- Jag of railway or electric systems runs into millions of dollars. and where corporations could afford to spend an enormous; sum of money to carry a l-ill if favorable. to their own interests at a time when the people were trot interested otherwise in com- ing out to vote as they were at the time of a general municipal electioa. London Iutertvucd, Too. Hon. Mr. Iiunrsa---1ure, D111 " m- tended lo was! the single vase of the city of Toronto. ' Mr. P.ecii--l take exccuttion to mat. I want this to apply to the city of London, irrespective of what Mr. Gooderham's intentions, are to the city ot Toronto. Mr. Sulman (West Kent) thought it should be made to apply to all municipalities of the Province. When the Gooderham bill, providing for votes on money by-laws being taken on January 1 in cities of 100,- 000 and upwards. came before the Municipal Committee yesterday it was stated hy Mr. Gooderham that the amendment of Hon. Adam Beck mak- ing it from 25,000 would meet his case exactly and he was' perfectly teat. istied with the amendment. Toronto's Purchase "val a Factor in the "otnue--.uttyot. Hoekett. Mr. Crawford and "ttters Take Part. HOT TALK IN COMMITTEE Mr. Beck Has Gooderham Bill Amended A large number of bills were given a third reading and put through the final stage in tho Legislature yester- day. Most. of those were private Mlle. hut as many matters of importance are affected hy the enactment of these laws it is likely that the Lieutenant- Governor will come to the House ull Monday and give the Royal assent to as much of the legislation as has pass- ed through the House so far Already two bills have been passed into law this session, that relating to the plels- iscite on the water situation in the city of Ottawa, and the act indemnity- ing Mr. G. Howard Ferguson (Gren- ville) from losing his seat through taking employment from the Domin- ion Government, as well as other members who were referred to but whose identity has thus tar not been disclosed. PRIVATE LEGISLATION " GETS FINAL READING Mr. Crawford charged the. Provin. cial Secretary with. endoavoring to de- feat the object of the bill. Mr. Wanna. quickly resented this. and said it Was open to Mr. McNaught to bring in an amendment as well as to ask for the votos lo be recorded. The vote was s for and 17 against thet amelldmem, Mr. Gooderhum throughout had the. ..'.:nm)rt of Mr. 1"vatvford and Mr. Whitesides. Mr. McNaught and Mr. McPherson votcd together. "You might as well have no amend- ment to the bill as originally drawn," commented Mr. Crawford. Feeling at this time began to run high and a number ot members sought to speak at once. Mr. Hanna shouted for order. The yeas and hays were called for by several. but Mr. Hanna thought that was not neck-S. sary. as the opinion of the committee seemed to be strongly against Mr. McNaught's proposals. Mr. Beck objected to ibis. "Tho amendmnnt is carried; I claim them; cannot Ire another amendment." "It. would kill the when: thing," said Mr. Gooderham. - "As soon as the amendment was declared carried Mr. McNaught pro- posed a rider that the Manse should not come into operation until January 1, 1915. F TBitt was put to the committee against the meh amendment and Was lost by 15 votes to IS. The Beck Amendment. The McPherson amendment deal- ing with emnrgem-y oases having been lost by a margin of two votes, Mr. Beck's amendment, reading as foL lows, was passed by a vote of 21 to "i: "A proposed by-law may, and in cities having a population of not, loss than 25.000 shall, where it provides for the purchase or acquiring of any public utility or street railway, or for entering into any agreement for the purpose, or for disposing of any Duh- lie utility, or granting any pub," franchise. be submitted only on inn: day fixed for taking the poll at the annual municipal election." date than Ti'