W" en e dev We W" C e efi e o C Hheveemas Bs _i ho _ b * M _ [ ks THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914 --GEF U v 3}1'7'\: t "8f Bruce county. | Mr. McDonald had two proposa.ls:ti & > one to leave Bruce county as it was, | Liberals Expose Shameful ana Snother to cqustize the" noruin: i tion by adding to Centre Bruce two , Behavmr Of the municipalities which would add to the Conservative -- vote. "I think this Government proposal so fair that no one would ever refuse to accept it." Mr. Mc-- a nevnel d TDonald supported his proposal by reading extracts from Hon. Edward Blake's speech in the House of Com-- OPPOSlTlON ROBBED mons on the famous gerrymander of 1882. "I am getting the rawest deal OF THREE SEATS of the whole redistribution of the Province this time," he said. s A Dishonest Arrangement. | Mr. J. G. Anderson (South Bruce) + + ® # * declared that Mr. McDonald had been Redutrlbutlon Bill Rallroad- altogether too moderate in his lan-- | guage. The arrangement _in Bruce | ed Thl'ough by Conser. was clever, but it was as dishonest as | it was clever. For himself, he never l ; jori canvassed for a nomination, but both vative Majonty he and Mr. Bowman would now hc} thrown into the same -- riding. He2 eammmurecommmmmees would not be within ten miles of the t new riding of Ssouth Bruce. ' "I.; C1 g ; s bi 8 Turning to Grey county, Mr. An-- Cl Rol ALO® This (biit_.to pass derson said the result of the (-hn,nges: without registering my emphatic pro-- was to strengthen the position of the test against the proposals of the Gov-- Conservative members in the North , ernment. 'Whis bill deliberately takes and South ridings. o Prate|ly Alikes Dr. Jameson (South Grey) tendered | away three members trom the minor-- Mr. McDonald the sympathy of all the ity in this House; it is designed to members of the House. The applause render the redemption of the ridings which greeted this remark -- seemed rg eold comfort for a man who was be-- atfected most ditticult; it is most un-- ing legislated out of his seat. He tair and a shametult exercise ot power thought Mr. McDonald should have by the dominant party in this House: carried out some of his pre-electio]n p rerp 7 r 1. To t * HIP q pledges and voted more independently f lht?se weore the final words of AMr, in the House. He voted with the N. W. Rowelt in a three--hours' ae-- Government on Tuesday, and thought nate in the Lregisiature yesterday ar-- if he had d%ne sohmor(g often t'he 4 fe * ESHy BapPT might have been the onservative fternoon aearhet ie raitroading nomines in North Bruce. (Laughter.) th"OUgh ot the redistribution bill. Un | 'f-"ver'\'one knew, said Mr. }:fl"'e"' every proposal put up the Opposition that the ridings had been arranged to a y * 'Car give the Government supporters an fade a yvigorous pTotest. Kyely pro-- apportunity to win North and South each case the House was forced to a servative members there was no dis-- position to make any change, but as division. s & egr soon as Liberal candidates were re-- IF'he only change made by the Gov-- turned there was a rush to make a ernment was to smft t®a boundaries change. and by means \\:holl_\- unfair | of the northern ridings in 'Foronto. attempt to reduce the Liberal repre-- | _ sentation in the House. | Instead of Avenue road and Queen's Dr. Jas. A. McQueen (North Went-- | Park from College street north being worth) also denounced the changes as | the boundary between Northwest ana an iniquity. n North t 'tor 4 s @* Mr. Proudfoot (Centre _ Huron) AN~ortheas orontos, the dividing line forced the Toronto members to en-- | was shifted westward to Spadina ave-- dorse the proposed distribution _ in nue and its projection north to the '['orotntn, d"et l'eitfirated tht? tStall,C- * ments made two days ago tha 1e northern boundary of the new |ria.-- double ridings in Toronto were un-- ings. fair to the minority, and perpetuated . 24 the "checkerboard" system which the Bruce County Changes. Prime Minister had so roundly de--| The situation in Hruce county came no'l\mced a ls{ession ago. | j e r Mr. Clarke said the effect of the in for the s s h s w he most fle\ere'('enqlno Mir. system was to deprive the minority illiam McDonald _ (Centre Bruce), voters in Toronto of any chance of whose riding is to be legislated out of having a representative in the House. existence, said he had bec The Government had fixed Toronto tnl hen led : to suit themselves. It was both absurd expect that some arrangement would and unfair. have been made to Jleave Bruce Mtr. Proudfoot also challenged the rounty practically as it was. It was divislior:d;)f ESSSX fr'o"u'r.xty to 111:3ke y a deliberate case of stealing a riding f'illll'g a;d gin?il:vi:h M ioi P e s from the Liberals. 8# e _ "If T am going down, I am not go-- Wanted Monck Restored. ng down quietly,'"' he said. "I am \Mr. Rowell made a plea for the re-- gkoing to go into those ridings where storation of Monck, and that such re--|: iiberals hnave hneiped to elect Con-- :-'sdjustment should be made in the ad--|» servatives and teil them of this loining constituencies as to permit of |« snarvpvitux gerry mander." this being done. Two members on the" '"What did you vote for last night?" | Liberal side had 5 t a already been legislat--| asked Mr. Mmusgrove, suggesting too {ed out of the Legislature, agd gela :ilidi active participation in the charges not think that Monck should be re--| agfl'inat the Provincial Secretary. moved. Accordingly he moved sec-x I asked for a fair trial, and not to onded by Mr. Proudfoot, that Monck| perpetrate another job of whitewash-- s be composed of the same municipali--| ing," was the reply. ties as at present. j ~_ **What about the leader of the Mr. Marshall, the member for| Opposition?" interrupted Mr. Hartt Monck, said the Hon. Provincial Sec--| c IF unvbody retary stated this was a situation that| against the leader ot the (pposition the riding of Monck would not diap-- T "Ifll vote for a Royal Commission." 'Dear. It was also intimated that fur-- Continuing, Mr. McDonald said the \ther opportunity would be offered to old party slogan had been changed endeavor to solve this situation. The to '"Bold enough to be dishonest and opportunity was given, and the hon. dishonest enough to be bold." 1t members for Welland, Lincoln, North was not a good thing for Conserva-- Huron and himself were asked 'to con-- tives to hive Liberals all together. sult in regard to a solution. They did '1;')10 proposed changes would upset so and arrived at a solution which was _the whole geographical arrangement taken to the Provincial Secretary and __was reported by one of the members